List testimonials.

Jujutsu Kaisen is not as popular as Dead Flames, and it is considered a niche fan in Feilu.

When I started the book, I was very nervous, thinking that few people would read it, which is also the case. The data on the first day was very slow, and my friends persuaded me to cut it, but I wanted to continue writing and try, so I persisted.

Thank you readers for your support along the way, the author is very moved

As for the data of this book, it is neither good nor bad among the fans, but fortunately, there are readers who have been encouraging, and this is why the little author can persevere. Thank you very much for your support!

Because there are no manuscripts, the manuscripts are all ready-made, and the small author's hand speed is inherently slow, so I write very slowly. I often have to write from getting up in the morning until late at night.

However, to identify whether a book can be written down, although the previous data is one aspect, the most important thing is to put it on the shelf.

Nothing on the shelves, nothing in front.

Only when it is put on the shelves is it possible to decide whether a book can continue.

I really want to write it down, very much.

In fact, I thought a lot about this book, and I also had a lot about the plot.

It has been deleted and modified until now, which is also one of the reasons for the slower speed.

But now that I have cleared my mind, the following stories will be more exciting, and I will strive to write something different from others, so that you can enjoy watching it.

I don’t know if there are any friends who like Jujutsu Kaisen. Believe me, it will definitely be different when you look at it, and you will express your own things.

Finally, it is about to go on the shelves. I have been preparing for so long, successfully signed the contract, and continued to update until it goes on the shelves. Only I understand the pain in my heart.

This time when the book is opened, the author has already made a final fight with the attitude of breaking the boat.

Writing has always been my hobby, but the author only regards it as a hobby, and has never dared to try to put his works on the Internet for everyone to read, sign a contract, and even put them on the shelves.

In the past six months, the author quit his job, studied at home, threw away a few books after writing, and had no income for several months. , The contempt of relatives and friends around.

Some people say that writing novels is a waste of time, some people say that writing novels is not a proper job, and the worst thing I have ever heard is that writing novels is useless...

These words are deeply rooted in my heart, but I am powerless to refute them, because the author does not have a book that can give me the confidence to refute these words.

Fortunately, the editor has been encouraging and helping me, and all the readers are silently supporting this book, which made me see the dawn, that one day, the author's works will be recognized by you.

Sitting in front of the computer, I quietly typed my testimonials, but in fact, even my fingers were trembling. My current mood is indescribable.

Excited, excited, and a little apprehensive, I was still a little worried in my heart. After all, judging from the previous data, this is a book that has truly been supported by everyone.

And this book is all my hope. If there is no more income, the author can only embark on the long road of part-time work after the new year, and become a time-wasting and unfilial son who is not doing his job properly in the words of relatives and friends.

The author doesn't want to sell miserably, but just wants to continue to present the best works to everyone. This is my wish. Of course it would be best for those who are rich to support my works. If the economy is not well-off, it is not mandatory , sending a flower, writing an evaluation is also an attitude.

Because, with your company, the author is already very satisfied!

It's finally going to be on the shelves, and I can make it to this day, thanks to the editors who have always supported me, and you who like novels.

It is the persistence of everyone who is reading the book that has the opportunity to come to this day. Even if it is on the shelves, you are still the biggest motivation for me to write novels, and I need your support as always!

I don’t know how many readers have read here. I just came to Feilu to write a book not long ago, so I don’t know much about Feilu’s rules.

In the case of slow hand speed, it is even more difficult to survive in a place like Feilu.

But at the end of the day, this is my problem.

An author's obligation is to write the story as well as possible and to write it beautifully.

In my opinion, the story is not bad, at least not ugly.

This is my first fanfic.

I had one before, but the results were ugly, and I was ridiculed by many colleagues, saying that I might not be suitable for this industry.

I don't believe it, so I have this book.

But, again, when a book is really tested, it is on the shelves.

is a subscription.

Available tonight.

I will update as much as possible, and I will write as much as possible.

If there are five hundred subscriptions, there will be six updates on the first day!

There are six hundred subscriptions, seven updates on the first day!

Subscribe to 700, 8 updates on the first day!

Subscribe to 800, ten updates on the first day!

It will be on shelves tonight, begging for the first order!

Begging for the first order!

I'm very nervous, and now I feel very nervous. This is my second book on the shelf.

For a person who has never eaten at Filo, I really long for a book that can be written down.

Besides, the new year is here.

It's a new year.

I hope I will not accomplish nothing, at least, the book is still there.

Of course, I also wish all readers a happy New Year of the Ox.

In the new year, be happy, healthy and good luck.

Also, you must win the rankings, get out of the order this year, and get rich as well.

The little author begs for the first order! ! !

If there are 500 subscriptions, there will be four updates on the first day!

There are six hundred subscriptions, five updates on the first day!

Subscribe to seven hundred, six updates on the first day!

Subscribe to 800, seven updates on the first day!

It will be on shelves tonight, begging for the first order!

This is a very important thing, so I don't have to repeat it.

Dear readers, please! ! !

I have read the comment area, and thank you for your support, encouragement, rewards or comments.

Some Yanzu will leave here because of payment.

The author does not force the data, but only hopes that everyone can give a subscription if they can.

The author of this book wants to keep writing, and it would be even better if it can solve food and clothing.

Have fun with the whole joke.

"There are three masters in one township and two miles who don't know the four books, five classics and six righteousness, but dare to teach seven, eight or nine sons, which is very bold."

"Ten people and nine prostitutes only get eight flowers, seven votes, five charges and four reservations, and wait for three days and two nights to get nothing. It's quite a waste of time."

"Author, it's so neat."

"Quickly make a pair to kill him, fight him to death."

"In the picture. Dragons don't sing and tigers don't howl, little author, ridiculous."

"White party. Don't subscribe and don't follow up. You are smart, don't want it."


Available on shelves tonight.

I hope you will support me a lot.

Lao Li kneels down for you, brigade commander.

Dragon Boat Festival reading big discount! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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