The middle-aged man called the president by the man with glasses looked at what was before his eyes.

The wooden box made of fine mahogany contained the treasure that he had been thinking about for a long time and dreamed of.

The president gave a long laugh, placed his thick palm on the long box, and carefully rubbed the smooth surface of the wooden box.

His eyes showed desire and greed, wanting to take it for himself.

"Easy to say, easy to say."

"As for the death of someone in your hotel, remember to pay the compensation and don't let others catch you and use it as an excuse."

"When the time comes, even I won't be able to protect you."

"After all, the death of a person is such a big deal that it is impossible not to have any impact."

"I will try my best to cover up the truth for you. The fire department will often visit your hotel in the future."

When the man with glasses heard this, his eyes instantly brightened.

A few days ago, all the male customers of my hotel died suddenly overnight, and even the employees who stayed behind were not spared.

I don’t know why, but it’s so weird and unexpected that it makes people feel chilly.

If word spreads, I'm afraid my hotel will be ordered to be sealed off by the government.

"Thank you, President, please accept it."

The bespectacled man respectfully pushed his family heirloom to the president's side.

Although his grandfather once warned him not to open the seal.

But now the family's mainstay industry has been hit so hard. If we don't take out this treasure, it will be difficult to do good.

The president looked at the mahogany box in front of him and sighed.

Although he has great power in Shibuya and has connections in the government.

But how could he have control over something of that level?

Unless it was a cover-up by the government, it would be impossible for anyone to describe the hotel incident as a gas leak.

This is simply a fantasy. Only men will die from a gas leak in your home.

But that's not important. What's important is that the thing in front of him finally belongs to him.

The president's eyes were eager and he stared motionlessly at the wooden box in front of him.

Opening the wooden box, a treasured sword was placed inside.

The entire body of the knife was wrapped in yellowing strips of cloth with strange words written on them.

It looks very old and aged.

It seems to be an ancient piece from thousands of years ago, with a long history and a trace of the oncoming years.

The president picked it up carefully and slowly cut the seal.

Circle after circle of yellowed cloth strips were removed.

Not long after, a Tang sword with a red scabbard, hilt, blade and golden dragon pattern engraved on the scabbard suddenly appeared in their eyes.

"What a knife! What a knife! What a peerless knife!"

The president rubbed the scabbard and savored it carefully.

Delicate, like precious jade.

Another example is a girl's skin, which seems to be broken by a blow.

I can't help but want someone to pull it out.

With a clatter, the knife was already unsheathed.

The sword energy is extremely cold, and the cold light suddenly shines!

Like a silver dragon, flying out!

"President!" The man with glasses was about to stop the president from drawing the knife, but he didn't expect that the knife had already been drawn out.

His grandfather once warned him that he must not take the sword out of its scabbard, otherwise disaster would be imminent.

The bespectacled man looked at the knife that had been pulled out, but he didn't see any big disaster coming.

The president looked at the Tang Dao in front of him with satisfaction.

"After so many years, you are finally mine."

Looking at Tang Dao, the president seemed to see his first love after a long absence.

The eyes are gentle, satisfied, and happy.

Seeing that the president was so satisfied with his gift, the man with glasses couldn't help but feel happy.

"It's almost noon, President. I have prepared fine wine and fine food in the private room you often go to."

"I invite you to take a seat with me."

The bespectacled man invited cheerfully, but in the next second he separated the corpse.

"Mine, you are mine."

The president seemed to be murmuring in his sleep, and a trace of bloodthirsty scarlet flashed across his eyes.

A line of blood crossed, and a head flew out.

The bespectacled man felt dizzy for a while, and then looked at the headless corpse in front of him.

"Hey, who is this? This figure looks so familiar."

Then the man with glasses realized that it was his own body.

he died!

"It's a good sword. I really need to use blood to sacrifice it."

The president was manipulated by Tang Dao and became a sword slave.

Just when the president was about to set out to kill everyone in this shopping mall so that Tang Dao could drink enough blood.

But he found that he was surrounded by strange and terrifying monsters!

The president looked at these Cursed Spirits without fear, as if these Cursed Spirits were just a bunch of rabble and not his enemies.

The president let out an extremely ferocious laugh.

"Hahahaha! I have this knife, who can stop me!"

But in the next second, he was torn into pieces by swarms of Cursed Spirits.

The Cursed Spirits began to kill each other one after another, constantly devouring, merging, and killing.

Under the influence of Tang Dao, countless Cursed Spirits died, and new Cursed Spirits were born!

It was as if everything was driven by the Tang Dao suspended in the air, exuding blood-red terror.

Soon, a brand new cursed fetus appeared in the room.

He is as big as a buffalo, and his cursing power is restrained. A brand new special-grade Cursed Spirit is conceived within him!

Special grade is coming!

And the root cause of all this is the butterfly effect brought about by Wenren Moyan's arrival in this world.

In the huge shopping mall, the four Jujutsu high school students were browsing the supermarket on the basement floor.

"This guest, please don't sit in the shopping cart."

A supermarket worker was chasing a boy with white hair and sunglasses at full speed. Behind him was an embarrassed-looking black-haired boy.

At this time, Gojo Satoru was sitting in a shopping cart, shuttled throughout the supermarket driven by Xia Youjie.

"Youer, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Gojo Satoru smiled happily, while Xia Youjie looked embarrassed.

If Gojo Satoru hadn't been clamoring to play, he wouldn't have done such a childish and embarrassing thing.

"Guest, please don't do this in the supermarket. It's very dangerous."

The staff member gasped and finally stopped in front of the shopping cart containing Gojo Satoru.

Wenren Moyan's voice came from the side.

"Yes, Satoru, why are you causing trouble to the staff? This is wrong."

Listening to Wen Ren Mo Yan's serious voice.

If he hadn't seen the other party sitting on a toy shopping cart specially made for children, he would have almost believed it!

"Guest, please don't sit on the electric shopping cart. It's a toy for children."

The staff sighed helplessly.

"I'm a child too!"

"Actually, I'm only eight years old!"

The staff looked at Wen Ren Mo Yan, who was three heads taller than themselves.

"What the hell is this eight years old?!!!"

Wenren Mo said: "If you take two, wouldn't I be an adult?"

"I'm really just a child!"

"Don't steal my mount!"

Wenren Moyan was immediately asked to get out of the car by the staff.

If Wenren Mo Yan is allowed to sit in the car again, I'm afraid the car will be crushed.

After the incident, Wenren Moyan and Gojo Satoru were invited out of the supermarket.

Ieiri Shōko on the side didn't even look at them, pretending not to recognize them.

(Small request: I want to urge 200 updates)

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