The life of staying in the school like this continued for a while, and the number of little ghosts surrounding Gintoki did not increase.

Whether it was the little girl who had helped Gintoki before, or the other children who benefited from it, they all kept a safe distance. They looked like cats hiding behind the wall and observing secretly.

What? The Zenin family is no longer satisfied with only Bing as a stalker training base. Has this terrible and weird situation spread to all the Zenin family?

Forget it, can you not be so easily infected!

After all, it is one of the three great families? Where is the style? Where is the reservedness?

He tried desperately to hide his desire to peek, but he kept glancing over, and the result was that he looked openly. At this time, it has been completely lost!

Let's not call it Zenin, which has some ancient charm, and change it to Peeping Family!

Because it is a fan work, it is because of fan works that the style is thrown away.

...Wait, is the ending of the original work really that good?

Or it's too easy to be infected!

I don't know if it is a good thing, but the only one who keeps harassing Gintoki is Zenin Naoya. Gintoki pushed his face away and looked out the window as if nothing had happened.

By the way, he met the eyes of Bing members who were squatting on the tree and secretly observing.

And silently moved away slowly, pretending not to see it.

"Is there anything outside the window?" Zenin Naoya looked along Gintoki's line of sight and saw only blue sky and green trees.

Ordinary, daily and boring, even far less interesting than Gintoki's listless profile.

"No, no, I don't know."

Gintoki waved his hand quickly. This kind of thing is like the homeroom teacher who secretly peeks through the glass behind during class. Even if you find out, you have to try your best to ignore it!

Suddenly I thought of a situation with a lot of rules and strange stories. It’s better not to instill this knowledge into Zenin Naoya.

A kid of this age is like a sponge used to wash dishes. Whether it is sewage or detergent, it will absorb everything without distinction.

So Naoya believed it. Maybe in Gintoki’s world, that ordinary scene will have a special meaning? Just like those rats in the gutter who frequently cast their eyes on them through various small movements.

Zenin Naoya looked around calmly.

Most of the children seemed to have seen some beasts and hurriedly did their own things. But there was only one exception.

The little girl who had helped Gintoki before was stunned for a moment, and then showed a timid smile.

It was completely different from the way she had been forcibly pulling the corner of Gintoki’s clothes before.

He did not respond, but took the initiative to avoid the little girl’s goodwill, and she lowered her head in frustration. Naoya, who secretly saw this scene, was a little happy, just like a naughty kid who played pranks on girls in elementary school.

But then, that trace of joy disappeared.

Zenin Naoya wanted to say something.

For example, you look so plain and you want to come over without even considering your weight. It is better to practice your cooking skills than to take classes here. It is more beneficial to your life to serve your future husband well.

But he didn't even say a word to scold her for not knowing what is good for her.

The little girl is called Zenin Asuka.

Although she has a name that can be the heroine in the neighboring Sword O Domain, she can only be regarded as a supporting role of the Zenin family in the Jujutsu Kaisen crew. In the near future, she will be wiped out by the vengeful sky and tyrants and become one of the tragic background boards.

Thinking of this, Gintoki paused his hand that was picking his nose, and silently raised his hand to wipe the top of Naoya's head.

"Gintoki, I don't quite understand."

"What? Don't think of me as a customer service representative who answers questions for the little ghost. Gin-san is also very busy and has his own things to deal with. For example, this week's Jump, this time's horse racing tickets, and pachinko seats."

"Am I not as good as those things?!"

"..." Gintoki did not waver at all, and showed it clearly.

Naoya immediately had a clear understanding of his position.

He was completely inferior to Gintoki's comic books.

Isn't this too much! Comics only sell for 230 yen!

If you ask why I know, it's because sometimes Jin'er doesn't have time to buy them, and the glorious task of purchasing Jump back is placed on Zenin Naoya!

Even if he only needs to say it to the servants, this is his sense of participation!

Naoya tried

By protesting in front of his eyes, he could at least win against one Jump. If he lost to a whole team, he would have no complaints.

However, he could not hold on for more than a second before he was defeated.

Zenin Naoya continued: "Gintoki-kun, I don't quite understand. It is obvious that the mere existence of those Zenin family trash is an eyesore. The men can barely be incorporated into the Kūkuru team, but it is a waste of time for the women to just stay here. Instead of studying cultural courses and physical skills, they should spend more time on dressing up."

But why, why...

Why didn't they live according to fixed standards. Why did they dare to disobey his wishes, and why did he actually think that the little girl named Asuka also had merits.

Naoya has his own set of criteria for judging the value of others.

The Zenin family does not need trash, and weakness is the original sin. The physiological differences between men and women are natural gaps.

Under this premise, only men who are more likely to survive can inherit the position of the head of the Zenin family.

Weak women who don't even have the right to inherit are not only inferior to men in terms of muscle structure and hormones, but even in terms of realizing their only remaining value, that is, giving birth, their bodies become more fragile because they have to feed the babies in their bodies.

Matter determines consciousness.

A fragile body determines a weak consciousness.

They are destined not to be strong, and this is determined from the moment they are born. Therefore, as long as women live like mothers, it is the best solution for life.

Gentle, obedient, dignified, and beautiful.

Like a canary, they depend on him and his father, manage the family, and raise offspring. They cannot disobey his wishes.

If they can't even do this, then they have lost the last bit of value of being a mother to nurture new life.

That's right.

So even a rare word that is recognized is distorted under such standards. After a brief pause, Zenin Naoya couldn't find any words to describe his confusion. The moment he opened his mouth, he said words that were as insulting and teasing as always.

"Waste can be reused, it's really eye-opening."

"I'm so naive to expect you to say something nice. Why can you be so abnormal? You're too stubborn. It doesn't matter why you don't follow the rules. You're seeing what they really are like. If you close your eyes and run away, you deserve to be stabbed in the back."

"Is this a prophecy?" Naoya laughed and joked, "Eh - you actually treat waste as a human being, Gintoki-kun is so gentle."

It seems that he is not the one who is troubled.

While Zenin Naoya is thinking about why.

Gintoki is also thinking about why.

Why is he also responsible for the psychological counseling of the troublesome little ghost.

Because all the sorcerers are crazy, the crazier they are, the stronger they are, so are all the little ghosts also reserve members?

It makes sense, don't say it.

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