Jujutsu Kaisen: I Am The Strongest Spellcaster

Chapter 48 The Hand Of The God Of Magic

But...so what, as long as it is Cursed Spirit, in front of the unlimited Cursed Spirit speech skills of Wenren Moyan, I can only surrender!

For Wen Ren Mo Yan, the older the little girl was, the stronger she was, and the more complicated her identity, the more excited he became.

Fear? The word fear did not exist in his Wenren Moyan dictionary.

Wen Ren Mo Yan looked at Queen Ming, who was not even taller than her own waist, and did not feel that she posed any threat to her at all.

On the contrary, Wenren Moyan liked her very much.

After all, cuteness is justice! Long live cuteness!

Even Wenrenmoyan cannot avoid the power of cuteness.

After being intimate with the Underworld Queen for a while, Wenren Mo Yan suddenly noticed that the other person seemed to be much taller than a few days ago.

If Wen Ren Mo Yan saw Queen Ming for the first time, she looked eight or nine years old.

He is at least eleven or twelve years old now.

Wenren Moyan was slightly surprised, but carefully recalled the situation at that time.

After the Queen of Hades absorbed the blood pool and the realm of birth, she grew up a little.

Wen Ren Mo Yan did not delve into this issue, and there was no need to delve into it.

For Wenren Moyan, the stronger his Cursed Spirit is, the more benefits he will gain and the stronger his strength will be.

He couldn't wait for the Cursed Spirits to become stronger.

The main thing he came here today was to experiment with the new technique he had recently learned.

"Ghost Face, come with me."

Wenren Moyan gestured to the ghost face and then returned to the real world.

Hearing people's ink words, the curtains were lowered in an instant.

Wenren Moyan's room seemed to be covered with a layer of black cloth, cutting off everything outside.

Looking at the burly and gigantic ghost face in front of him, he looked like a little giant.

Wenren Moyan felt that if Guimian played in the NBA with this body type, he would not be allowed to kill indiscriminately.

"Master, what orders do you have from me?"

Ghost Face said respectfully.

Wenren Mo Yan raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "Why, don't call me boss anymore."

The ghost face was a little frightened and embarrassed, and he smiled: "I have been bullied by Boss Qichen every day recently, so I can say it smoothly."

Wenren Moyan glanced at Ghost Face, even though he was the special Cursed Spirit that he had conquered at the beginning.

But now it is the weakest among several special-level Cursed Spirits.

It's not that he is too weak, it's that those few super ones are ridiculously strong.

Not to mention Tamamo Mae and the others.

For example, Qi Chen was a master who was able to turn defeat into victory and escape despite being surrounded and suppressed by several first-level Jujutsu masters.

Not to mention the strength after becoming Cursed Spirit.

Wen Ren Mo Yan didn't say much, he just asked Ghost Face what he wanted.

Ghost Face immediately replied, hoping that Qichen and the others would stop bullying him and dictating to him.

After all, he is also his master’s number one horse boy!

Ghost Face believed that the master would still agree to his request.

As a result, the next second, Wenren Moyan's answer made Ghost Face confused.

"I mean, do you want me to make your body look more handsome or ugly?"

Ghost Face looked confused.

After Wen Ren Mo Yan's explanation, Ghost Face finally understood that the master wanted to fabricate a human body for himself!

Technique: Hand of God.

Wenren Moyan used the Cursed Tool Creation Technique he learned from Yaga Masamichi and the Cursed Tool Creation Technique he learned from Asami Eka.

A brand new technique learned through the golden finger's incredible understanding!

It has a very strange but magical power that turns decay into magical horror.

It can even be given a Cursed Spirit so that the human body cannot be discovered by Jujutsu masters!

But now, Ghost Face has become Wenren Moyan's first guinea pig.

There is no other reason, because the ghost face is the weakest and the easiest to change.

At this time, Ghost Face didn't realize the problem yet, he just felt that he was wrapped in happiness.

"Sure enough, the master loves me, and the first thing I think of is myself! I cried to death!"

The one moved by the ghost face cried bitterly, and almost gave up his heart, going up mountains of swords and seas of fire for Wenren Mo Yan.

Dedicate yourself to the end of your life and die.

But as long as Wenren Moyan is alive, Ghost Face cannot be eliminated.

This is one of the unlimited Cursed Spirit abilities.

"Okay, tell me your request."

Wenren Moyan looked at the ghost face with tears in his eyes and was so moved that he couldn't control himself, and felt a little goosebumps.

