The moment he made eye contact with Zeninju, Masato's soul was irresistibly pulled into the world of Tsukuyomi.

When he came to his senses, he found himself being nailed to a cross by countless coffin nails, and the surrounding environment was filled with endless black fog.

Blood continued to flow from his body from the nail wounds, and an unprecedented pain surged into his heart.

"Where is this! Where did you take me to?"

How could the real person in the Tsukuyomi world know that he was under an illusion? He could only ask questions in doubt about the darkness around him.

At this time, the boundless darkness around him began to fade, and in an instant the real person appeared in a desert with an ultra-high temperature of 180 degrees.

Zeninzhu was a little surprised that all space, time, mass, etc. in the Tsukuyomi world were at his disposal.

Unexpectedly, he just had a thought and really created a desert.

The real person's skin began to dry up rapidly, and the blood flowing in his body was quickly evaporated.

He only felt that the sun was baking him less than 1 meter away from him. The real person nailed to the cross gritted his teeth to endure this inhuman torture.

He felt dry mouth and tongue, and his body, which had never been really hurt by physical attacks, was in great pain.

But this was just the beginning. The real person looked at a vague figure walking towards him.

It's just strange that no matter where that person went, it would be covered by dark clouds, and the scorching heat of the sun seemed unable to cause any harm to him.

"Monster! It's like the creator of this world···"

Just as the real person was mumbling and about to fall into a coma, Zeninji showed an evil smile.

"Don't dream of avoiding Tsukuyomi's punishment by falling into a coma"


Zenyuan Zhu just snapped his fingers, and the surrounding environment suddenly turned into the ocean.

Even the real person's body, which was tanned by the sun and was only skin and bones, was restored to its original state. The real person's consciousness was forcibly turned on by Zenyuan Zhu.

"How about being scorched by the flames and then being torn apart by thousands of sharks?"

The water where Zeninju was standing automatically created a vacuum area, as if he was the god who dominated everything. The real person who was swallowed by the sea and couldn't breathe looked at Zeninju's eyes filled with fear.

"Devil! This man is definitely a devil!"

It's a pity that in Zenin's world of Tsukuyomi, he was deprived of even the right to speak.

Countless megalodons rushed towards Masato around him, and a bloody eating scene occurred.

Masato originally thought that he would be bitten to death in a few bites to end this nightmare, but Zenin always restored him to his original state when his mind and body were about to collapse.

The world of Tsukuyomi kept changing.

Sometimes it was a city full of Gojo Satoru, and Masato infinitely took the ultimate move.

Sometimes it was a hell full of Nanami, and was cut into pieces by Nanami Kento.

In every place, Zenin prepared terrifying torture for Masato.

In the long and painful torture, Masato experienced unprecedented fear and despair.

"I know I was wrong, I will definitely change my ways when I go back, please don't torture me anymore!" Zhenren collapsed and knelt on the ground, shouting in despair.

But Zeninzhu would not easily believe the other party's lies, Zhenren had learned too much from human cunning.

He must be better than anyone at begging for mercy first and then stabbing someone in the back after surviving.

The memories of being tortured kept accumulating, and just when Zhenren's spirit was about to completely collapse, Zeninzhu suddenly felt the weakness brought by the long-lost exhaustion of his cursed power.

"Is 78 hours my limit? Or is it related to the strength of the cursed spirit soul that was pulled in?"

Only less than 3 seconds passed outside, but Zhenren was tortured in Zeninji's Tsukuyomi world for 72 hours.

He was like a candle in the wind, his whole body trembling violently, and the trembling spread through every inch of his skin like an electric current.

His eyes, which were originally full of playfulness, were now occupied by endless fear, becoming empty and soulless, as if he had lost the meaning of living.

Zhenren's powerless body collapsed to the ground, muttering some almost crazy words.

"Where is this...what kind of horrible place is this……"

His voice was hoarse and broken, as if it was a desperate cry squeezed out from the depths of his soul.

"I can't die like this... I absolutely can't die here like this……"

The real person's body twitched involuntarily, and his hands tightly grasped his hair, as if trying to pull himself out of this terrible nightmare.

"I must take revenge on Chanyuanzhu! From now on, the meaning of my life is to take revenge on Chanyuanzhu!"

"Even if I can't deal with Zeninjutsu, I will attack his relatives! Attack his best friends! I will attack all the sorcerers! I will make them all experience inhuman torture!"

The real person's empty eyes bloomed with a fierce look, relying on his hatred for Zeninjutsu to get out of his mental breakdown.

Zeninjutsu next to him clearly saw the real person's vicious eyes with his Sharingan, but he didn't care at all and said:

"You don't think you didn't collapse because you have a strong will, do you? You survived just because I wanted to torture you a few more times."

The real person's pupils trembled when he heard this, as if his thoughts were seen through.

However, he also felt the almost exhausted curse power on Zenyuanzhu, and a sinister light flashed in his eyes.

He looked like a beast that was choosing its prey, and the real person kept roaring in his heart.

"Now is the time when the demon is at its weakest. As long as I am determined to attack him, I will definitely kill him here!"

The soul of the real person was screaming, but his body was shaking constantly out of instinct.

Zenyuan Zhu had no sense of crisis that the real person would attack him, so he just casually put his thumb on his middle finger and exerted a little force.


As soon as the crisp sound of the finger snapped, the real person immediately knelt down and curled up in front of the Zen temple assistant, while constantly begging for mercy.

""Please don't torture me anymore! I've had enough!"

But Zhenren soon found something wrong. The environment around him didn't change in his imagination. He stood up with some fear and quickly distanced himself from Zeninju by dozens of meters. The sound of snapping fingers was the signal for Zeninju to change the execution ground for Zhenren in the Tsukuyomi world.

Zeninju believed that even those science-student nerds who looked a little dull, wore black-framed glasses, and had short hair could not calculate the shadow area in Zhenren's heart.

"Don't be shy~ Come, come here, let's get closer. You even called me daddy when you begged for mercy."

"My dear son, you are not going to kill your father, are you?" Zenyuan Assistant waved at Zhenren.

But the latter turned around and ran away without even looking back or saying anything harsh.

He turned around and left, as if he had made up some kind of decision, and never looked at Zenyuan Assistant again.

From now on, as long as Zenyuan Assistant is there, Zhenren can only feel a little safe by kneeling down and licking his shoes.

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