On the other side, Gojo Satoru and the other two were running in the corridor in the girls' college to monitor the exorcism of the cursed spirit.

"Where is that guy now?"

"At this time, he should be in the music room or the chapel."


"Because it's a church school..."

Gojo Satoru was speechless, "That's why I said I have to do the guard work within the sight line! That girl!"

"There's no time, Satoru goes to the chapel, Miss Kuroi goes to the music room, and I'll deal with those two guys of unknown origin." After rational analysis, Geto Suguru made a decision.

"Understood." ×2

The three of them quickly split up, and just as Geto Suguru was heading towards the place where the cursed spirit dissipated, an old man with glasses and a white scarf on his head blocked his way.

"Oh, that uniform, is it a sorcerer from the Jujutsu High School?"

As the old man said, he summoned two strange shikigami and looked at Geto Suguru warily.

"When I saw the uniform, I expected a one-on-many situation, so I summoned shikigami in front and behind. This old man is an old hand."

After seeing the opponent, Geto Xiayou immediately used [Cursed Spirit Control Technique] to summon two cursed spirits and formed a confrontation with the opponent.

"It doesn't require a medium of cursed power and is different from the magician. Could it be the cursed spirit control technique?"

"Correct answer, the old man is really knowledgeable." Geto Xiayou praised.

"No, no, there is no good in living too long. The longer you live, the more money you have to spend."

"The level of the technique is that the opponent has the upper hand, but he is too young. I know his next move very well."

Geto Xiayou looked at the old man and took a step back, but this small action caught the old man's attention.

"Sure enough! Not good at close combat? This kind of guy will definitely control the cursed spirits to fight from a distance and pay no attention to the situation around him. This kind of person is too easy to kill."

The old man slowly put his hands behind his back and prepared to take out the dagger.

"You seem to be planning something, but it's meaningless."

Xia Youjie looked at the old man with contempt, raised his hand, and a huge worm curse spirit that occupied the entire corridor immediately appeared and rushed towards the old curse master.



The huge worm curse spirit destroyed the old man's Shikigami and stirred up a cloud of dust.

"There is only one person left..." Xia Youjie looked in another direction and said to himself.

Bang! The glass behind Xia Youjie shattered, and the old man came out with a dagger.

"Your failure is because you created a blind spot for yourself, go to hell!"


"This is..."

The old man who was about to succeed suddenly saw a Shiba Inu, and instantly he remembered what had just happened.

"A revolving lantern..."

In just a few seconds, Xia Youjie grabbed the old man's wrist and knocked down the dagger in his hand. At the same time, his other hand pushed the old man's face and finally grabbed the collar and punched him hard.

"So... you deliberately lured me?!"

"It's okay, you look like you can't help but rush over."

Sugaru Jie waved his hand and said.

"So, are you [Q] or [Pansei Cult]?"

On the other side, Gojo Satoru finally found the chapel and pushed open the door without hesitation.


Gojo Satoru shouted after pushing open the door, but not only Tenchi Riko looked at him, but also her whole class.

"What... what..." Tenchi Riko was very shy when she saw Gojo Satoru breaking in, "Didn't I tell him not to show up!!"


"Riko, who is that? Boyfriend?"

"He's so tall, is he a high school student?"

"Little brother, take off your sunglasses!"

Riko's classmates made a noise.

"No... that, it's my cousin! My cousin!"

Tenchi Riko hurriedly explained, but her explanation seemed pale and powerless.

Gojo Satoru listened to their cheering and obediently took off his sunglasses, revealing his handsome face and blue eyes and posing.

"Wow, so handsome!!!"

"Hey, don't get too proud!"

Looking at the show-off Gojo Satoru, Tenriko said angrily.

"Okay, okay, everyone be quiet."

"You care about this, teacher!"

Tenriko's teacher stepped in and calmed down the scene.

"Even relatives are not allowed to come in casually."

"Ah, sorry, because it's an emergency..."

The female teacher approached Gojo Satoru and took out a notebook and wrote a string of numbers on it.