After all, can you imagine a big monster with half green face, half red face, ghost face and fangs crying to you?

Just think about it...eh~

Goosebumps fell all over the place.

Ghost Face nodded excitedly and stated his request.

After hearing Ghost Face's request, Wenren Moyan was as expected.

To sum it up in three words: tall, big and handsome!

The most important thing is that it’s big!

Afterwards, Wenren Moyan activated the technique.

All the mantra power in his body was mobilized and concentrated on Wenren Moyan's slender hands.

The originally dark red and cold spell power became colorful and gorgeous, as warm as the sun, under the influence of Wen Ren Mo Yan.

Soon, the ghost face was wrapped in this colorful spell.

Wenren Moyan was like a creator god at this moment, using his agile and magical hands to create new miracles.

After a long time......

Seeing that there was no trace in front of him, his body was as fragile as a newborn baby, and he had turned into a human ghost.

Wen Ren Mo Yan nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that this method was feasible.

At this time, Ghost Face also felt the familiar feeling, the feeling of being a human being.

For a moment, Ghost Face was filled with emotions.

I never thought I could be a new person again!

Wenren Moyan used the magic hand to change the body structure of Ghost Face.

The ghost face can be transformed back and forth between human and Cursed Spirit.

But the essence is still Cursed Spirit, but it is covered with a virtual and wonderful body and restraint.

Of course, this transformation also comes at a cost.

That is, the strength of Ghostface in human form is only that of a first-level Jujutsu master.

If you want to use your full strength, you must transform into the Cursed Spirit form.

Wen Ren Mo Yan could feel it, if it weren't for the fact that he and Ghost Face had a vague connection.

He was also unable to realize that the man in front of him turned out to be a special-grade Cursed Spirit.

As expected, it took me a few days to master the technique. It was truly incredible.

This golden finger is worthy of the name of heaven-defying understanding.

Wenren Mo Yan threw a piece of clothing that he had prepared in advance to Gui Mian.

Then Qichen, Hufu and several other special-level Cursed Spirits were summoned one after another.

After a night of silence, Wenren Moyan felt that his body had been hollowed out...

After a night of hard work and hard work, Wenren Moyan successfully transformed the special Cursed Spirits such as Kichen, Foxfu and Tamamozen into humans, that is, Jujutsu masters.

The main thing is that they are just sitting around, so it is better to come out and do things for themselves.

The stronger the strength, the more time-consuming and labor-intensive it is to turn.

Finally, after a night of hard work, Wenren Moyan successfully transformed all of them.

Moreover, Wen Ren Mo Yan also specially changed the faces of Qichen and others.

Otherwise, if you go out and you will be wanted by the Jujutsu world, then your efforts will not be in vain.

Wenren Moyan's purpose in doing this was to manage the huge wealth that he had recently obtained through threats from Jujutsu's top executives.

After all, there are so many industries that need to be taken care of, and they are all chickens that can lay golden eggs.

Although he did not lack people under Wen Ren Mo Yan, he lacked people who he could trust unconditionally.

Whether it was the Goujuan family or something else, Wenren Moyan was worried about leaving those assets to them for full management.

From now on, Wenren Moyan wants to create his own power, so he can't do it without money.

And there are several big plans later that require massive financial connections and manpower.

Wen Ren Mo Yan appears to be rich, but is actually very short of money!

In addition, Hu Fu and others have the talent and experience to manage assets, so they are very suitable to manage those assets for Wen Ren Mo Yan.

Although Yamata no Orochi and Daitengu have no experience in this area.

But they know people's hearts well enough to manage people.

That day, several first-level Jujutsu division executives were parachuted in.

Wen Ren Mo Yan officially created his own business empire!

Lay the solidest economic foundation for future plans and forces!

(ps: Sorry readers, the first-day data of this book is not very good. The author here hopes that everyone can click on the update after reading it, give a five-star review and a little gift. Your support is what makes this book The basis for the book to continue to be written! Because the author writes the book just for money... QwQ, if you don’t make money, you will become a eunuch)

(The story has just begun. This book promises that there will be no knives. Of course, if you like Sukuna and Naohua, I didn’t tell you. Compared with other authors, I belong to the dream-realizing school, so this book will have a lot of original plots, but I will try my best to I will create it based on respecting the original work and will not write it randomly.)

(I hope you can support me more. The following plots will become more and more exciting. Thanks to the author!!! Kowtow to the frame.)

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