The two of them were so confused that they had to wait for the next few days.

Gintoki paused suddenly, and in the confused sight of Zenin Naoya, he slammed Zenin Naoya against the wall as if by chance. The well-behaved little boy cried out in pain, and there were stars on his head.

"I always feel a sense of déjà vu. There is a saying about curses, right? Just now, Gin-san seemed to feel that the cursed fetus of the stalker was about to hatch. Although I don't know what you are thinking, you should control it first. This is not a comic book!"

Zenin Naoya was stunned.

He sniffed twice, covered his eyes and started crying.

Damn it!

It was so easy to beat up those guys before, and I forgot that the one in front of me was really a precious young master!

Gintoki froze, but because he froze, Zenin Naoya cried even harder.

"Wait, wait! You... shouldn't be like this, right? I feel like you should be more shameless? You don't have to worry about being put in a sack and beaten, the feeling of asking for a beating?"

"Woo woo woo."

"See! There's a sound of fake crying! Don't try to fool me, Gin-san is quite sharp in this aspect!"

"Woo woo woo."

During the stalemate, Gintoki heard someone coming. Isn't this completely unclear!

"What's going on? Is it me? Is it all my fault? I'm old enough to beat a little kid and make him cry, so I have to bear the punishment of being scolded by readers! I know! What do you have to do to stop crying!"

Zenin Naoya rubbed his panda eyes pitifully and pointed at Gintoki's back.

Carry him? He changed himself to a better transportation method as if nothing had happened.

Gintoki gritted his teeth and carried him.

He moved incredibly fast. Before the footsteps approached, he had already carried the person on his back, jumped to a high place, and walked on branches. He took a shortcut smoothly and ran straight to Zenin Naoya's residence.

"We're here." The kid on his back was very happy.

"Finally." Gintoki was unhappy.

He felt that he had lost money. The place he had regained was regained again, so Gintoki put Zenin Naoya down and felt that he had lost money no matter how he thought about it. An incident of kidnapping a kid turned into an incident of being kidnapped by a kid.

Zenin Naoya was still holding his neck and refused to let go. Gintoki anxiously pulled him down, "How long are you going to stay! It's over. This kind of activity is limited and time-limited. If you want to refill, pay me!"

Wait, speaking of paying, this kid's living conditions are obviously several levels better than his.

Maybe his wallet is also quite thick.

"Let's play together, Gintoki-kun."

"Okay, okay, let's play the bank game. I'm the bank, you give me money."

The kid from the Zenin family was very precocious, and Zenin Naoya was not so far from not hearing Gintoki's intentions. But he smiled and agreed, "Okay, stay here and I'll give you money."

"Deal." Gintoki decided to stay here.

Gintoki lived a comfortable life that he had never had since he was born. Under Zenin Naoya's orders, the servants, like puppets on strings, put out all kinds of cakes.

Gintoki was so happy that he could eat while piling up the cakes like a mountain of snacks.

"Welcome back, Lord Naoya." A woman's soft voice came.

The people in the big family seemed to have made an appointment in advance, and even the wives they married into the family were exactly the same. Gentle and elegant. At home, they can help their husbands with housework, educate their children, and carry the sky with their weak shoulders. They can also be demure and dignified outside, maintaining the dignity of the family and the dignity of their husbands.

It was so similar that Gintoki would treat the woman as a servant from her completely respectful attitude. But from her voice, it could still be judged that this was Zenin Naoya's mother.

Gintoki waited with a guilty conscience. She might hug Zenin Naoya distressedly and anxiously ask about the injury on his eye.

But it didn't happen.

Seeing that Zenin Naoya didn't ask her to treat the wound, nor did he seek comfort and praise from her, the woman left in silence and hurriedly, just like when she came.

The woman bowed her head respectfully and left without getting in the way. Zenin Naoya was used to this and continued to smile and put some food next to Gintoki.

They obviously didn't think there was anything wrong.

Only Gintoki felt creepy.

Of course, he also knew that there were mothers in the world who didn't love their children, but this didn't mean that Gintoki could naturally accept a completely disordered kinship.

It's bad, this is his knowledge

Blind spot.

After Gintoki put the snack into his nose, Zenin Naoya finally realized that something was wrong with him.

"Is the snack not tasty? Let's punish the chef who made the snack. But it is also possible that these people made the snack unpalatable when they brought it over, so let's punish them too-"

"Wait! Who told you it was the problem with the snack!"

Don't hurt his innocent snack chef!

Wait, Gintoki touched his nose and swept the snack crumbs off, "Does your mother like snacks?"

Why did he ask such a question! Gintoki screamed in his mind. Wouldn't it be a wig to be interested in such news! It feels like a wig, it's better to say that I don't want this feeling at all!

Fortunately! Zenin Naoya didn't notice Gintoki's inner turmoil. For him who has long been accustomed to this kind of kinship, even his mother is an accessory to him and his father.

"I like it." Zenin Naoya didn't think about whether the woman would like it.

He was just simply cooperating with Gintoki to say it.

As long as Zenin Naoya said she liked it, she liked it.

As long as Zenin Naoya ordered her to eat it, she would eat it without hesitation.

There was nothing special to care about.

So he didn't care about the woman's reaction, but just paid full attention to Gintoki's actions.

What would he do if he knew his mother's preferences? What did he want to do?

"I like it..."

Zenin Naoya's answer without hesitation was another signal. A signal that even if the relationship was chaotic, he still missed his mother.

Gintoki ate the last piece of dessert, and then said: "Next, it's time to eat Western cake, you come and help."

"Okay!" As long as he followed Gintoki, Zenin Naoya would not refuse.

The two children ran to the kitchen and drove the professional chef out.

Chef: It's bad, is the kitchen going to be blown up?

But this is Zenin Naoya's order, so it's not a big problem. He left the kitchen without pressure, but arranged guards outside to take action at critical moments.

The guards listened quietly to the noise inside.

"It's not like that! Don't underestimate chiffon cake. Mixing it with a half-hearted attitude will only make the bubbles that were originally puffed up quickly lose their fighting spirit and become soft pancakes. Do it with your heart!"

"You can actually make a cake with Gintoki-kun, or you can actually make a cake!"

Zenin Naoya held his face excitedly, and his heart was obviously no longer on the cake.

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