Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 74. The Backhand Of The Bad Look! 【Seek The First Order】

The surface of the expressway was chapped, and the spreading cracks pointed directly at the roadside forest. The dense area in the forest has been opened up into a barren area.

The bad face was lying in the woods, it was hit by Black Flash in the front, and there were such shocking marks directly on its body.


The bad face was spitting out blood, and when he looked down, his abdomen had been pierced.

"elder brother!!"

The wounded blood smear quickly ran to Bad Xiang, and the whole Cursed Spirit went numb: "Brother, you are injured! You are seriously injured!"

The bloody smear was running around in a hurry, and blood oozed from its eye sockets. It didn't have lacrimal glands, so it couldn't show human tears, but at this moment, it was really sad and anxious.

"Xuetu." Bad Xiang grabbed Xuetu: "Help me up."

The bad phase stood up tremblingly, and the abdomen hit by Black Flash recovered at an extremely slow speed.

"Smeared with blood, let's fight back!"

"No, I'm already here."

Like a gust of wind passing by, Itadori Yuji has come behind Bad Phase.

The two brothers were taken aback.

This speed...

Even the sound is almost gone...

Itadori Yuji assumed a fighting posture, with a determined look on his face: "I will give you a choice, to release the spell immediately.

"Impossible! You injured my brother, you all have to die!" Xue Tu said sharply.

Responding to the blood smear was a fist and kick without long eyes. After the restriction was lifted, Itadori Yuji's speed became qualitatively faster. Not to mention seeing the movement clearly, it was extremely difficult to judge where it landed.


Itadori Yuji was bloodied with one punch, and the second force exploded at the same point.


The blood-stained abdomen was punctured.

Itadori Yuji clenched his fists into claws, pressed the blood-smeared head and fell to the ground, and a green onion planted in the dry land directly planted the blood-smear.

"younger brother!!"

Looking at the blood smeared and abused by blood, it is heartbreaking.

Cursed Embryo Nine-Phase Diagram, No. 1 to No. 3 are special-grade Cursed Objects. For a hundred years, they rely on their own blood to establish fetters. After owning the entity, they become human brothers. Blood is thicker than water.

The Nine Phases of the Cursed Embryo has no memory of its mother, nor humans, Cursed Spirit, or even hatred.

The reason why it appeared on the Eighty-eight Bridge was entirely because of the wishes of the brothers.

The eldest brother decided that it would be better for the three brothers to follow the Cursed Spirit side, so the three brothers reached a cooperation with the Cursed Spirit side and came to collect Ryōmen Sukuna's finger.

The bad phase lives for the blood smear, the blood smear lives for the swelling phase, and the swelling phase lives for the bad phase.

Three brothers are one.

As the saying goes, when the body is covered with blood, the pain lies in the bad heart, that's how it is.


Bad Phase yelled.

Itadori Yuji closed his fist and let go of the half-dead blood for the time being.

"The technique can be undone, but now there is a situation." Bad Xiang said: "My brother and I have the same technique, and now I was punched by you to the root." My brother was beaten to death by you again.

"So, with the current situation of the two of us brothers, it is impossible to remove the effect of the spell on two of them, but only one."

When the voice of the bad guy falls, the expression must be as sincere as possible.

What it said was half-truth and half-false. It was true that he was injured and his brother was blood-smeared half dead, but it was pure nonsense that he couldn't remove the effect of the spell on the two of them.

"It's up to you to decide who to lift the spell on."

Itadori Yuji said without hesitation: "Do you still need to ask? Quickly remove the effect of the spell on Nagasaki.


The bad-looking expression froze: "You don't think about yourself first, but about that woman?"


Itadori Yuji wrapped his fist with magic power, and the fist aimed at the blood smear.

"I'll immediately lift the spell on that woman."

Kugisaki Nobara curled up on the ground, unbearable pain spreading all over his body.

The constant pain from the Blood Corrosion Technique and Zou Lingding's penetrating wound were constantly tormenting her.

All of a sudden, Kugisaki Nobara only felt that the pain caused by the blood-corruption technique was greatly relieved, and then all the discomfort gradually disappeared110.

"Huh? Did that Itadori guy get Cursed Spirit?"

Kugisaki Nobara got up from the ground, the pain from the blood erosion technique had completely disappeared.

However, in the next moment.

Itadori Yuji's figure flew out of the forest, his body covered in bruises.


Kugisaki Nobara hurriedly rushed up to help Itadori Yuji, and the bad-looking and blood-stained figure walked out of the forest: "Young man, are you almost at your limit?"

The blood-smeared monster shouted: "Really, just now I had the opportunity to let my brother remove the effect of the spell on you, but you let my brother remove the effect of the woman's body."

"Dragging the flesh that was tortured by the blood-corruption technique, how can we defeat us?"


Kugisaki Nobara already felt that Itadori Yuji was not in good shape. No matter how strong Itadori Yuji's physical strength was, it was impossible for him to be fine with the effect of the spell.

Now ten minutes have passed, and the stick is already seriously injured. .

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