Looking at the crazy Wan in front of him, Shinichi unconsciously clenched his fists. If there is anything that can make him go further, the current scene is just right.

"The originator of the construction technique, nothing special."

The young man raised his head calmly, his eyes looking at the existence opposite that was neither human nor insect.

"In that case, I will make you unable to say it immediately."

Wan, wearing insect armor, attacked again, and a side kick came with the strong wind. Shinichi hurriedly blocked it with the double defense of blood star and blood.

After pulling away from the situation, the overwhelming liquid metal attacked. Although Wan's construction technique was very inefficient, her cursed power output was very fierce. By constructing liquid metal and injecting a steady stream of cursed power into it.

In the medium and short distance, the extensibility and hardness of liquid metal at the same time are unmatched by any known substance.

"Come on! Take this blow and show me!"

The black liquid metal was like the scythe of death, ready to harvest the life of the boy in front of him. Unexpectedly, the next moment, the deadlock was lifted, and the black liquid metal lost control and dissipated beside Shinichi.

[This is the positive energy of the reversal technique. Can this boy actually reverse the technique! ]

The positive energy in the reversal technique offsets the cursed power in the liquid metal. Since the day Shinichi learned the reversal technique, the automatic defense blood barrier that has been used almost uninterruptedly is the credit of the reversal technique.

And now, even if Shinichi does nothing else, the positive energy of the reversal technique can wrap himself up, which is simply invincible to pure cursed power and attacks injected with cursed power.

"What's wrong? It won't be gone just like this? Come again, Wan."

Shinichi stretched out his hand and began to provoke. If something like liquid metal has nothing to do with his own technique, he must inject enough cursed power to control it. Then, as long as the positive energy is offset, the opponent's control can be lifted.

Shinichi thought so and did so, but people are different from [Marujika], so when using the reversal technique, the dispersion of positive energy may also be different. This time it was a dangerous attempt.

Shinichi looked at Wan and snapped his fingers. In an instant, countless blood beads appeared beside Shinichi, and then changed into long needles and shot towards Wan.

Wan crossed her arms in front of her chest and tried to use her insect armor to resist, but the long blood needles pierced into her armor and caused many cracks.

After the attack of the long blood needles ended, Wan raised her head with difficulty, only to see Shinichi rushing towards her with his fists raised.


Black electric light burst out in this pure white space. This was a complete destruction. The already damaged insect armor was completely shattered at this moment.

Looking at the fragments on the ground, Wan's face was full of disbelief. She didn't expect that she, a strong man in the Heian period, who defeated the five generals and aspired to become Sukuna's partner, would be defeated here.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could I be defeated by someone other than Sukuna? This is impossible!"

Wan looked at Shinichi in front of him with disheveled hair and then smiled evilly.

"I originally wanted to use it when fighting Sukuna, but now, it's okay to let you see it."

Wan's hands were hanging down, and the dark liquid metal began to gather and then turned into a sphere. Shinichi could feel that the black sphere had almost infinite pressure.

"Perfect sphere..."

The perfect sphere is called the impossible true sphere. Because the true sphere has no contact area, it will produce infinite pressure. In this consciousness space, because there is no ground, the perfect sphere will automatically float in the air.

However, it is certain that no matter how hard the object is, it will be shattered and dissipated if it is hit by the perfect sphere.

Although there is no field to provide a sure-hit effect for the perfect sphere, in this place without any other obstacles, Wan's manipulation alone can also pose a real threat of death to Shinichi.

"Do you dare to take it, young man?"

Wan's eyes were so gloomy that he wanted to smash Shinichi to pieces right now, but Shinichi still stood there without any other movement.

[No defense? Did you know the power of the perfect sphere so you dare not act rashly? However, even if you react strongly, you can't avoid it. The final winner will only be me, and I will find Sukuna! ]

After thinking, the pitch-black perfect sphere flew out, and the entire consciousness space exuded a huge pressure.

"Although you can't touch it, this thing of yours is essentially liquid metal filled with cursed power."

Shinichi looked at Wan confidently, and when the perfect sphere was about to hit him, the corners of his mouth opened slightly.

"【Furube·Yura Yura】"

The black shadow under his feet expanded, and a huge white Shikigami appearedHe then inserted the Demon-Exorcist Sword in his right hand into the black sphere.

The black sphere began to shatter, and the falling liquid metal also dissipated in the space.

"Impossible... Actually, it destroyed the real sphere, what is that Shikigami?!"

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