Before 10 minutes had passed, some students in the back couldn't wait any longer.

Although they couldn't see the cursed spirit, it didn't affect their guesses.

A boy who was obviously dressed more elegantly said loudly to the singer:

"There really are ghosts in this world, right? You must be the one who handles supernatural events."

Hearing this, the singer turned to look at the other party and said in surprise:

"Where did you get this information?"

She naturally didn't believe that an ordinary person could analyze the situation in an instant and reveal her identity as a sorcerer.

The boy's next answer was exactly what the singer expected.

"My father runs a hotel, so he is qualified to know about the curse."

"But it’s not important to talk about this now, just find a way to get me out."

Two other boys who were obviously his followers echoed:

"Brother Kameda asked you to save him because he was giving you face, so don't be ungrateful, woman."

The singer frowned as she listened to the other party's disrespectful words, and saw many female classmates behind her covering their mouths with their hands and trembling slightly.

It was obvious that the chain reaction was caused by the man named Kameda who said there was a ghost. If the two people who died just now could be explained as accidents, no one would panic.

But now that everyone knows that the dead classmates were killed by cursed spirits, they will definitely not be able to be as orderly as before.

Cursed spirits represent the unknown, and what humans fear most is the unknown.

The most important thing ordinary people should do when facing supernatural events is to stay calm and control their fear.

Otherwise, the cursed spirit will only become more powerful. The singer now sees that many classmates want to break away from the group and leave her side.

"Since you know my identity, don't tell it to cause panic. Just believe that I can do my best to rescue you."The singer said to the boy.

But he obviously didn't appreciate it and immediately refuted:

"My father alone pays more tax than the entire class of 18 generations of ancestors. You just need to ensure my safety."

The singer almost laughed when she heard this, but before she could teach the boy a lesson, 10 minutes had passed.

The curse spirit moved in the singer's sight. Its first target was not the singer, but the ordinary people behind her. The newly born curse spirit needs to constantly devour the fear of humans to become stronger, just like the Zen temple helps the killing curse spirit to become stronger.

"Everyone, come closer, I will try my best to save all of you."The singer exclaimed.

But she only had the most basic physical skills, and it was difficult for her to keep up with the speed of the level 1 cursed spirit.

As a result, after the dangerous remarks made by Kameda Ichiro, the students who had gathered together ran around.

The cursed spirit flew directly in front of a sturdy boy, who seemed to be a member of the meat modification club and ran the farthest from the singer.

As expected, he became the target of the cursed spirit's hunting, and he had no power to resist.


The students saw that the athlete's back was suddenly pierced with a big hole, and his heart was directly suspended in the air and then crushed by the force.


The boy was killed instantly without even a scream. Thinking of the curse Kameda Ichiro had just mentioned and the terrifying scene in front of them, the students were completely furious.



A scream, no one knew who made it, and then it completely ignited everyone's fear.

Even though the surroundings were dark, all the students rushed out in a hurry.

Then they rushed to leave here, and they couldn't stay for a moment.

The students who had originally gathered in a radius of 10 meters screamed and fled in all directions like dandelions, and the situation was completely out of control.

The singer's face was very ugly. The original group of 30 people, now only three or five relatively calm students followed her to seek shelter.

Kameda Ichiro was among them, and he seemed very satisfied with the current scene.

Staying in the singer It was safe around him, and his classmates scattered and became the first hunting targets of the curse spirits.

When all the other classmates died, he believed that he would have been rescued from the school.

In the face of life and death, the friendship between classmates is as thin as a cicada's wing.

In order to survive, Kameda Ichiro even tried to find a way to disperse his classmates and die for himself to buy time to survive.

The singer looked at Kameda Ichiro with anger, and she wanted to slap him to death.

However, the strict regulations of the Jujutsu High School that sorcerers cannot attack ordinary people and must try their best to protect ordinary people prevented her from having such radical ideas. The singer suppressed her anger and said:

"Do you think you can survive by driving your classmates away? The cursed spirit will only become stronger after eating enough humans."

"Others will only die faster! More! You selfish guy!"

Ichiro Kameda was scolded, but he still didn't care:

"It doesn't matter, I won't be the first to die anyway, so take me away from here."

Seeing that he was so shameless, the singer kicked him out.


Kameda Ichiro's body flew out like a rag sack, and his body hit the ground and rolled over in pain.

Even though the singer was a girl, how could an ordinary person withstand the cursed body?

"You want to leave without killing the cursed spirit? You are too naive."

"In order to avoid more casualties, I have already set up a tent to restrict entry and exit here.

The other two boys beside the singer changed their expressions drastically, as if they realized how stupid Kameda Ichiro's behavior was just now.


"Please save me, I don't want to die, my family still has a lot of money to spend, I still have a life of feasting and revelry, I still have countless inheritances"

"As long as you save me, I will give you whatever money you want."

The singer looked at Kameda Ichiro who was kneeling on the ground and begging as if he were trash. How could she be tempted?

You know, a curse master like Shen Er can get hundreds of millions of yuan for just one mission. Although she can't compare to Shen Er, she can still get more than 10 million yuan for just one mission.

"Money is trash in my eyes, you'd better take care of yourself." After saying this, the singer ran straight to the place where the screams came from.

Even if the power of the cursed spirits is getting stronger, she can't give up the idea of saving people.

There are only a few rich second-generations like Kameda Ichiro who disregard life. Most of them are good children in their prime.

She can't just leave it alone. If she were in danger, Zeninji wouldn't leave it alone either.

It is because everyone helps each other that humans can reach the top of the food chain.

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