"Also, this is my phone number..."


"Stop talking nonsense, it's hard for female faculty members to meet the opposite sex!"

Looking at them making a fuss, Gojo Satoru took the opportunity to grab Tenriko and took her away from the scene.

"Your school is quite lively."

"It's all because of you!”

Gojo Satoru took Riko and jumped onto the roof.

“The curse master is coming, let’s just go to the technical high school. You don’t want to implicate your classmates, do you?”

In the garden, the paper bag man found two people shuttling between the rooms.

“Is that my 30 million?”

“You guys are sent by [Panxing Cult], right? The people of [Q] are dressed more outrageously.”

The paper bag man looked behind him and found that Kuroi Rimi was holding a mop and looking at him viciously.

“You are such an amateur. If you want to kill someone, don’t make a sound.” After saying that, he rushed up directly.

But Kuroi Rimi easily solved it with a mop.

“Isn’t this very strong?”

Kayou Jie praised Kuroi Rimi while looking at the subdued paper bag man.

“Where is Riko sister?”

“She just went out with Mr. Gojo. Let’s go too.”

“Hahaha…as expected, that was my 30 million just now. "

The paper bag man laughed and melted into a pool of black water and disappeared.

Looking at the disappearing paper bag man, Geto Xia took out his phone and called Gojo Satoru.

"So someone is offering a reward of 30 million for Tenchi's head, I see."

Gojo Satoru, who was carrying Tenchi Riko, hung up the phone and looked at the four identical paper bag men around him.

"Really, the work of sorcerers is always in short supply all year round. Uncle, are you interested in becoming a sorcerer?"

"Don't bother with my work, just give me that little ghost." As he said that, another clone was added on the spot.

"What's so good about this little ghost."

Gojo Satoru raised his hand, and the two paper bag men flew into the air and collided with each other.

"Clones? It looks like they are all real bodies. "

The paper bag man saw this and manipulated the other two clones to attack Gojo Satoru together, but was horrified to find that his fists could not touch Gojo Satoru and he could not move forward in front of him.

"What is this... thing!"

"Infinite, think about Achilles and the Tortoise."


"It means that you should study hard."

Gojo Satoru looked at this weak curser and explained his technique with interest, and explained his clone technique in the shocked eyes of the paper bag man.

"My eyesight is very good."

"Damn, I was seen through."

Gojo Satoru took off his sunglasses and let them fall freely on his palm, but the sunglasses hovered in the air.

"My technique is a convergent infinite series. The speed of any object approaching me will become slower and slower, and the final result is that it cannot touch me. This is infinite convergence... In short, the above is the result of the forward rotation of the technique. "

Gojo Satoru changed his gestures and extended his middle finger, index finger and thumb.

"And this, infinite divergence, is [Spell Reversal·He]."

Gojo Satoru instantly appeared in front of the paper bag man with two fingertips emitting dazzling red light. The paper bag man felt threatened and protected himself with both hands, but nothing happened.


Just when the paper bag man was confused, Gojo Satoru punched him in the face.

"Failed again? I thought I could succeed this time."

Gojo Satoru touched his head awkwardly.

"What is this guy doing..."

Tenriko looked at Gojo Satoru who was laughing awkwardly and took out her mobile phone, but received a message that frightened her.

"Gojo, Kuroi was captured!"


Three minutes later, the three of them met up. After Geto Suguru explained, Tenriko resolutely decided to go to rescue Kuroi.

"In that case, be prepared. "

Gojo Satoru said solemnly.


A few hours later, with the super high combat power of Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru, they successfully rescued Kuroi Satomi without any injury.

Looking at the two people hugging and crying, Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru smiled at each other. At this time, Gojo Satoru's mobile phone made an inopportune sound.

"What's wrong?" asked Geto Suguru.

"It's Naoko calling. She should have sent the boy home, right?" Gojo Satoru answered the phone while speaking.

"Hello, Naoko."

"Oh no, Gojo, Shinichi is missing!"

"Huh? ..."

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