Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 144: The Wonderful Implantation Process Of The Curse Seal! 【Kneeling To Subscribe】

"This... seems a bit..."

After Lin Feng came to his senses, he didn't know what kind of expression he would show. The curse snake couldn't directly implant the curse seal into Zenin Maki, and Lin Feng needed to be the medium to implant it in a transitional manner.

It's not that he doesn't want to, the main reason is that the act of implanting the curse mark is too ambiguous.

In the world of Naruto, the snake pill implanted with the curse seal is to bite the neck. The action of biting the neck in the animal world means killing and controlling, but in humans, it is given an ambiguous color.

"What is this called..."

Lin Feng became distressed. If the matter of the curse seal was overturned, then Zenin Maki's strength could only stop at the same place. It was too cruel and too dangerous to put her like this in the death tour.

If you don't turn the page, Lin Feng will bite Zenin Maki's neck. She is a flowery girl who is in her youth. This behavior is equivalent to induction.

Either way, it's extremely difficult to choose.

"Forget it, let's ask Maki first." Lin Feng chose to be honest.

inside the room.

After soaking in the hot spring, Lin Feng and Zenin Maki were both wearing loose robes and sitting in the room. Lin Feng drank three cups of tea in a row before he opened his mouth and said: "Maki, I have a magic spell and spell power for you. Method, this is a partial method that does not belong to the category of Big Three Sorcerer Families or Jujutsu, and it has certain risks, do you... want to try it?"

"Mr. Lin Feng, you said you have spells and spell power?" Zenin Maki said: "I am a Heavenly Restriction body, and I was born without spell spells and spell power. Is there any way to restore it?"

It would be a lie to say that I don't want to.

In Zenin Maki's life so far, she has an incomparably deep understanding of the importance of spells and spell power. Without these two things, Zenin's family is not even considered a human being.

Not recognized, not respected, not even allowed to exist.

She and Maki have a family and can't go back, even to the point where Zenin's last name can't be mentioned.

No one desires spells and spells more than she does.

According to Zenin Maki, there is no cure for Heavenly Restriction in the Jujutsu world so far. If someone tells her that there is a way for her to have spells and mantras, Zenin Maki will only think that person has a brain problem.

But this is what Lin Feng said.

Zenin Maki's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Feng's deep eyes, and she believed in Teacher Lin Feng, "Mr. Lin Feng, is it really possible?"

Lin Feng felt the trust of Zenin Maki, with a warm smile on his face, and said softly: "It's worth a try."

"Understood." Zenin Maki took a deep breath, "I will cooperate well."

"very good."

Lin Feng considered his words, "Maki, some intimate moves may be needed next.

"A move of intimacy?" Zenin Maki hesitated and said, "Yes...is it a hug?"

"It's bigger than a hug."

"Ah!!" Zenin Maki uttered, and the whole person was in a daze. It was bigger than a hug. Didn't he just go to the restricted area to explore?

The relationship between men and women is divided into three levels. The term in baseball is base division.

Hit, first, double, home run.

Hitting base means confirming a love relationship, first base means holding hands, second base means hugging and intimacy, home run means kissing and inappropriate moments in one step......

Larger scale than second base......

Zenin Maki lowered his head shyly and stopped talking. Lin Feng saw the clue and explained dumbfoundingly: "Maki, it's not as far as the eighteenth ban."

"Ah... oh." Zenin Maki looked up, "Then...how exactly do you want to do it?"

"Maybe I need a kiss." Lin Feng said.

Zenin Maki started a strong ideological struggle.

"Teacher Lin Feng, let's start.

"Maki, it will be fine soon." Lin Feng walked up to Zenin Maki, in order not to let the embarrassing atmosphere last too long, he decided to make a quick decision. A moment later, the power of the spell was implanted into Zenin Maki's body through himself , The curse mark pattern of three commas was left on the bite marks on the neck.

Zenin Maki only felt that his body became strange and felt abnormally cold, "Mr. Lin Feng, I'm a little cold."

"Don't worry, it's the feeling created in your body by the spell and spell power, bear with it."

Lin Feng sent Zenin Maki back to the next room and covered him with a quilt before returning to his own room.

The next thing to do is to wait.

The time came to night.

When Lin Feng was going to check the situation next door, the door of the room was pushed open first, and Zenin Maki walked in with a strange expression on his face.

"Maki, is there anything abnormal about your body?"


Zenin Maki shook his head, "I'm much better now, and I can feel the power of spells and spells."

After the words fell, Zenin Maki made a demonstration.

At the beginning of the curse seal state, a black pattern began to extend from the curse seal pattern on the neck, and the moment the state was turned on, Zenin Maki's spell power breath surged out.

With a random shot, the vases in the room were directly framed into a picture, the picture was broken, and the vase returned to its original position, as if nothing had happened.

"Isn't that good, what about your expression?" Lin Feng watched Zenin Maki's demonstration, and was also surprised by the impressive performance of the power of the spell seal. Could it be that there is something unspeakable? 183

"Ahem, I'm fine, I just came to ask, Teacher Lin Feng, should we go to see the mantra Residuals on the peak?"

Zenin Maki didn't dare to say that she was out of shyness, compared to the magic of the curse mark, she was more fond of the kiss and bite just now.

into the night.

Lin Feng and Zenin Maki tidied themselves up briefly. Wearing thick down jackets, they left the hot spring hotel in the dark and headed to a higher place on the snow peak.

Hokkaido is very cold.

In normal seasons, the temperature is generally lower than other places in Japan, especially now, it is the month before winter, and it is still above the snow peak. The temperature is so low that people doubt life.

Fortunately, both Lin Feng's and Zenin Maki's physical fitness is different from ordinary people, otherwise they really couldn't climb high in the wind and snow at night.

The night wind whistled, and when it whistled, it was mixed with cold wind and snow.

Lin Feng and Zenin Maki quickly walked out of the tourist area and moved faster and faster towards the forbidden area.

The tourism development area of ​​Xuefeng is only a little bit halfway up the mountain, and further up is the prohibited no-entry area. After a while, Lin Feng and Zenin Maki stopped in front of the protective network barrier.

A continuous piece of protective net blocked the props, and there was a striking sign of no entry next to it.

Fortunately, such a protective barrier was useless to the two of them, and they easily crossed the barrier of the protective net and continued to climb towards the peak. .

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