The old man was beaten, and the old man was beaten.

Gintoki, who was forced to compensate for the pachinko machine and was blacklisted by the boss, was officially kicked out. He stood at the door of the store with a thin figure, innocent, weak and pitiful.

"Why did you break the machine, but Gin-san had to compensate? It's too much, too unreasonable, I want to complain! According to common sense, shouldn't you pay my medical expenses first!"

Gintoki rubbed his burnt curly hair covered with a layer of ash and protested to Kujuku Yuki.

"Before that, pay me the mental damages for my true feelings being betrayed first." Kujuku Yuki replied with confidence.

Don't underestimate the amount of information just now. It's a secret among secrets. After all, there is that old man Tengen, so it's a big deal at the national or even world level.

But this kid ignored it all!

"Anyway, you don't need comfort or anything like that. Do you need Gin-san's praise to be satisfied? Ah-ah-amazing, amazing, worthy of being Lord Kujuku Yuki, you can still run away from Tengen, unprecedented and unparalleled." Gintoki's voice was lazy and perfunctory.


Even more angry, this is not Kujuku Yuki's problem, it's a person who said a lot of things, and the person next to him replied "Huh?", he will definitely be angry! No matter who it is, he will be angry!

Of course, out of human expectation, more or less, I still hope that the past experience can be said to be difficult, and then I will have some admiration for Kujuku Yuki.

"Huh, I hate you." Kujuku Yuki hugged his arms and turned his head away to be upset.

"That's good. You finally got on the path that you think can realize your ideal. It's a waste to look back on the past. After all, if I really comfort you in the past, I'd be sorry for you now."

Gintoki took out a series of mobile phones. The pink and black mobile phones were connected to the blue mobile phone like pendants, which looked very bloated.

Suddenly said a nice word, so you want to show off! This stinky kid.

Kujuku Yuki couldn't help but turn his head to look at him again.

"Add contact information?"


"Gintoki, what kind of woman do you like?"

"I like the smiling weather sister on TV."

"So old-fashioned."

"What do you know? Weather sister is a man's ideal, just like a flower shop or a cake shop. Just listening to it makes me want to dive into the gentle land."

"You can also dive into the arms of the sister." Kujuku Yuki lifted her long golden hair, showing her graceful figure outlined by the tight motorcycle suit.

"Don't even think about squeezing in. Gin-san's real life is only anchor Yuuno, and Piranha goes to the other track."

"You actually called it Piranha, you little brat who should be taught a lesson, let me tell you the benefits of mature women." Kujuku Yuki pounced over and grabbed Gintoki's head, kneading his scorched but still strong curly hair.

"Get out! Gin-san is not interested in women who offer themselves!"

"Objection is invalid~"

So, Gintoki somehow got in touch with Kujuku Yuki.

And reached a strange cooperative relationship.

Physically and mentally exhausted, Gintoki returned to Zenin's house before dark.

The craftsmen were very efficient. Gintoki had roughly repaired the roof with ceramic pieces and plastic from the washbasin a long time ago, and it became brand new. There was no trace of the battle in the house, and even the furniture was brand new.

It was as if it had traveled through time and returned to its original appearance.

Considering the remoteness of the location, Gintoki had reason to suspect that the mansion was not as beautiful and tidy as it is now.

It is worthy of the arrangement of the master of the family.

It is amazing. If the craftsmen of the Zenin family go out to make a living, they can definitely make a lot of money. This is already magic.

Wait, magic.

Gintoki suddenly remembered that this is a magical world with cursed power, so can we make wishes?

He did not show any shock on his face, even the amazing speed of the craftsmen did not make him show the slightest shock, as if it was the most normal thing.

The craftsmen's heart sank.

After all, they are only craftsmen in the Zenin family, and they still hope to get some affirmation. This is also emotional value.

Suddenly, Gintoki found something that cannot be ignored.

Like an old lady who buys vegetables in the vegetable market and finds that there is mud on the spinach, he said in a picky tone: "Hey, this is not okay. You are actually cutting corners. There is a big crystal pendant in Gin-san's living room.

The crystal chandelier."

How is it possible! They didn't clean up after the fight, and didn't even find a piece of the crystal chandelier! The craftsman felt bitter, but this was in the Zenin family. What is the survival skill of the Zenin family? It is forbearance!

The craftsman humbly wrote in the little notebook: "Yes, Lord Gintoki, it was our mistake. We will replace the crystal chandelier for you here."

"How could Gin-san's bedroom be such a simple tatami? Who do you think I am? I am Lord Gintoki. Lord Gintoki must sleep in a king-size bed. What's the point, king! "

What the hell is a king-size bed? The whole Zenin family is decorated in traditional style. In a world full of tatami, you can't find a king-size bed even if you search the Zenin family!

This is absolutely nonsense! You are messing with them! The craftsman clenched his pen hand again and again.

Calm down. The little angel shouted beside his head. What is the principle for ordinary people to survive in the Zenin family? Forbearance!

The craftsman listened to the little angel's advice and continued to answer humbly: "Yes, Lord Gintoki, we failed in our duty. A king-size bed will be customized in the bedroom."

Why do you have to use English!

But this is the end, even this bastard can't make more random requests, he should know what is the limit!

Gintoki turned around and didn't even let go of the kitchen, shouting exaggeratedly as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Why is Gin-san's kitchen empty? Don't be ridiculous! Every day when Gin-san goes in, he can find strawberry parfait and pudding in the refrigerator. You must have cut corners and neglected to install... I mean to repair this function. "

How is it possible! The refrigerator is not a Doraemon treasure box. It is impossible for desserts to appear by themselves without putting them in first! And he must have said it, he said to install it!

Shura, no need to endure it anymore. The little devil knocked hard beside his head.

The veins on the craftsman's forehead bulged: "Don't talk nonsense! How can there be strawberry parfait and pudding when you open the refrigerator? Is it a dessert elf? Does the elf live in the refrigerator! "

"You actually know elves, you are very childish."

Gintoki didn't take the courage that the craftsman had accumulated with great difficulty seriously.

The craftsman returned to work mode in a second, as if he had never complained just now, and wrote in the notebook in his hand: "There are strawberry parfait and pudding in the kitchen."

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