Shutenkiou's ultimate battle almost destroyed the entire Shibuya, and Gojo Satoru, who had endured this devastating blow, fell into a slump.

Ruku was killed by Sukuna in the chaos, and the real one reunited with Nozomi.

"I'm curious, will you be sad?"羂索 looked at the real person with interest.

This cursed spirit, who had grown to a special level not long after its birth, had a pair of evil eyes filled with anger.

"Tell me the method, whether it is Zenin-suke, Sukuna, all the sorcerers, and even the human beings in the world, I want them to be buried with Lekuhu, Hanamiya, and Tagore!"

Looking at the real person who broke free from the fear of Zenin-suke, a cunning flashed in Noso's eyes.

Whether it was Hanamiya, Lekuhu, or the cute Tagore, these were the results of Noso's guidance to fight against the sorcerers.

He has only one ultimate goal, that is to make the real person fully awaken his ability, and wake up from Zenin-suke's nightmare with hatred for mankind.

"But a mere curse···"

The noose has always been playing with the IQ of the four natural disaster curse spirits, and now he is showing his fangs to the real person

"First, use your Wuwei transformation to transform the target I choose into a sorcerer. Then, all 1,000 people will kill people under my arrangement, including the sorcerer."

"Only you deserve the most evil curse, create monsters to destroy the world."Nosoe whispered to the real person, and completely guided it into a curse of not doing any evil.

The real person, whose head was filled with anger, squatted down without hesitation and pressed his palm hard inside.

The Wuwei transformation technique expanded in all directions of Japan with it as the center, and the 1,000 targets selected by Nosoe were included.

Among these people were ordinary people with cursed objects stored in their bodies. After their souls and bodies were transformed into sorcerers, the sorcerers stored in those cursed objects thousands of years ago would wake up and snatch the original host's body.

It can be understood as 1,000 Yuji Itadori were parasitized by 1,000 evil curse masters, but none of these 1,000 containers had the ability that Itadori could use to suppress Sukuna.

While the real person was helping the non-magicians to awaken, cursed spirits with terrifying auras continued to pour out of Nososo's body, and the number was roughly estimated to be 100,000!

These were the super-first-class cursed spirits that Nososo had continuously selected and bound for thousands of years, and there were many special-grade cursed spirits among them.

This was not the end, Nososo also took advantage of the fact that Tengen was now troubled by evolution and used a barrier technique that was no less than Tengen's to make a drastic change

"The resentful spirits surge across the other side"

""Death and flight, migration and rebirth."

It comes from the destructive migration of deep-sea fish in Japan, which was perfectly reproduced by the noose and entered the world of spells.

An unprecedented hunting game was launched in Japan. Ten tents with an area of more than 10,000 square meters were set up in major cities across Japan as battlefields for death and migration.

In addition, countless humans who were transformed into spellcasters by Wuwei will be driven into the barrier by tens of thousands of cursed spirits and become swimmers. An endless battle royale has begun.

At this moment, the noose was sunk into the prison gate area at a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea.

Zeninju's spell power value has long been restored, and the reincarnation eye is constantly being urged. The left half of his face has been dyed blood red, which is a side effect of the eyes being overloaded.

Fortunately, he has a reversal technique to repair it, otherwise even the Samsara Eye would not be able to withstand his damage.

Zeninjutsu tried to open the time-space gate to escape from the Prison Gate Territory, but this was his 699th attempt.

There is no concept of time and space in the Prison Gate Territory, and he cannot leave here.

The only way is to wait for the people from the Jujutsu High School to find a way to open the"inside" of the outer Prison Gate Territory.

But fortunately, there is no concept of time here, and Zeninjutsu will at least not starve to death or die of old age.

"Since I can't get out, I just use this opportunity without the concept of time to calm down and study the construction method."

"The Tiannimu in Shier's hand has not been destroyed. As long as Jie and the others find Shier to help, I can get out of here."

When Zenin Suke thought so, Xiayou Jie did it. In a casino in Tokyo, a muscular man with short black hair pushed all the chips in front of him.

"All in!"This person is Shen Er who is enjoying the fun of gambling.


The dealer starts to shoot and shrugs helplessly at Shen Er.

"Sorry sir, if you don't have any chips, please give up your position."

He went bankrupt after a big bet. He didn't have the same emotional breakdown as many gamblers who would collapse after losing a lot of money.

"It seems that I am not suitable for this kind of meal that falls from the sky."He left the casino. He looked up at the person in front of him who seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and said indifferently:

"What's up?"

There were no extra words, just two words brought a sense of urgency to Xia Youjie's muscles. After all, he was defeated by Shen Er many years ago.

"The assistant of the Zen Temple asked me to come to you to borrow Tian Ni for a while. How about 100 million as a reward?"

Xia Youjie quickly suppressed the throbbing in his heart and calmly said his intention. He has grown a lot compared to 10 years ago.

Shen Er did not answer immediately, but looked up at the sky as if thinking. After a long time, he spoke

"Why didn't Zeninzu come in person? Just calling would be fine."

"Let me guess, something must have happened to him?"

"Those non-special grade magicians are afraid of me, so for the sake of safety, I have no choice but to let you come to me."

After Jin'er's analysis, Xia Youjie's face became very ugly.

Because Jin'er's style of doing things has always been unpredictable, and he rarely makes trouble because of his relationship with Zeninzhu.

Now that he has guessed the news that Zeninzhu was sealed, it is a small matter for him to raise the price. Xia Youjie is afraid that Jin'er will go to the opposite side of the sorcerer.

If the other party resumes the curser industry, then the sorcerer world will set off a storm again. After all, the current situation is pressing.

Xia Youjie's eyes changed uncertainly, took a deep breath and replied:

"There is indeed a problem with the assistance, but this is not a sign for you to let yourself go."

"If you want to stand on the side of the curse master, I will do my best to keep you here!"

Shin'er looked at Xia Youjie's face as if he was facing a great enemy. He did not make any radical moves as Xia You guessed, but made a request that puzzled him.

"1 billion, I will help you kill the people and cursed spirits that are hindering the Zen Temple."

Xia Youjie had a puzzled look on his face, but he couldn't help asking:

"You actually sided with the sorcerer.···"

With a cold smile on his face, he walked to Xia Youjie and said:

"Don't forget that my last name was also Chanyuan···"

Geto Suguru underestimated Jin'er's gratitude to Zenin's assistant for raising Huihui. He felt the same way when Zenin's assistant was despised by his family in his early days, and was even more delighted when he wiped out the remaining half of the Zenin family.

With the addition of Jin'er, the sorcerer has one more special-level combat power.

Although Jin'er cannot destroy a country with his own strength, he still has the strength to destroy a special-level cursed spirit.

"Zen temple?"

Xia Youjie thought and raised his hand to summon the rainbow dragon. The two flew towards the Hongxing Palace where Tianyuan was.

At this moment, the high school was surrounded by tens of thousands of cursed spirits released by Noso. All this was because Noso wanted to get Tianyuan to realize his millennium plan.

Noso was tired of his personal experiments on the Nine Phases Diagram and Yuzhang. He wanted to use Tianyuan to let all mankind complete the evolution. He wanted to give the possibility of the future to the people all over the world.

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