The secret of Sukiyaki serving is a trick.

This is a trick that can only be used by those who have the power to serve when eating Sukiyaki! It looks like a bowl full of meat, but in fact, there are a lot of vegetables hidden under the meat. This is disguise!

The disadvantage is that it is exposed when you eat it. The secret can only deceive the other party when serving.

Gintoki laughed and said, "Ahaha, this is the tone of the cafeteria aunt, annoying~ It's not disgusting at all. You actually said that to others, be careful that I will punch you."

While waving chopsticks, there was a residual image, and at a lightning speed, each vegetable was wrapped with meat slices and then picked up in the bowl. After doing all this, he quickly placed it in front of Shinji.

The next step is the most important!

Why does the disguise that can only last until the food enters the mouth exist!

The real answer is here!

After distributing the dishes to others, when his bowl is still empty, he took the opportunity to put a lot of meat in the bowl!

As long as he grasps this point. Whether it is being complained or the authority is swept away, it doesn’t matter.

It’s just the condemnation from those who didn’t eat the meat.


Gintoki seized this flowing moment and put the high-quality beef covered with the sweet soup of Sukiyaki pot and exuding a rich luster into the bowl. The aroma of fat, the call of protein, and the unprecedented high-quality enjoyment are jaw-dropping.

Why can the crew next door eat such good things? I envy it!

Just as he was about to put it in his mouth, Gintoki finally, slowly noticed Gojo Satoru’s gaze.

"Stare--~" Obviously he was staring for a while. Gojo Satoru made a small sound and showed an expression as if he had opened a new world.

So this is how to eat Sukiyaki.

Without time to think about the fact that he had led the eldest son of the Gojo family astray, Gintoki watched the curiosity on Gojo Satoru's face turn into other expressions.

"Gintoki~Ah——" He held his chin and opened his mouth to Gintoki, "I want to eat beef too. Both of you have a full bowl, but I am the only one who has none. It's not fair."

[If you don't want me to take the opportunity to report you and make you unable to eat a single bite, you should know what to do, right? ]

In those eyes of the sky that should have been clear and aloof, there was now a playful smile.

Gintoki clenched his chopsticks.

Will this kid die if he doesn't sell fu!

As if he understood Gintoki's sad condemnation, Gojo Satoru narrowed his eyes slightly.

[Because it's very interesting. ]



Looking at Gojo Satoru's intimate behavior, no matter how close he is, even if his lips are painted with lip gloss, they are almost close to his face.

If you face him directly, it is actually difficult to combine intimate behavior with intimacy itself, at least Louhu should not think so.

That is just being superior, because he completely dominates the other party and is not stingy in showing teasing.

It's like catching a cat on the side of the road.

Knowing that it can't hurt even a hair by stretching out its hands to resist, don't you want to see more powerless resistance? Don't you want to play with it wantonly?

Gojo Satoru's intimacy is essentially such behavior.

Because he is standing too high, even the opponent's resistance is an interesting teasing, and he will cooperate with the teasing and playing.

Of course, it is under the premise of interest.

Gintoki is surprisingly in this category of interest.

However, for Gintoki, he has no intention of thinking about these things.

Rather than feeding beef to him, he wants to punch him!

Do you really want to do it? Should I feed the hard-earned beef to Gojo Satoru?

Gintoki was completely stuck in a dilemma.

"What? There are so many green vegetables and tofu in the bowl." Jiner complained while eating the vegetables wrapped in beef, but he didn't mean to pursue it.

It's true that he has a bias and will be picky and ignore the vegetables in the Sukiyaki pot. But that's on the premise that the vegetables are all soaked in the pot and meat can be chosen first.

After all, for a child who has been struggling to survive since childhood without food, throwing away something just because it's not his favorite thing is too extravagant.

In short, he eats whatever is in the bowl.


Gintoki shouted excitedly in his heart, and on the surface he ignored Gojo Satoru calmly and put the beef in his mouth.

The sweet juice of the Sukiyaki pot and the egg liquid wrapped in it spread in the mouth. With every chew, the unique flavor of beef will ripple, showing a flavor that pork doesn't have.

Some smell of milk.

I felt so happy that my eyes were wet.

It was totally good enough to be used as a promotional video for this restaurant.

Because the last time he ate hot pot, he didn't even eat beef!

It felt like eating this level of meat was a thing of the last life.

Thank you for Jujutsu Kaisen.

On behalf of all the members of Gin O, thank you for being there.

"Wow, that's so exaggerated, is there a strange program loaded?" Gojo Satoru picked up a bowl of beef for himself, wrapped it in egg liquid and put it in his mouth.

Ordinary... huh? That's not the usual taste.

Gojo Satoru opened his eyes in shock.

Obviously, both the quality and the seasoning were at a standard level for a wealthy young master. But he actually tasted something strange from it.

What is this taste!

It's just an ordinary Sukiyaki pot.

But this feeling!

Gojo Satoru looked at Gintoki, who was eating with some emotion, and suddenly realized: "Is this your technique? Gintoki, so that's how it is, you can eat more happily at the table, and finally solve a mystery!"

"You are completely off track."

The happiness on Gintoki's face faded instantly, and he chewed the beef while complaining with dead eyes: "Even if the later the game, the more messy the techniques are, don't give me weird techniques. How to fight, just fight on the table."

Although it is often said that Ryomen Sukuna is the royal chef, and the techniques include cutting vegetables and cooking, this is not a reason for Gintoki to suddenly appear and say that he is responsible for eating!

Who can eat it!

"Use the energy of happiness to purify the cursed spirits."

"That is to protect the heart of O!"

Gintoki finished the bowl and looked into the pot, but he saw only a depression.

No, no!

The beef army that was rich just now has completely shown a depressed posture, and there are only vegetables and tofu left in the pot. How could this happen! Gintoki looked at Shinji in shock.

At that moment.

He realized his own naivety.

Shinji's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a mocking smile that seemed to be under control.

He actually let his guard down. In such a tense situation of the Sukiyaki War, he was immersed in the little benefits he had gained, and naively thought about eating it all and then taking it.

This careless leisure is the reason for your defeat! Gintoki!

"What——!!!" Gintoki stood up in surprise.

All the previous events were connected in his mind, and he finally arrived at the correct answer.

They actually!


are cooperating.

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