"Well... it's a little complicated, but we are really short of manpower recently."

Shinichi made a decision after understanding the situation with Ichichi Kitsugao.

"I will arrange the manpower for Fushiguro's sister. In exchange, Ichichi-senpai must tell me the location and specific coordinates of Yuji and others, and agree to my application for this mission point."

Ichichi Kitsugao thought carefully and it seemed that there was no problem. Although according to the regulations, sorcerers are not allowed to privately intervene in tasks that do not belong to them, as long as they apply for consent, there is no problem.

"I understand. This is the location of Fushiguro and others. The assistant supervisor is Nitta Akira. Then, this is left to you, Kamo-san."

Ichichi Kitsugao raised his eyes and said solemnly, which can be regarded as a reflection of his rigorous personality.


Shinichi made a "yeah" gesture to Ichichi Kitsugao and then quickly left and took out his mobile phone.

"Nanako, Mimiko, stop the class. I have a task for you... Tsuki, you will be suspended for one day. Just tell Gojo teacher what I said then..."

After handing over the task of guarding the unconscious Fushiguro Miki to the Kaba sisters and Inumaki Tsuki, Shinichi began to run towards the coordinates of Fushiguro Megumi and the other two with confidence.

After all, Fushiguro Miki will be fine for the time being. As long as there is no real person's technique to initiate the inaction transformation, those ancient magicians who occupy the bodies of modern people will have no chance of resurrection.

"However, for safety reasons, let's go and see it later..."



Fushiguro Megumi shouted in panic after seeing Kugisaki Nobara being pulled into another space by a hand.

"Brother, I want to go too!"

The strange creature with a small face on his face also ran towards a black portal after seeing it.

"Yuji! You go with me."

"But, you're alone!"

"Don't worry, this place is easy to deal with, go help Kugisaki quickly!"

"Fushiguro, if you are in danger, you must leave!"

After saying this, Yuji Itadori also plunged into the black portal. Looking at the cursed spirits that kept running around in front of him, Fushiguro Megumi showed a disdainful smile.

"Want to sneak attack me from behind? It's so monotonous."

Fushiguro Megumi saw the cursed spirits move and slashed again, but the cursed spirits moved quickly from the hole to the other side again.

"I told you, it's so monotonous."

Just when the cursed spirits were complacent, Hun appeared from behind the cursed spirits and cut them off with one claw.

"It's over..."

Just when Fushiguro Megumi was about to follow the remnants of the cursed power to find Yuji Itadori and Kugisaki Nobara, a powerful cursed power suddenly appeared beside him.

It was a cursed spirit that looked very similar to the one in the juvenile academy, but there was no doubt that from the aura, this special-grade cursed spirit was a little stronger than the one in the juvenile academy.




On the other side, Yuji Itadori, who was chasing after the blood, happened to run into Nobara Kugisaki who was fighting with the bad face, and Yuji Itadori also saw the scary back of the bad face.

"You, saw it! Damn it! Kill you!"

Facing the angry bad face, Yuji Itadori also expressed his apologies for a while, and suddenly, a huge cursed power made both sides alert.

"That cursed power, is Sukuna's finger, is it with Fushiguro?! Did he fight the special-grade cursed spirit that ate his finger alone?!"

Yuji Itadori and others thought in surprise, but now, both sides have no time to care and can only fight with all their strength. The final winner can decide the fate of Sukuna's finger.

"【Corrosion and Decay Technique·Ultimate Band·Wing King】"

A pair of blood wings grew out of the hideous face behind the evil face. That was his technique.

The two were beaten back by this force and had to retreat. Because the evil face was very fast, in order to escape the scene faster, Yuji Itadori picked up Nobara Kugisaki and quickly left the range of the Wing King.

"Here... it's okay."

Just as Yuji Itadori was catching his breath, Blood Tu suddenly appeared in the bushes on the side and spit blood on the two.

"This guy, did he run straight ahead of us..."

Although Yuji Itadori pulled Nobara Kugisaki aside in time, the two were still stained with blood.


The evil face appeared again and launched his technique. In an instant, Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki were covered with patterns and could not move.

"Damn... is it poison?"

Feeling the changes on his body, Yuji Itadori said.

"No, to be precise, it's [Decomposition] Oh, this is the technique of our two brothers. As long as the blood is attached to it, I can activate the technique. This guy can probably hold on for 15 minutes, but the girl here should onlyYou can only hold on for 10 minutes. You two will turn into bones before dawn."

Bad Face revealed his technique, which also increased the power of the technique. However, at this time, Kugisaki Nobara laughed.

"It seems that our compatibility is very incompatible."

Just as she took out the nail and prepared to use her own grass spirit spell resonance to transmit the damage on her arm to Bad Face and Blood through [Decay].

"Hey, you're hitting hard."

A familiar voice reached everyone's ears.

Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki turned their heads and saw Shinichi appearing in front of everyone with the injured Megumi Fushiguro on his back.

"A new magician..."

Bad Face stared at Shinichi in front of him with a look of vigilance.

"Yuji, catch it."

Shinichi threw Megumi Fushiguro to Yuji Itadori. Unexpectedly, Yuji Itadori broke away from the control of [Decay] and unconsciously caught Megumi Fushiguro.

"That man! Is he okay? ! "

Looking at Yuji Itadori who could move freely, the bad guy was very surprised. What he didn't know was that Sukuna's finger was poisonous, and Yuji Itadori, as Sukuna's container, had already developed resistance to the poison, so he could move freely.

"Next, I'll play with you."

Shinichi clenched his fist and then slowly walked towards the bad guy and the blood. Under pressure from Shinichi, the blood spat a mouthful of blood on Shinichi.

"Well done! Blood."

The bad guy was very excited to see this scene. In this way, he only had to deal with Yuji Itadori.

"Can you please stop spitting things out? Didn't anyone tell you that this is dirty? "

Blood was suspended around Shinichi. If you look closely, you can see that under the pool of black blood, there is a pool of red blood supporting and wrapping it.

[Could it be! The same technique as my elder brother?!]

The evil-looking man was shocked when he saw this scene. He knew his elder brother's technique very well, but even his elder brother couldn't control blood as arbitrarily as the man in front of him.

"It seems that I still need to beat him up."

Shinichi walked towards the two with kindness and used his fists to educate them with love.

3 minutes later, the lines on Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki disappeared, and the evil-looking man sat in front of the four people with scars on his face.

"For you who wantonly took away human bodies, now, I, the special magician, Shinichi Kamo, will make the judgment. "

A red blood line flashed, and "Bad Face" and "Blood Paint" both fell to the ground, and the human who was incarnated also appeared, but he was dead and could not be deader.

Shinichi walked to the pile of "corpses" and rummaged around, then picked up the two things.

"That's it. "

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