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Although it seems like an OOC character at first glance, Shir is just in junior high school now. A heart that has not yet been completely numb, a body that has not yet completely fallen. It is a half-hearted persistence, a half-hearted desire, and a half-hearted heart.

It is true that he resents the Zen Yuan family, but should he also resent the treasure that was finally dug out of the mud?

She was sincere and resentful about why he had to follow the woman who escaped from the other compound that day, and why he had to pick up the injured Gintoki. Without these preconditions, he would be able to face the unexplained changes in the Chanyuan family calmly.

He tilted his head, showing an expression that showed no intention of communicating at all, and turned to leave.

Gintoki's mouth twitched at the sight.

please! Why should you push your paranoia to the full level at this time? Since we have the same voice actor, why should we just copy Ao Shan? What kind of unified behind-the-scenes style is this?

The fragility and quiet eroticism shown while not speaking can achieve the effect of not having to think of lines so hard, but also attracting fans in large numbers because of the mysterious blank space. This is too much!

The crew still looks like this when they get here! Even if he doesn't appear, he can still be at the top of the popularity list. MADAO, who often appears, even cried. He cried with genuine emotion.

Was it Ginsang's fault? Is it Yin Sang's fault again? Shouldn't we call?

Originally, I just followed the atmosphere and rushed forward with the BGM playing behind me that I had to start fighting. Now the whole fault is put on Yin Sang's head.

I want to report it!

Is this fate... Gintoki touched his arms, took out something wrapped in a bandage and threw it towards Shi'er.

Even when Juezan was in a state of despair, Shier accurately caught the flying unknown object.

seal? A curse?

Shi'er pinched something that felt strange in his hand and untied the belt in confusion.

Inside is an edamame whipped cream kikufu.


"A special product of Juju Kaisen and Sendai, a special version is available at the martial arts center. It exudes the absolute allure of a unique atmosphere, and luxuriously stacks two new limited editions on top of one limited edition. The Japanese who love limited editions all their lives heard this news They will definitely come over, this is a relationship of restraint.”

"It's better to die now than pursue this kind of thing all your life."

"I know, I know, your character is like this. It's a mixture of delinquency, idleness, violence, and tight-fitting. It's hard to be considered a family member of the protagonist group, and with the tendency to destroy the world, it will completely destroy the world. It’s very rare to join the ranks of bosses.”

"You should die in front of the protagonist now."

"But that one is really delicious. All the messy moods are ultimately caused by insufficient sugar. As long as you consume enough sugar, most of the problems in the world can be solved."


Jin Er stuffed the edamame whipped cream Kikufu into his mouth.

The soft and waxy white glutinous rice dough is wrapped in a fragrant and sweet filling, and the sweetness of the whipped cream spreads with chewing.

"Eat it."

"I really ate it."

The shivering little devils huddled together and whispered. The sound undoubtedly reached the ears of Jin'er and Gintoki. Jin'er was indifferent, and Gintoki put Lake Toya on his shoulder.

"What a fuss. Even if the boss feels very full, Jin'er is not a monster that can't eat. People live to eat and drink, and after eating and drinking, they have to pull them out. It goes on and on. , This is how everyone lives.”

"You actually said pull him out."

"Don't run away just because it doesn't sound good. This is the price and work of human beings. If you lose it, you will die immediately."

"Gintoki was almost beaten to death today! Did he appear from behind?"

"The new brother is so awesome, even better than the teacher! Is he the new teacher!"

"Hey——! Why are you so happy! You suddenly took his side. Did that kid just speak in an excited tone? Please, let the voice actor re-duplicate it. Gin-san will give you three hundred yen. ah."


Gintoki won't be angry.

The brats know it all.

Gintoki pointed at Shi'er angrily and complained: "That's just kicking the gym! It's kicking the gym! We are a community with a shared destiny of honor and disgrace, and we were completely overthrown by that guy! Watching Gin-san's first time with him I feel so happy when I have all my virginity pierced and penetrated.

! "

"Is your vaginal membrane already scarred?"

"Yes! Hexin is already bleeding!"

"I get beaten up by Gintoki every day, and finally someone strong comes here, long live it."

"Hey - what the hell are you talking about to a kid, Gintoki!" Members of the Bing family immediately joined the battlefield, and Zenyuan Soshiro hit Gintoki's head hard with his fist.

"Oh, it hurts! This is bullying!"

"Finally someone can treat you. His name is Shi'er. Well done."

"Isn't your character too twisted?"

Shi'er was watching from the crowd when a small plate suddenly appeared next to him. It’s still topped with edamame whipped cream kikufu, a word that appears a little too often. Asuka covered her face with a small plate and quietly held it to Shirley.

"You're just a brat who can act according to the circumstances, and if you please someone like me, you won't get any rewards you expect." You might even encounter strict education from your parents if you turn around.

"It doesn't matter here. This is a snack that the winner can eat." So even Shir was included in it.

They relied on following the wind to survive, and unknowingly entered the world around Gintoki in tacit understanding.

Jiji, who was rejected by the Zen family, had already stepped into the same world when he caught the edamame whipped cream Kikufu thrown by Gintoki.

Even the objective fact that the absence of magic power is considered a heresy does not change.

Everyone here will accept Shi Er.

It's just because Gintoki recognized him.

The essential situation of students who are isolated from their classes has not changed much. There are still terrible classes, students struggling in the mud, and a competitive environment where they will be stepped down if they don't pull others down.

But in this Zen monastery home, the silver sun hangs slowly in the sky.

There is not much warmth, nor is there any brilliance. With that careless and lack of energy, he blocked everything he could protect behind him.

So I clearly know the correct way to survive.

They still acquiesced. It doesn't matter if you take a rest here, or if you don't hurt other people, you can survive without getting hurt.

You know.

He could have turned around and left and returned to the life situation he had before meeting Gintoki. He didn't have the need to hang out with a bunch of people and play house games, so he could just unilaterally cut ties with Gintoki in the crowd and leave.

But he was silent.

I picked up the edamame whipped cream Kikufu on the small plate.

"Dirty." He actually dared to take it out for others to eat.

Asuka just smiled.

He ran towards Gintoki with brisk steps.

The dusty edamame whipped cream Kikufuku is still the same. The sweet, child-like taste spreads in the mouth. Shi'er doesn't have much of a taste for desserts. If given a choice, he would rather eat meat.

But maybe now, this is more appropriate.

"No, no, you'll get tired of eating edamame whipped cream Kikufu all the time. Can't you change it to a strawberry parfait or something?"

"Don't act like you can read minds."

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