Jujutsu Kaisen: I Am The Strongest Spellcaster

Chapter 19 Level 4 Cursed Spirit

Wen Ren Mo Yan observed the villa in front of him and listened to the village chief telling the story of the previous owner of this villa.

Wenren Moyan probably already guessed about it.

A tragic story of sorrow, love and hatred has been imagined in my mind, making the listener sad and the listener in tears.

Pity the hearts of parents in the world, as expected, love is the most twisted Curse.

After the village chief finished speaking, Wenren Moyan discussed with Xia Youjie.

It was decided to let Wen Ren Mo Yan take action.

Xia Youjie lowered the curtain and walked into the villa Wenren Moyan.

It is already night, and as long as the sky is not filled with dark clouds in the countryside, you can definitely see the stars and the moon.

This is different from the steel jungle in the city. The bright lights will not steal the spotlight from the stars in the universe.

Wenren Mo Yan pushed open the door and was greeted by a gloomy wind.

Wenren Moyan felt it and found that a group of Cursed Spirits that should be at level three were hiding in the deepest room of the villa.

Wenren Moyan strode forward, walked to the door of the room, and then opened the door.

The decoration style of the room is similar to the warm style mother's room.

There are all kinds of toys and dolls hanging inside.

There is also a crib in the center of the room.

It's just that it's covered in dust because it hasn't been taken care of for a long time.

On the bed, an ugly Cursed Spirit who looked like a fat man weighing 500 pounds was holding a swaddled baby.

He was still humming a ballad indistinctly in his mouth, which looked very strange and terrifying.

Wenren Moyan looked at the lifeless baby in Cursed Spirit's arms, feeling a little regretful and distressed.

Cursed Spirit belatedly realized and finally found Wenren Moyan standing at the door.

Standing up with a disgusting body like a mountain of meat, he wanted to kill this bad guy who disturbed his relationship with his baby.

But in the end, he was subdued by Wen Ren Mo Yan's light words.

Wen Ren Mo Yan was going to browse through the memories of the Cursed Spirit that he had conquered, and Wen Ren Mo Yan tried to find out if there were any survivors.

But fortunately, there are more than a dozen children locked in a secret door by Cursed Spirit.

"This low-level Cursed Spirit has too little intelligence. It only knows how to act according to its own obsessions, but it doesn't know that people need to eat."

Wen Ren Mo Yan looked at the children inside the secret door who had lost consciousness due to hunger and were only half alive.

Obviously, the Cursed Spirit just now should be a mother who lost her beloved child and was finally devastated.

A Cursed Spirit born from time and the negative emotions of the villagers after death.

That’s why they arrested children and babies in the village.

Wenren Moyan took the surviving child out of the villa.

But the only pity is that the baby, unlike other children of a few years old, is not as tenacious in vitality.

After settling the matter, Wen Ren Moyan and Xia Youjie prepared to return to Tokyo.

But what Wenren Moyan didn't expect was that there was a Cursed Spirit in the village.

Just a weak Level 4 Cursed Spirit.

Adhering to the principle that mosquito meat is also meat, Wenren Mo Yan said hello to Xia Youjie.

Came to the little Cursed Spirit hiding outside a house.

The little Cursed Spirit looks about half the size of a baby, with a big head and short limbs.

Wenren Mo Yan was just about to subdue him, but he didn't expect that this level four Cursed Spirit would actually speak.

"It hurts...it hurts...don't hit me again."

"Don't hit me again..."

The little Cursed Spirit has slurred speech and speaks in fits and starts.

But I can feel that it is scared.

Hearing people's ink words is a bit surprising. Generally, level 2 Cursed Spirits may not be able to speak people's words.

But the level 4 Cursed Spirit in front of me actually has such high intelligence.

The corner of Mo Yan's mouth curled up when he heard it.

Do you still know how to beg for mercy?

I like!

Wenren Moyan subdued the little Cursed Spirit very easily.

As long as you can use curse power to see an existence like level 4 Cursed Spirit, you can see it.

That stick can be easily removed.

Its fighting power is a little stronger than that of ordinary children.

He is only a little bit stronger and is easy to bully.

But for ordinary people who cannot see the Cursed Spirit, it is also very troublesome.

Being possessed for a long time may take a heavy toll on the body.

After subduing the little Cursed Spirit, Wenren Moyan began to look at the memories of the little Cursed Spirit out of curiosity.

I want to understand how a level 4 Cursed Spirit can talk.

But after reading the fragmentary memories of little Cursed Spirit.

Wenren Moyan fell silent......

His eyes were full of anger and sorrow.

This kind of angry impulse made Wen Ren Mo Yan want to kill someone to vent his anger.

But soon, Wen Ren Mo Yan calmed down.

He returned to Xia Youjie and looked at Xia Youjie.

"Jay, do you want to go?"

Xia Youjie was a little confused by Wen Ren Mo Yan's words.

"Go? Where?"

Xia Youjie asked doubtfully.

"Go and see the cruelty of this world, go and see death."

Wenren Moyan replied calmly.

Recalling his previous life, Xia Youjie was conflicted and distorted by his philosophy of protecting the weak and for various reasons, and finally turned evil.

Wenren Moyan wanted Xia Youjie to feel in advance the darkness in the hearts of the ordinary people he tried his best to protect.

I want him to know that the job of a Jujutsu master is not only to remove the Cursed Spirit, but also to face the ugliness in the human heart.

Wen Ren Mo Yan didn't want Xia Youjie to look like that.

Because that is simply impossible to achieve.

There are also ordinary people among the children of Jujutsu masters, so it is impossible to kill those children who are not qualified as Jujutsu masters.

It is impossible to create a world full of Jujutsu masters.

Only by changing his mind now can he avoid going astray.

Wen Ren Mo Yan wanted Xia Youjie to correctly accept the cruelty of the world and the darkness of the human heart.

Do not have extreme thoughts and beliefs.

"Although I don't understand what you want to do, you invited me, so let's go and have a look."

Xia Youjie smiled and said indifferently.

Following Wenren Moyan's footsteps, the two quickly arrived outside a warehouse in the village.

Outside the warehouse, several villagers saw the arrival of Mo Yan and Xia Youjie.

They blocked their way one after another.

But how can ordinary people be the opponents of Jujutsu masters.

Not to mention two quasi-special-level Jujutsu masters.

"Get away!"

With Wen Ren Mo Yan's soft words, an invisible force pushed away the villagers blocking their way.

Make way.

The two of them arrived at the warehouse under the surprised and horrified gazes of the villagers.

As soon as the two entered the warehouse, they saw an iron cage in the dim environment.

Lying inside was a boy who was estimated to be only seven or eight years old.

The boy in the iron cage was motionless, as if he was asleep.

But when Xia Youjie confidently observed, he found that the boy had lost his breath and life.

Xia Youjie used magic power to violently open the iron cage.

But they found that the boy's body was already mangled with blood and flesh, and there were shocking scars everywhere.

I really can’t imagine what kind of painful torture the boy suffered during his lifetime!

I can't imagine who he is, who is so cruel!

To inflict such torture and torture on a child!

"This...this is...what's going on..."

Xia Youjie looked back with a blank expression, his eyes were distracted and his breathing stopped.

As if seeking help and answers from Wenren Moyan.

Xia Youjie was like a confused lone wolf at this moment.

His originally strong heart now seemed so weak and powerless.

Wenren Moyan did not answer, but summoned the level four Cursed Spirit.

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