"As for you two?" Wen Ren Mo Yan turned his gaze to the two inhuman curse masters who had been tortured by him, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"You guys probably hate me very much."

Wen Ren Mo Yan looked into their eyes, which were full of fear, fear and despair.

But deep down, there is hidden hatred and anger.

I can't wait to tear Wenren Moyan's skin apart and cut him into pieces with hatred and anger!

Wenren Moyan looked at the other person's eyes, with a scary smile on his face.

He said something horrifying.

"How about this, I don't use the magic power to kill you, and let you turn into Cursed Spirit to come to me for revenge."

"I have always been fair, and I will never let you take revenge overnight."

After saying that, Wenren Moyan took out a few scalpels from nowhere and sent the two of them directly to see God.

(Whether it is a curse master or a Jujutsu master, as long as it is not killed by the curse, it will become a Cursed Spirit.)

(This is not made up by the author, it is the one-eyed cat's own setting, that is, the author of Jujutsu Kaisen.)

Why did Kujiu Yuki say that Jujutsu masters cannot produce Cursed Spirit.

the reason is simple.

1. The original composition of Cursed Spirit is a monster born from the power of Curse generated by resentment, anger, and various emotions in people's hearts.

Second, because apart from natural old age and death, Jujutsu divisions basically die in battles with Cursed Spirits and Curse Users, so they will not turn into Cursed Spirits after death.

It is also an unwritten rule that Jujutsu masters who are about to die of old age will also be treated with Jujutsu before they die of old age.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the dead Jujutsu master will turn into a Cursed Spirit, causing great harm and loss to the living.

This is what Jujutsu masters don't want to see.

So why is it said that Jujutsu masters will not become Cursed Spirit, but Cursed masters are not included.

This is one of the main reasons why curse masters and Jujutsu masters are incompatible with each other.

It's not that a Jujutsu master won't turn into a Cursed Spirit, but the death of a Jujutsu master is usually caused by Jujutsu.

Therefore, Cursed Spirit cannot be generated.

After all, once a Jujutsu master generates Cursed Spirit, his strength will be much higher.

Maybe the two curse masters in front of me will become special-grade Cursed Spirits later.

If it changes to level one, it means you still don’t hate me enough!

But Wen Ren Mo Yan believes that since he has treated them like this, they will definitely come back to take revenge on me with special Cursed Spirit.

In this case, wouldn't he be able to conquer two special-level Cursed Spirits and one second-level Cursed Spirit?

That was really rewarding!

Thinking of this, Wenren Moyan couldn't help laughing.

It’s so cool! It’s so cool!

And after conquering the Cursed Spirits transformed by the two curse masters, I can still get information from them.

Then destroy and eradicate that curse master organization.

By then, you will definitely make a lot of money.

But this kind of thing can only be done by oneself.

After all, I deliberately turned the curse master into a Cursed Spirit.

In the eyes of the Jujutsu world, it is no different from Cursed Spirit and needs to be removed immediately!

Wenren Moyan doesn't want to become a public enemy in the Jujutsu world, it's very troublesome after all.

Wenren Moyan waited for a while.

As expected, a strange atmosphere quietly arrived.

The two bodies disappeared in an instant, and the next second, a cursed fetus appeared in Wenren Mo Yan's sight.

Wenren Moyan looked calmly at the cursed fetuses less than five meters away from him, and calmly watched their birth process.

At this time, the Cursed Fetus is greedily sucking in the remaining cursing power around it. The Cursed Spirit contained in it is as majestic as a mountain. It should be that the special Cursed Spirit cannot escape.

The dark cursed fetus was suspended in the air, beating continuously like a heart, as if a huge terror was about to burst out of the fetus in the next second.

Not long after, the cursed fetus burst, and a weird big hand poked out.

Then came the second one, the third one, and the fourth one!

Four strange hands tore open the cursed fetus, and a strange face with fangs and a half-red, half-green grimace suddenly appeared in Wenren Mo Yan's eyes.

The Cursed Spirit jumped out of the cursed fetus, kneaded the remains of the cursed fetus that had just given birth to itself into a ball, and ate it.

After eating, Cursed Spirit licked his chapped, dark blue lips with unsatisfied expression.

The huge bulging eyeballs stared at Wenren Moyan greedily, as if looking at a delicious delicacy.

"Master Jujutsu, we meet again!"

Wenren Moyan smiled and thought to himself.

"These two idiots don't think they are my opponents after becoming a special Cursed Spirit."

"You can't beat me when you're alive, how about you die?"

"Now, I want to repay everything you did to me a hundred times."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

Cursed Spirit laughed, and the sound seemed to be the sound of two people overlapping each other.

It looks very weird and scary.

But to Wenren Moyan's ears, it seemed a little different.

Seeing the other party's funny appearance, Wen Ren Mo Yan was not in a hurry to conquer the other party and was ready to have some fun.

Let’s see what level the Cursed Spirit born from Curse has reached.

After all, special grades are divided into levels.

Even the lowest level magician can handle it.

At a higher level, you can open up areas and speak human language and so on.

That cannot be solved by ordinary level one.

It is necessary to dispatch one or more first-level Jujutsu divisions or special first-level Jujutsu divisions to encircle and suppress them.

Of course, success is not guaranteed.

Wenren Moyan saw that the other party could speak human words, and the Cursed Spirit was also very strong and strong. It should probably have reached the level of a real person or Huayu.

Forget about leaky pot, after all, people are not good at potting, they just like to compete in the peak competition.

"Hahahaha, I won't kill you so easily, I will beat your shit out and let you taste the taste of your own shit."

The Cursed Spirit showed a fierce look, staring fiercely at the child-like Wenren Moyan in front of him.

In front of the figure of Cursed Spirit, which is more than three meters tall, Wenren Moyan's height of 1.9 meters is indeed like a child, looking petite and weak.

Cursed Spirit smiled crazily and exerted force on its feet.

With a bang, the floor beneath his feet shattered, leaving a small pit.

Ghost Face Cursed Spirit's huge body was like a cannonball, rushing towards Wenren Moyan.

Wenren Moyan looked at the approaching Cursed Spirit calmly.

He said lightly: "The speed is good."


Ghost Face Cursed Spirit's fist was like a heavy hammer, piercing Wenren Moyan like four spears, making bursts of thunder.

Wenren Mo Yan was blown away directly.

"Strength is great too!"

Feeling the attack from Ghostface's Cursed Spirit, Wenren Moyan estimated that it was at least 60% as powerful as the Martial God's body.

If you use all your strength, it should be 70%.

"If I guess correctly, this guy should have a field!"

Wen Ren Mo Yan's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he looked at the ghost face that was already forming the Cursed Spirit seal.

"Domain Expansion!"

Aoki: "Sword Mountain!"

Red Ghost: "Chainhai!"

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