The sky was dark, but the sky was dark.

Gintoki had a long dream. Countless warriors wearing feathers and breastplates fell around, and only the sound of Gintoki's footsteps remained in the silence. The soles of his shoes seemed to be soaked with blood, and they kept making sticky sounds with the ground.

He reminded himself not to look.

Don't look, the face of the old man vaguely appeared on the hollow that had become a skeleton, and the originally beautiful planet was covered with withered wasteland and silent gunpowder.

Gintoki did not stop, walking alone on the thorny road with no end. The crutches that helped him move forward made a crisp sound, and he caught a glimpse of white hair in the corner of his eyes.

Blown by the wind carrying the curse, it drifted in the desolate.

How beautiful, how desperate.


Who else is alive, who else can he save.

Gintoki stretched out his hand.

He couldn't find anyone to take away from here.

This blood-stained hand was destined to be unable to save anyone.

The moment Gintoki woke up from his dream, a suppressed cry came out of his throat.

He was in so much pain that he wanted to shout out loud, but because he knew that this action was meaningless, he consciously gave up. Only the remaining conditioned reflex in his body was left, trying to expel despair from his body.

But Gintoki had forgotten to breathe at this moment, and had to get up and breathe quickly.

So that his tense body could barely calm down.

"Master Gintoki?" Zenin Ranta walked over quickly.

He came to the conclusion without any pressure: "Did you feel sick because you ate too much? So that kind of unrestrained eating is not good. After all, you can eat as much as you can when you can, but you will soon become unable to eat."

"No! Don't say that the food of the Zenin family is so delicious that it makes people want to burst their stomachs! Only elites have such treatment, unlike people like us-"

Gintoki, who has been free until now, does not expect the servants of the Zenin family to remember to bring him food, so he spends most of his time eating the staff meals of the team.

The taste is not good, but it is more than enough for Gintoki to fill his stomach.

But! If you want to eat sweets, you can only go to Naoya.

Then face the twisted mother-son drama of the Zenin family, and the increasingly obvious trend of Zenin Naoya's stalker tendency.

Gintoki has a lot of complaints about this.

Even the look he looks at Zenin Ranta is a bit resentful.

"Hmph, how can you understand Gin-san's feelings of being kidnapped by desserts? Write a report now. Write that in order for Gin-san's future height to be outstanding, the supply of desserts and strawberry milk should be increased now."

"No, no, if you only eat desserts every day and drink strawberry milk as water, you will really not grow taller. You are still as big as a carrot now, be careful that you will not even be able to compare with me in the future."

Zenin Ranta stood proudly with his hands on his waist, perfectly surpassing Gintoki by a large margin.

"Don't underestimate strawberry milk. Whether it is family conflicts caused by quarrels with parents, or the exhausted mind caused by exploitation of labor, or the moment when life is ruined by failing an exam, all can be healed by strawberry milk. This is the power of calcium. If you don't believe in calcium, you are destined to be short-lived. If you are hit by a truck tomorrow, you will have a fracture. Unlike Gin-san, who has supplemented with sufficient calcium, he can get out of the collision unscathed."

Gintoki stood with his hands on his waist with twice the amount, preaching for his beloved sugar with dignity.

"This is the power of calcium! Little braid."

"It's all because of physical strength, don't blame calcium for everything! Besides," Zenin Ranta took a deep breath, like a housewife who worked hard at home and turned around to catch her husband cheating: "Why do you call me little braid? It seems like we are not familiar with each other at all, but I watched you grow up!"

"That? Are you a distant relative? I held you when you were a child? Are you going to say such a line?"

"I won't say that!"

Zenin Ranta turned his head away from Gintoki angrily, and secretly glanced at him, hoping to hear something come out of his mouth.

For example, remember the name of Zenin Ranta who showed his skills in Bingzhong.

But there was no.

In Gintoki's eyes, Zenin Ranta is synonymous with trouble. Every time he sees him, he can automatically correspond to an event that Bing is inconvenient to handle and is extremely troublesome, or a lack of combat power, and urgently pulling people to work overtime.

So forget about the name. Gintoki has automatically been labeled as a person full of prejudice, and has decided to carry on with his prejudice to the end.

Zenin Ranta felt wronged because he had little talent and had to do a lot of hard work.

The time of grievance did not last long. The personal emotions on his face soon faded, and what emerged was a kind of calmness that abandoned the self and acted completely as a member of Bing.

Like a delicate machine, he leaned over to Gintoki and guided him to the hall: "The head of the family has arrived, please take a seat immediately."

"How long have you been waiting? Is this the airs of a big shot? Can it be applied to time management?"

Gintoki yawned and walked outside.

Zenin Ranta followed him obediently. There was no sign of complaining.

Every time at this time, Gintoki would miss his hometown and the new Baji who was always complaining diligently.


This shows that the next thing is definitely a serious matter.

Gintoki was no longer in the mood to joke. He glanced at the head of the Zenin family who was sitting in the upper seat in the hall, pulled out a chair and sat down unhappily, "Let me make it clear first, I have already tried my best to be a jack of all trades, so don't just give me random things."

"Gintoki, it's time for you to go to school too."

Huh? Gintoki's move to lie on the table and slack off was shaken, and he looked at the head of the Zenin family from his arm.

"Hey, hey, what are you kidding, old man. Will you let Gin-san out so easily?"

"Of course it can't be outside."

Gintoki just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the head of the Zenin family slowly add: "But the Zenin family does want to open a school."

"What a joke! Gin-san has already graduated from the private school, don't force me back in!"

"Where have you been to a private school! Don't bring up your experience in your dream as a topic of conversation! That report--" The head of the Zenin family took out the report He put it on the table and shouted like an old grandfather who was angry at his unfilial son, "The teacher in your dream has expelled you from the school, so go to school now!"

"I learned it! I learned it in Gin-san's hometown! Don't just pretend it didn't happen because you don't know it! Show me the DVD of "Gin-O" for details, it's on sale now! Start reading from the first episode and start from the comics!"

"Who cares! I'll straighten out your bad character now!" The head of the Zenin family slapped him.

"No, no, this is still impossible. Gin-san is the protagonist of the Jump comics. Both the setting and the spine are as straight as the joystick."

"Your joystick is already soft! What are you talking about, kid!"

"Who would talk about the joystick in the atmosphere! You are an outrageous old man!"

"You started it first!"

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