Shinichi finally relaxed after returning to the technical high school. Just when he thought the exchange meeting was over, Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro suddenly broke in.

"Shinichi! Come quickly, Gojo-sensei and the others are going to decide the content of the exchange on the second day."

After Yuji Itadori reminded him, Shinichi remembered that he still had a baseball game to play, but this was a good time to relax.

"Got it! I'm coming!"

Shinichi quickly packed up and then went to where everyone was with Yuji Itadori.

Everyone was chatting together. The injured player, Nobara Kugisaki, also recovered after the reversal treatment and was now chatting with the two sisters, Maki Zenin.

"Then, the content of the second day of the exchange meeting will be decided now."

Yamo Masamichi said solemnly and took out a lottery tube.

"Isn't it an individual battle? Why do we have to draw lots now?"

Yuji Itadori asked quietly on the side.

"It's called a draw, but in the end it's all individual battles, it's just a formality."

Panda waved his hand and said, as a second-year veteran, he already knew about this kind of thing.

"So, the content of the second day of the exchange meeting is officially confirmed to be... Mahjong?"

Yogama Masamichi, who took out the word "Mahjong", was confused. He remembered that he had put up an individual battle? How could it become Mahjong?

"Yogama, what is this?"

After hearing the content of the exchange meeting, Leyan Temple Yoshinobu also asked with a puzzled look on his face. How could he make a mistake in this matter after more than ten years of friendship with Yaga Masamichi.

"Sorry, I don't know either... Wu! You!"

Yogama Masamichi suddenly shouted as if he suddenly remembered something, and beside him, Shinichi felt very regretful for teaching Mahjong to Gojo Wu.

"Why should I teach them how to play Mahjong?!"




"Hey! Stop it, I haven't seen it yet!"

"Hahahaha, I won!"

"Hey, look carefully, where did I win? It was a fraud, right?"

Several card tables were set up in the gymnasium of the technical college. Everyone went from being slightly aware of it and not knowing it at the beginning to being so obsessed now.

"Brother Wu, you did it on purpose."

Looking at Gojo Wu on his card table, Shinichi said helplessly. At the same table were Geto Suguru who had finished his course and Naoko Ieiri who had finished his treatment.

"What's wrong? Isn't it fun? It's really boring to play individual games every year."

Gojo Wu said as he played a card. Now he was not wearing an eye patch but a pair of black round-frame sunglasses.

However, Gojo Wu, who has six eyes, has a unique advantage in this game that requires memorizing cards.

"It's nice to play games together like this occasionally."

Suguru Jie said with a smile, as if the three of them were back in their school days.

"Yeah, that's life."

Gojo Satoru echoed.

"You two..."


Before Shinichi finished, Ieiri Shoko had already pushed down her cards. Wow, all the cards were the same color.

"I lost. How could that be possible? I clearly remember that this card is useless to me!"

Gojo Satoru said in a panic.

"Okay, Gojo, hurry up and get some rewards, hurry up~"

Ieiri Shoko said while pushing Gojo Satoru's shoulder.

Shinichi looked at the other tables. Fushiguro Megumi and Itadori Yuji were fighting against Kamo Kenki and Mechamaru, Miwa Kasumi and Nishimiya Momo were fighting against Yoshino Junpei and Inumaki Satoru, and Zenin Maki and Panda were fighting against Zenin Mayi and An Utahime.

"I always feel like there's one missing."

Facing the crowd of people talking and laughing, Shinichi wondered.

"My dear friends, what are you doing?"

Aoi Toudou rushed into Yuji Itadori's card table and began to greet him.

"Toudou! We are playing mahjong, do you want to join us?"

Yuji Itadori said enthusiastically.

"Mahjong? Interesting. I won't miss the opportunity to fight side by side with my dear friends!"

Aoi Toudou squeezed out Mechamaru's seat and began to shuffle the cards.

"Fushiguro, you go play with Brother Wu and the others for a while, and I and Itadori will come over here."

"Yeah, sure."

Shinichi squeezed out Megumi Fushiguro's seat, mainly because he wanted to play with his own big brother.

"Shinichi is coming too? It seems that the majesty of the brother will be revealed here!"

Kenji Kamo was in high spirits. Although his teammate was Toudou, he was still confident.

"Then, let's start."


After a fierce battle, Aoi Toudou and Kenji Kamo lost a grand slam due to Shinichi's superb card skills and good luck.

"How... is it possible..."

Kamo Kenji looked at the scene in front of him and said in disbelief.

"Brother, you still need to practice morePractice, hahaha."

Shinichi said with a one-handed "V" sign, but he was only better at playing mahjong than these students who didn't play it much.

"Shinichi is so good! How did you figure this out?"

Yuji Itadori asked, touching his head. He had no idea about this kind of thing, but seeing Shinichi so good, he naturally admired him.

"My dear friend Itadori, mahjong is a superb game technique. It is indeed a bit difficult for you, but don't worry, as your dear friend, I will teach you."

Aoi Todou said to Itadori Itadori with a confident smile.

"But... aren't we opponents now?"

Yuji Itadori asked a soul-searching question, which petrified Aoi Todou instantly, but she came back to her senses after a while.

"Speaking of which, Kamo's brother, the special-grade sorcerer Kamo Shinichi, has been interrupted several times before. I have something to ask you now that I have the opportunity. "

Aoi Toudou looked at Shinichi seriously as if she had something important to say.

"What is it?"

Shinichi, who was drawing cards, answered nonchalantly.

"What type of women do you like?"

This statement shocked everyone. Not only Kamo Kenki and Itadori Yuji, who were sitting at the same table, but also Fushiguro Megumi, Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, the two Zenin sisters and the panda on the other side all pricked up their ears.

Noticing the eyes of the people around him, Shinichi's hand that was drawing cards stopped. He never expected that Aoi Toudou would ask him this in the current situation.

Not only his own brother, but also his junior and his teacher were there. Most importantly, there was a girl next to him!

"Must, say it here?"

Shinichi asked nervously.

"Of course, otherwise I would think you are an indecisive man!"

Aoi Toudou said as a matter of course. Seeing that he insisted so much, Shinichi had to bite the bullet and start answering.

"How about liking...big-breasted queens? "

Shinichi said with a red face. This was not to please Toudou Aoi. If he had to say it, he really liked this type.

The words shocked everyone again, especially the panda, which immediately started to make a funny face. It made an expression directly to Zenin Maki opposite, as if it was saying.

"Maki! You have a chance!"

Zenin Maki noticed the panda's action and hit the other person on the head with a slap, and her face couldn't help but turn red.

"Ala, it seems that someone is going to fall in love."

Zenin Shinichi said with his hand on his face.

"Shut up..."

At this time, Toudou Aoi's brain with an IQ of 530,000 began to work. Big breasts, suitable, mature sister, equal to tall women, perfect answer!

Once again, memories that did not belong to Toudou Aoi appeared in his mind. Under the sunset, he and Yuji Itadori and Shinichi were walking on the way home from school.

"What are we eating today?"

"How about ramen?"

"Okay, okay. ”


Back to reality, Toudou Aoi burst into tears.

“The three of us are close friends!!!”

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