Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 6. Choice! [Monthly Pass For Flower Evaluation]

After Fushiguro Megumi and Itadori Yuji were brought back to Jujutsu High School, the treatment they received was completely different. The former received careful care, while the latter simply treated his injuries and was tied up in a room full of talisman papers.

There is no other reason.

When Itadori Yuji swallowed Sukuna's finger, he couldn't go back, he couldn't go back to his human identity, but Curse, since he is Curse, he must be removed!

Lin Feng and Gojo Satoru came to the place where Itadori Yuji was being held, and were immediately stopped by the guards.

"Ms. Gojo Satoru, Mr. Lin Feng, the higher-ups have issued an order that no one can approach the Sukuna container. Please don't make it difficult for us."

Gojo Satoru straightened the guard's collar, and helped him re-tie his tie. He patted the ashes: "We are a member of Jujutsu High School,? Naturally, we understand the rules. It won't make it difficult for you, just Simply look."


Looking at Gojo Satoru's harmless smile, the guards couldn't even say a word of refusal.

After all, they were facing Gojo Satoru.

The man standing on the ceiling of Jujutsu has always acted in an unrestrained style. Generally, the upper management may not be able to stop what he wants to do.

After a moment of ideological struggle, the guards stepped aside.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Thank you thank you."


locked in the room.

An unconscious Itadori Yuji was tied behind his back to an armchair with shackles on his hands and feet.

"Ah, I haven't woken up yet."

Gojo Satoru looked at Itadori Yuji: "He is a young man full of energy."

Lin Feng walked up to Itadori Yuji and untied the shackles on his wrists and ankles.

"Mr. Lin Feng, is it okay to untie it like this?"

Lin Feng said: "Itadori is not a prisoner, and he can control the Ryōmen Sukuna in his body. Even if he goes berserk, how much impact do you think it will have?"

"That's right." Gojo Satoru found a chair and sat down: "Don't worry, I'm invincible after all."

"Mr. Lin Feng, before Mr. Itadori wakes up, you can tell me the reason."

"The reason." Lin Feng sat down on the chair: "Actually, there is no special reason, just like you like Xijiufu with edamame milk flavor."

"That's it, then I have to take a good look at Xi Jiufu."

After a while, Itadori Yuji woke up in a daze. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a strange room surrounded by talisman papers, and there were two people sitting in front of him.

"Itadori-san, you're awake."

Gojo Satoru took the initiative to say hello: "Well, you are now the container of Ryōmen Sukuna. According to the rules of the Jujutsu world, you will be removed, but you are very lucky."

"My lovely student and best friend want to keep you, so I'm curious why I kept you myself."

Itadori Yuji couldn't keep up with Gojo Satoru's train of thought, so he could only look at Lin Feng for help.

Lin Feng said slowly: "Just tell me everything that happened between the time you picked up your finger and before you fell into a coma."

Itadori Yuji followed his words and told the story from beginning to end. As a witness, Itadori Yuji's speech was more comprehensive and more understandable. Gojo Satoru listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

"It's probably like this."

Gojo Satoru crossed his legs: "Student Itadori, are you afraid of death?"

"Death..." Itadori Yuji nodded: "I used to be afraid of death."

"Fearing senseless death now."

"Since my existence is useful and can help others, then I want to make my death meaningful."

"If I can choose to die, I want to die under the witness of everyone!"

Gojo Satoru stroked his chin: "I think I have a reason to keep you, so let's try it, Itadori-san, you have to work hard to live longer."

"Ah? Didn't you say that I'm already a curse and you want to get rid of me?"

"Please ignore these details." Gojo Satoru waved his hand and said, "I have saved many people and given them the hope of living. This is the first time for people to die calmly. I think it is very interesting."

Gojo Satoru stood up and glanced at Lin Feng: "Mr. Lin Feng, if there is nothing else, I will take Mr. Itadori to go through the procedure, how about meeting the principal, or do you want to go with me?"

"Not interested." Lin Feng shook his head: "You can deal with it."


Regarding the placement of Itadori Yuji, with Gojo Satoru coming forward, any problem can be easily solved.

Lin Feng was happy to relax and wandered around the Jujutsu High School.

Jujutsu High School is packaged as a place of religious ceremonies. It is located in the mountains, and no outsiders will come to it on weekdays.

Because of Jujutsu's downturn and decline, most of the Jujutsu teachers trained by the college have already gone their own way, and those who stay in the Jujutsu college are just newcomers and faculty members.

Lin Feng strolled along the cobbled road lined with lush trees, and the leaves rustled when a gust of wind blew.

"Mr. Lin Feng?"

PS. Looks like no one is watching

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