--【hiss! ! ! 】

Ieiri Shōko was very surprised by Lizi's reaction, but she also confirmed that there was nothing wrong with what Lu Ming said.

Li Zi indeed had her own obsession, and this obsession was so powerful that when she told him to become a Buddha, Li Zi actually burst out with strong hostility towards her.

If Lu Ming hadn't comforted her in time, she even suspected that Li Zi would attack her.

Looking at the somewhat disappointed Ieiri Shōko, Lu Ming took Li Zi back into the shadow.

"Teacher Shōko, that's the situation, Riko has her own ideas."

"Shōko, many times we don't need to impose our ideas on others."

"There is an old saying from China, I give it to you Shōko."

"you are not a fish, how to know the joy of fish."

After speaking, Lu Ming reluctantly stood up.

"Teacher Gojo, if there is no problem, I will go back to the dormitory first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ming turned around and left the infirmary without paying any attention to Gojo Satoru's answer.

"This kid really has a personality."

Seeing Lu Ming's leaving figure, a wry smile appeared on Gojo Satoru's face.

Is Lu Ming really confident? Does he know that he will never do anything to him?

Ieiri Shōko stood next to Gojo Satoru and sighed:

"Although he came from a hundred and fifty years ago, the total time he was actually awake was only a dozen years."

"Wu, as a teacher, you have to set a good example for Lu Ming."

Regarding Lu Ming's complicated experience, Ieiri Shōko suddenly understood Lu Ming's erratic stance and out-of-touch character.

After all, Lu Ming was not from the same era as them. He lived in a feudal era like Meiji, and he was an illegitimate son of the Zenin family. He might not have been very happy throughout his childhood.

Ieiri Shōko and Gojo Satoru didn't know that Lu Ming was a time traveler, so after thinking about it from their perspective, they both sympathized more with Lu Ming's experience.

"Shōko, don't worry. Now that Lu Ming has joined the high school and become my student. I will help him integrate into this era. After all, he is also a bloodline of the Gojo family and a member of the Gojo family..."

Gojo Satoru showed a hint of amusement.

"Since the Zenin family doesn't cherish this result, then don't blame me, the representative of the Gojo family, for getting there first."

Lu Ming is another Jujutsu master with extraordinary potential. As long as he is bound to the Gojo family, if one day he is gone, Lu Ming can at least protect the Gojo family for a while.

Gojo Satoru is self-aware of his own behavior style, and the Jujutsu Masters Association is often dissatisfied with his behavior.

Just like the incident with Itadori Yuji, the senior leaders of the Jujutsu division still want to directly eliminate Itadori.

If I hadn't firmly disagreed, the senior officials would definitely not have been willing to accept this plan due to their own strength.

And once something goes wrong for him one day, Gojo Satoru knows that the people protected by his family, Itadori Yuji, the principal, and anyone who is disliked by the senior management of Jujutsu Division may be liquidated.

Before, his only choice was Okkotsu Yūta, a distant relative. As one of the three current special-level Jujutsu masters, Okkotsu Yūta might be able to help him take care of the people he protects.

However, Okkotsu Yūta is the kind of person who follows the rules at heart and does not have the mentality to break the rules.

If he is not being bullied, Okkotsu Yūta will usually not take the initiative. He is a passive person.

Now, with Lu Ming as a closer blood relative, Gojo Satoru likes Lu Ming's personality even more, even though his character is a bit unpredictable.

At least, Lu Ming's personality will not let others bully him, and this self-centered personality will make him take the initiative in everything he does.

Under the same situation, Gojo Satoru had a hunch that Lu Ming and Okkotsu Yūta would make completely different choices.

——[It looks a lot like me. 】

Gojo Satoru raised the corners of his mouth slightly and nodded calmly.

He really felt that Lu Ming was very similar to his younger self, and he also believed that young Lu Minghui had his own persistence.

"I will help Lu Ming apply for the status of a special Jujutsu master, and I will also endorse Lu Ming. Shōko, please pay more attention to Lu Ming in the future."

"After all, he came from a hundred and fifty years ago. In the past few days since he woke up, he has only known Itadori and the other three. Maybe Lu Ming is also uneasy about this completely different era, right?"

"To be honest, I am shocked that Lu Ming can integrate into the new era so quickly."

Ieiri Shōko nodded slightly. As a medical professional, Shōko also serves as a health teacher for three grades.

She also has her own responsibilities regarding students' mental health.

"But will the association really approve Lu Ming's application as a special-level Jujutsu master? Satoru, even if it were you, the association wouldn't approve it so easily."

"After all, Okkotsu Yūta spent so much time in his special status."

Ieiri Shōko pursed her lips slightly, with some worry in her eyes.

However, Gojo Satoru is full of confidence in this.

"Yūta is because his sense of presence is too low and he is too passive, so that the association's senior management feels that they can take some control. With Lu Ming's character, he will not suffer easily..."

"And, this time, I'll let the old drunkard help me."

"After all, Lu Ming is not only a member of the Gojo family, but also a bloodline of the Zenin family. His real name is Zenin Ming!"

Listening to the words "Zenin Ming", Shōko was a little distracted.

"But wasn't Lu Ming very unhappy with the Zenin people before? Would the Zenin family support this kind of thing? After all, this is a special-level Jujutsu master who can change the entire Jujutsu world."

Ieiri Shōko was already a little skeptical.

Gojo Satoru heard this and smiled softly.

"Shōko, then you are looking down on the Zenin people. Why do you think the Zenin people told me about Lu Ming's identity?"

"He undoubtedly wants to drag me into trouble, and wants me to change Lu Ming's attitude towards the Zenin family. Therefore, when it comes to Lu Ming's application for a special Jujutsu master, the Zenin family will not only not get in the way, but will definitely also Will give strong support.”

Gojo Satoru thought about Okkotsu Yūta's stumbling when he was promoted to special level last year and shook his head.

"With my endorsement and the support of Zenin's direct neighbors, even if the senior management wants to stop it, they don't dare to do it too obviously."

"After all, as long as the name Zenin Ming is reported, the senior executives will have to weigh it."

"Although I really dislike the Zenin family's behavior, I have to say that the Zenin family still has some energy in the entire Jujutsu world."

"Since Jie's death, there are only three of the four special Jujutsu masters left. With Lu Ming's strength, it is more than enough to fill this position."

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