The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

Gintoki lay there for a while, and what he waited for was not a small dark room, but a smiling Zenin Soshiro.

He probably did not participate in the large-scale team-building activity of the Zenin family to encircle Gojo Satoru, so not only was he not knocked down by Gojo Satoru or Shirō, but he was also calm and unhurried when he acted, and his eyes were sinister at first glance.

"Gintoki, the master of the family has sent you over."

"Here you go again, what is this time? Just let me go to the small dark room, it's quieter than chatting with the old man."

"Our revolution succeeded."

"What big shot are you talking about? What is revolution? Where is the background?"

Background: Although Gintoki only went to school, it was a pity that strengthening basic education was only a superficial purpose, that is, the so-called fake~.

Emphasizing that all members of Bing took turns to participate in teaching work, in essence, it was actually to let the high-ranking elites see the seeds of the next generation of the Zenin family.

It was not just the lifestyle of the top students who had the power of spells and inherited the Zenin family style that these elites were used to, but the ecology of six or seven-year-old children.

Whether it was the habit of the lower-class children to please and survive, or the style of the talented children who were high above.

These two, who should have been incompatible, showed amazing harmony. Even the so-called trash have strengths, and the so-called geniuses have weaknesses.

They studied in the dim silver light in an incredibly calm manner.

This was not because of the presence of Bing members, but because of Gintoki.

Because of him, there was no need to worry about being bullied, no need to fear being treated unfairly, and no need to prove anything by bullying others.

That abnormal strength, and the particularly serious motto that guided life.

Became the sun hanging above them.

Every time after school when they were beaten to the ground, Zenin Soshiro and the others discussed this point. As long as they showed confusion about the current situation of the Zenin family, or were impressed by Gintoki, it was a sign of becoming a companion.

So they were able to achieve the effect that would normally take years of infiltration in these few months. Zenin Soshiro and the others have developed the team that was originally very few and loyal to the head of the Zenin family into a more magnificent one.

This part of the armed forces, which should have belonged exclusively to the seat of "family head", was willing to participate in the reform of the Zenin family with their own will.

Originally, they should have stayed dormant for a while before officially launching the reform.

But you know the situation.

It was too convenient, even the Zenin family head did not expect such a good thing to happen. There was actually a six-eye who ran to their main house automatically and even took the initiative to provoke.

The Zenin family head sent someone to fan the flames a little, and the Zenin upper echelons could not sit still at all. Regardless of the protection around them, they also came out in full force to encircle Gojo Satoru. The Zenin family head could just take their armed forces and force them directly to the upper echelons.

This is also the reason why the location of the school is so close to where Gintoki lives, but they were not seen from beginning to end.

When the upper echelons were busy launching foreign wars, they directly started a civil war! It's simply not human!

But after all, the upper echelons are all old men, and this reform did not take too long and ended successfully.

"Cunning! Too cunning, even if you keep saying bad things about them, it's obvious that they are the ones who are doing good for the family! How can you take advantage of others to steal the family when they are out in full force! Apologize to me!"

What's the difference between this and when Gintoki and his men were busy fighting against the barbarians, the shogunate turned around and attacked them! It was hard enough to kill the heavenly people. Food, samurai, and weapons were all in deficit before Tatsuma came! They really fought on an empty stomach!

"A brat who doesn't know how to respect the elderly." The head of the Zenin family sat in the first seat, "With the unlimited technique of the six eyes, Gojo Satoru was already at the top of the first level the moment he went out. Even if he was detained by the human wave tactics, what substantial significance would it have for the development of the family? The people in the upper class have no self-knowledge. And..."

Gintoki suddenly felt a little bad.

As expected, the Zenin family master opened fire on Gintoki: "Isn't your technique just right? If you want to win, leave him behind. Don't tell me you can't do it!"

"Here you go! As expected, if you can't do it yourself, push it to others! Haven't you heard the principle of not doing to others what you don't want others to do to you? Those two

No matter how you look at Pika Pika's eyes, you must be the darling of heaven. Yin Sang still wants to get rich with small steel balls, so don't go against the Jump Master! "

"Kill him and the reward money will be enough to wash away the steel balls. It will take a lifetime!"

"Don't underestimate me! That money is not enough!"

How much do you have to spend on Pachinko? The head of the Zenyuan clan looked at him with a glaring look, waiting for Gintoki to admit his mistake.

It's a pity that counting on this is not as good as counting on the head of the Chanyuan family to love the children first.

Gintoki crossed his legs and picked his nose: "So what are you asking me to do? Distribute funds? Funds for Xiaogangzhu's World War Heroes?"

"Don't even think about going out, just stay here." The head of the Chanyuan family gave up. He closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look at it.

The mood is too complicated.

The head of the monastery family could brag about Gintoki behind his back and to the immediate neighbors of the monastery, but when facing him directly, he just wanted to slap him.

There are still such people in the world. Only the way you remember me is the best.

"There is only one purpose for calling you here."

The kind-hearted head of the Zenyuan family seemed to have lost his character. He spoke to ask, but his tone sounded like he was informing: "Gintoki, become the next head of the family. If it is you, you will definitely be able to lead the Zenyuan family to the right direction." A glorious future.”

As a pilot school, the head of the Chanyuan family saw that hope.

Even if the real prejudice has not disappeared, under the influence of Gintoki, children can eliminate prejudice and truly look at those people who they used to hate or look down upon.

Not just labels of genius and waste, but their real place.

Talented or not, people are still human beings after all.

Such a simple truth was buried in the twisted environment of the Chanyuan family and became an empty talk.

The head of the Zenyuan family desperately hopes that Gintoki can bring about some changes in the Zenyuan family.

Whether it is insignificant or destined to destruction. This is all a struggle that he can do with all his strength.


If anyone from the Zen Yuan family heard these words from the head of the Zen Yuan family, they would probably feel unbelievable. This is the position of the head of the Chanyuan family, and can be said to be the nominal spokesperson of the Chanyuan family.

If such an important position is given to a person who is defined as a waste by the rules, Zenyuan Fan will definitely vomit blood if he finds out.

Gintoki picked his nose, balled up his boogers and launched them.

"I won't do such troublesome things."

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