The two of them were very happy.

"You don't have a sorcerer's certificate, right? The adventure of the children has come to an end. I will contact your parents."

The man paused after speaking, "The world of sorcerers is far more cruel than you think. One or two victories don't mean anything, because cursed spirits will continue to be born."

"But you only have one life."

The man sincerely extended his hand to them: "I am Ye Mo Zhengdao. If you are willing, I will protect you and teach you when you grow up. This world is not cruel enough for children to bear. Leave it to us."

Ye Mo tried his best to show his sincere feelings that he would not take action against them.

Jiner and Gintoki did not move.

I can't say it.

I came here to make money.

Shinji pushed Gintoki back, indicating that this guy had come to his door, and his wallet had to be rummaged. The glaring murderous intent and the beast-like eyes condensed into a threat like a sharp knife.

However, this action of not blocking the way seemed to the man like he wanted to protect a child younger than himself.

He was still a teenager, but he had already shouldered the responsibility of protection.

The tough guy Ye Moth's heart was moved and melted, and at the same time, he was filled with unstoppable anger.

Where did the adults who were supposed to protect them go! ?

Despite this, he also coaxed the child in a gentle voice.

"Even if you can't believe me yet, at least let me stay with you." He took out the melted chocolate in his arms, "Okay?"

"Who would be fooled by cheap chocolate." Shinji refused coldly.

Gintoki had already sneaked up to the man and took the chocolate away, "Don't say that, having chocolate is stupid, it's a blasphemy to sugar! When I think about what I just vomited, I feel so empty in my stomach and heart, I came just in time."

I came just in time.

Gintoki ate chocolate while reminiscing. Even if there is a little difference in appearance, the characters in the comics are set up to be similar from the moment they are born. If you don't believe it, just think about the childhood versions of those bastards.

Right, even if they don't appear in the main film, you can still recognize which one is a cute kid and which one is a tsundere who was very arrogant when he was a child.

What's more, he said his name was Yemo Masamichi, and Gintoki thought it would be too difficult for another wild Yemo Masamichi with the same name, surname and setting to appear ten years later.

So even if he didn't know why, he was able to meet Yemo.

Gintoki also subtly developed a rare sense of responsibility.

This, can't be his fault?

The moth that won't die at this time is about to die under Shinji's hands. Isn't this his influence? Is this the butterfly effect?! The future will collapse, collapse!

Smart readers must have recognized it long ago. From the moment the furry cursed skeleton appeared, this strong man is undoubtedly the moth Masamichi. Looking at the length of the beard and the length of the hair, it is almost the aura of a people's teacher.

Exactly the same.

"You have enough in your stomach. If you are not afraid of poisoning, use your brain."

Shinji carefully observed the man's actions, hoping that Gintoki's careless eating of candy would make the man relax his vigilance and expose some flaws that he could catch and kill with one blow.

Unfortunately, Gintoki said it right as soon as he opened his mouth.

Shinji can solve it, but it is not so easy to solve it.

The man is not a weak chicken sorcerer who lacks training because of the spell. His physical skills are not weak. Coupled with the unknown cursed skeleton, even if he rushes, it is a difficult deal for the wallet.

It's not worth it, just not worth it.

Shier curled his lips. The money he gave to Gintoki was at most 500,000.

Good! The attack mode over there is lifted!

Gintoki almost swallowed the chocolate in his mouth. He put on a lonely look like a rebellious child who ran away from home due to lack of love, but the adults really didn't notice his disappearance: "Don't worry about us. Even if you help us, you can't help us forever. Without strength, we can't survive at all. We will only be bullied if we stay at home."

What nonsense are you talking about? Shier cast his eyes away.

But Ye Moth, who heard this, felt that his heart was hit by a critical blow, which hurt his heart. He continued to take things out of his pocket with tenderness and caution.

What the hell are you doing. Shier lost his temper and was too lazy to look at them.

Ye Moth is not a sorcerer from a traditional sorcerer family.

This can be seen from his

It can be seen from the position that it is affiliated with the Jujutsu High School. On the surface, it is the only one of the two training schools for Jujutsu masters in the country. It is quite high-end and majestic, but in fact, Jujutsu masters from families rarely go there for the purpose of studying.

The school only trains those who are scattered outside the traditional families. They can be used as Jujutsu masters, but they will never be cannon fodder for the upper level.

They are just workers for the upper level.

Because they have no background, they can push all the dirty work to others. If they die, the mortality rate of Jujutsu masters is very high. Didn’t you read the crisis notice before entering this industry? If you die without strength, you can blame yourself.

Even the compensation for death is small!

So there is a barrier between Jujutsu masters from families and wild Jujutsu masters.

Maybe they are so lowly that they are not worthy of negotiating with me, and why are those people in the upper level so arrogant.

Ye Moth also has this cognition.

At this moment, the cognition is defeated.

It’s different from what I imagined! Shouldn't children who have been guided by their families since birth have a more favorable environment than those children who come from ordinary families and have not been understood since childhood? ?

At least they are just not understood, and they have not yet left home to hone themselves at a young age!

The more Ye Moth thought about it, the more pitiful he felt. He could no longer take out the chocolate, but there was another hard object in his arms.


It contained documents and change. Salaried sorcerers are not as good as the bastards who take jobs on the black market. Ye Moth's small treasury is so poor that he can't even afford the wool felt for making cursed bones. But Gintoki had already eaten the chocolate and was eagerly waiting for him to take out some more.

He looked like a child who hadn't eaten sweets for 800 years.

Considering the bounty that Gintoki mentioned before. Money can be earned again, but children only have one chance to develop. Ye Moth resolutely took out the documents and put them in his pocket, and gave the whole wallet to the pitiful Gintoki.

"I can't save you now, but hold on, you are all good kids." Ye Mo touched Gintoki's curly hair as if he was touching the head of a cursed corpse.

"One day, I will be able to protect you and help you grow up healthily."

What touching words.

Ye Mo's brilliant light as a people's teacher was shining, so dazzling!

However, Jiner only saw that in the shadow of that light, Gintoki held Ye Mo's wallet and showed him a provocative and ostentatious smile that Ye Mo could not see, but Jiner saw 100%.

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