The two of them were so close, and the two of them were so close.

Gintoki was once again forced into a state of hesitation.

"That, Naoya-kun. Originally, admiration and yearning have nothing to do with gender. People will definitely have similar feelings towards powerful people, strong people, and people with charisma."

"But in your case, do you really want to embark on this Shura path?"

Including taboos, close relatives, and various aspects that Tomato doesn't allow you to write about, it seems that the relationship is full of elements.

Of course, it's hard to say about feelings. It doesn't matter whether it's a man or a woman, it's almost that.

Gintoki's eyes are erratic.

Zenin Naoya is a little happy.

Because this is the first time Gintoki called him by his name directly! The name has become closer!

So he didn't think about Gintoki's question and nodded without hesitation.

"I really can't do anything about you." Gintoki lazily put his arms on his chest.

He sighed, but looked at Naoya very seriously.

Although he will probably enter the grave of marriage in the future, this has no direct connection with Naoya's current feelings. No one can be sure of emotional issues.

For example, every confession has a 99% chance of being rejected, and there are special situations where you may still love in the last second, break up in the next second, and still love in the next second.

Knowing that marriage is the grave of love, you should still love when you can.

Even if you are rejected, it is a valuable experience in life.

Gin-san will not laugh at boys and girls who bravely fight for love. Even if he sees Naoya lying on the table crying because of a broken heart in the future, he will silently hand him a tissue.

Unlike Gintoki, who has fallen into a forbidden emotional spiral, Naoya's mind is very simple. There was not even any awkward twists and turns, and he did not feel ashamed to make the request.

It can be seen that the battle between Gintoki and Shinji had an extremely strong impact on him.

That was a fighting power of another level, what was the Zenin family's technique.

Up to now, Naoya's heart and eyes were full of Gintoki.

It was just that Gintoki could look at him seriously.

This made Naoya even happier. He took a deep breath, bowed solemnly, and shouted loudly.

"Can I always be by your side!"


"Huh?" Obviously not Gintoki's voice suddenly sounded.

Naoya's full of expectations turned into confusion. He raised his head and saw Shinji's face full of impatience.

Shinji crossed his arms, looked impatiently at the little devil who bowed solemnly, and then looked at Gintoki who had just forcibly pulled him over.

His fists hardened, and he barely maintained his calm and asked back.

"What are you doing?"

Gintoki was already introducing to Naoya.










"Yes! It's a confession, my feelings!" Naoya added excitedly as he looked at the two people who were already fighting.

"Don't admit it so easily!"

Jiner sneered: "Too much information, has your rusty brain completely jammed? You've already got Alzheimer's disease at such a young age, Gintoki."

Gintoki glared back, not to be outdone: "The essence of human beings is a repeater, Jiner, now it's in the shape of a repeater."

"Can I always be by your side, Gintoki-kun!"

"Don't suddenly become a repeater too!" Finally finding a breakthrough, Gintoki kicked Naoya away.

The black-haired boy drew a trajectory in the air and fell heavily on the martial arts field.

As quiet as a corpse.

Okay, it's solved.

It's completely solved from the root.

Whether it's a taboo, a close relative, or an obsessive love, just pretend you didn't hear it.

"That." Gintoki's face was covered with cold sweat.

I thought it was a pure boy's unrequited love, but it turned out to be unrequited love, but I missed an important point!

Shier, who just reached the age of junior high school this year, doesn't have the elements of love at first sight!

This route will take at least a few years to open! It will be unfortunate to read the strategy across levels!

"Although Gin-san has thought a lot in his heart and really wants to say it, just say it bravely, and so on. But what will being obsessed with my cousin bring? Nothing can be brought! Is it really okay to have only unnecessary books in my life? Don't underestimate life!"

Oh no, it's completely inconsistent, so embarrassing, who will delete this chapter!

Today's class ended just like this.

Gintoki still felt very tired physically and mentally.

He and Shinji walked towards the remote mansion, and he felt that if there was a soul, the translucent furry soul would be hanging on his lips.

Although I have always blamed Zenin Naoya, it is about time to play something else! Will the readers be happy to see this? Definitely not!


Who can save this chaotic relationship and bad reputation? Gin-san, give him 300 yen!

Shinji touched his arms, pulled out a bank card from the loose kimono interlayer, and threw it to Gintoki.

"What are you doing? Are you Santa Claus who is here to fulfill wishes? Even if you suddenly give me a bank card, you can't start the gambling chapter now. The last time was not long ago. I will get tired of it if I come here often." Gintoki grabbed the card and stuffed it into his arms.

Kimono is amazing.

No matter how many things you put in, no matter how small, they can be stuck. It's just a two-dimensional space bag.

Shinji said casually, "There's 100 million in it."

"If you don't want it, give it back to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the bank card seemed to slip suddenly, and it fell out of the kimono with a snap, and fell on the path with a crisp sound.

"This is my 100 million!"

Gintoki pounced without hesitation, holding the bank card with both hands, and vigilantly watched whether there were other people around.

Tsk, what a prospect.

Who would compete with you.

Shinji stood easily. He really likes to spend money, and he doesn't mind paying for things that are worth it.

Whether it is from the perspective of spending money one by one in the future, collecting various kinds of magic tools openly. Or if he is in a good mood and has money in his pocket, he will also give gifts to the sponsors.

He will not default on his own bills.

So when Gintoki asked him to buy Youyun, Shinji consciously went out to work overtime, and only went home when he felt that he had earned enough to buy a special-grade magic tool.

This is the main reason why he missed the past one or two months and didn't notice the earth-shaking changes in the Zenin family at all.

He even went out, and no one noticed his absence.

The man was silent and the woman was in tears.

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