After dealing with the pursuers, Gojo Satoru still clung to Gintoki. He slowly wore away the inexplicable avoidance in Gintoki's heart and turned it into a completely different emotion.

——He's so annoying!

It's like taking care of a naughty child. Going here and there, Gojo Satoru was so energetic that no matter what happened, he could smile thoughtfully. Gintoki, who couldn't keep up with his emotional changes, finally experienced what it felt like to have a mind that was still that of an uncle even though his body had become smaller.

But Gin-san is not yet an uncle, damn it!

Gintoki, who had taken care of enough children, angrily carried Gojo Satoru, who was carrying a lot of shopping bags, and went straight to the Gojo family.

Even if he was reluctant, Gintoki would definitely throw this burden back!

You should take care of your own children. At this age, they should go back to drink their mother's milk!

However, Gojo Satoru did not show any reluctance.

He leisurely directed the servants of the Gojo family to carry the results of shopping back. He handed one of the exquisite shopping bags to Gintoki solemnly: "This is more suitable for you, don't thank me."

The servant wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes in a very considerate manner: "Master hasn't laughed so much in a long time, you are the first person he brought back."

"Hey-don't talk nonsense like the lines in the novel! Domineering president? Are you training a domineering president? Even if you adapt to local conditions in Tomato, don't involve the innocent Jump protagonist!"

"Don't be so embarrassed, you deserve it~" Gojo Satoru waved his arms like a leaping seaweed and returned to the Gojo family briskly.

"Explain it clearly to the readers, bastard!"

The door of the Gojo family was empty, with only paper balls blown away by the wind.

Gintoki sat at the door and unpacked the package. Gojo Satoru bought too many things, and he couldn't remember what was in the messy gift bags.

At least it was a big red envelope, with money to buy special-grade curse tools.

The gift bag was beautifully packaged, and even the paper on the top layer smelled very valuable.

Gintoki couldn't help thinking about whether he could sell it out, so he opened the last layer of packaging.

Inside was a moon-white kimono.

The pale blue cloud pattern dotted on the corners of the robe. It looked like the color of Gojo Satoru's eyes, but it also looked like the clothes he had worn before. The nostalgic past, the daily life that could not be returned to, Gintoki stayed for a long time, but his hands neatly stuffed the kimono back.

"How can you change clothes so often? Gin-san has four of the same clothes."

Of course it was not the old wardrobe.

But the almost uniform black kimono of the Zenin family. There was no need to worry about blood splashing on it, it was convenient and clean, and it was also convenient to hide the body at night when they often went out.

It was completely different from Gojo Satoru's choice that was full of personal preferences to set off the six eyes, and it was a very functional consideration.

Gintoki nimbly caught the dessert buffet coupon that was almost blown away by the wind when he was not careful.

"I got something good."

The Zenin family is a family with a long history and adheres to tradition. This means that everything in the family is based on the wishes of the head of the family and the instructions of the upper level. It can be said that the situation of the lower class overthrowing the upper class will never be allowed to occur.

So he should have reported directly to the old man, and completed the task smoothly, and got the cursed tool that originally belonged to him.

That's right.

"Why do you still have to write a task report! Are you so strict about this kind of thing? Recall the tradition you uphold. There must be no such thing as a task report thousands of years ago! It's evil formalism. Apologize to efficiency and the extra work that Gin-san is about to put in! Apology by seppuku!"

I didn't really want to be here, but because Gintoki secretly skipped the small black room, the implicated Nobuo sat next to him unhappily: "Even if you shout your throat out, you still have to write a report."

"So this is exploitation! The person who made this rule should stand outside as a punishment, and copy the Zenin family rules a hundred times." Gintoki pointed at the camera with a pen.

"Who are you talking to?" Noburo looked and saw nothing but air.

"Evil formalism itself." Gintoki scratched his hair, biting the pen while forcing himself to pick out what he remembered from the private school knowledge that he and Jump had thrown into the scrap recycling area a long time ago, "Uncle, how many words should I write in the report?"

One hundred or two hundred?

After all, it was a Chinese composition, so he could still make up the number by using more honorifics.

Zenin Shinro looked at him strangely.

"You have to finish writing this paper anyway."

"What do you mean by that? You sound so relaxed. It seems like this paper needs 400 words."

"It's only 400 words, it's hard to make things clear!"

"You underestimate the function of language! Uncle! Gin-san will show you what the art of condensation is."

Shinro felt that his intuition, which he had trained between life and death, was giving a loud warning.

His temples were throbbing: bad, he had a bad feeling.

"How do idiots write?"

"Write Gintoki."

"You are the idiot!"

Gintoki wrote very slowly. Each stroke of his handwriting was round and smooth, and it took less time than expected to finish writing on the paper. Noburo instinctively didn't want to look, but he couldn't suppress his curiosity and slowly looked behind Gintoki.

[All the bigwigs of the upper echelons of the Zenin family, including the old man in brackets. That kid is almost releasing a beam of light, running away quickly, turning into a lightsaber, and one day he will probably turn into light. Gintoki couldn't help thinking that before that, whether it was Gojo Satoru or the Gojo family, could you pay Gintoki for the hard work of being a nanny and taking care of the naughty child?]

"You are just asking for salary! Isn't the salary given to you by the head of the family enough? And don't talk in this tone!"

Gintoki's report is quite fragmented.

It can be seen that he doesn't care about the way he uses words at all. Every word taken out alone is enough to make people want to collapse and breathe oxygen.

But! In order to occupy the word count.

Gintoki used the most respectful words without hesitation, adding a lot of honorifics after a sentence, respectfully and piously as if he was writing a sacred text.

Hearing Noburo's nearly collapsed protest, Gintoki picked his nose nonchalantly.

He casually wiped his pinky finger on him and patted his shoulder without disdain.

"Don't be so harsh, uncle. Actually, you have had this experience too, when you feel exhausted when you are on a mission and want to sleep like a log. But you have to get up from the soft bed and work hard to write a report that is due tomorrow."

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