"...Where is this?"

Fushiguro Tsumeki slowly opened her eyes, and her inner anxiety partially dissipated after she saw Shinichi in front of her.

"Tsumeki! You're awake."

Shinichi was also very happy to see Fushiguro Tsumeki wake up, which meant that as long as he could find a way to leave, this matter would be completely over.

"Shinichi, it feels like I haven't seen you for a long time... Ah! This is it!"

Fushiguro Tsumeki stood up subconsciously, and after seeing what she was wearing, she quickly turned around until her whole body was wrapped in a kimono and she returned to normal.

"Sorry... I embarrassed you."

Fushiguro Tsumeki lowered her head and said embarrassedly.

"No, no, this is my side."

Shinichi's cheeks were red at this time and he scratched his face embarrassedly.

"But, what exactly is this place?"

Fushiguro Tsumeki, who had regained her composure, was confused about the current scene. She seemed to have been unconscious for a long time, but it felt like a short time, and this strange place really made it difficult for people to feel safe.

Shinichi explained everything to Fushiguro Miki, of course, he didn't mention the mark carved by the rope, but only said that Fushiguro Miki's body was occupied.

"Is that so? Thank you so much, Shinichi."

Fushiguro Miki said with a smile. She had met Shinichi before. When Shinichi provided financial assistance to Fushiguro Megumi, he went to their house and was entertained. After a few visits, the two sides became familiar with each other.

"I just tried my best to do the nucleic acid thing. Megumi is the one who is most worried. We must have a good talk with him after we go out."

"Of course! I am his sister."

Fushiguro Miki agreed with a smile, but how to get out now is the most important thing to consider.

"If I guess correctly, this is your consciousness space, Tsumiki. If you want to get out, you have to rely on yourself."

"Eh?! Me? But I have no experience with things like spells?"

Tsumiki Fushiguro looked innocent. Although she knew the professions and identities of Fushiguro Megumi and Shinichi, her sister really didn't know anything.

"Don't worry, I will assist you."

Shinichi smiled and replied while trying to use the inaction transformation. At the moment when the dark purple spell appeared, this pure white space began to darken as if it was infected, but there was still no sign of collapse.

"The barrier here should be very fragile. It's up to you next, Tsumiki."

Shinichi looked at Tsumiki Fushiguro beside him confidently, and the other party did not disappoint and began to try to bring back the consciousness of the two.

Time passed by, and suddenly a small vortex began to appear in front of the two, and this vortex began to expand until it could accommodate an adult.

"For safety's sake, let's go together."

Shinichi said after thinking for a while. He saw that this "door" was a little unstable. If this "door" disappeared after he left, Fushiguro Miki would be trapped here alone. Similarly, if the other party went out first, he would also be trapped.

[Also? Does it mean... hug each other? ! ]

Looking at the handsome and mature boy in front of her, Fushiguro Miki couldn't help but start to think wildly.

"No, no, he is Hui's senior, and our benefactor, but... it seems that we are the same age..."

"What's wrong?!"

Shinichi heard Fushiguro Miki whispering and thought she was going to give up, so he pulled her hand without saying a word. Fushiguro Miki was held in Shinichi's arms and passed through the vortex together.



On the chair in the room, Shinichi rubbed his confused head and then opened his eyes.

"Shinichi! You finally woke up!"

Yuji Itadori stood by with a glass of water and looked at Shinichi in surprise.

"Well... How long have I been unconscious?"

Shinichi took the water cup and took a big sip. He had been in there for a long time so he was a little tired.

"About, about twenty minutes?"

Yuji Itadori thought for a while and then said.

"Twenty minutes? I've been in there for almost an hour... Are the flow rates of the two different?"

Shinichi muttered softly, and suddenly a shout came from the room next to him.

"Wait a minute!"

The two followed the sound and came to the next room. This was the room where Fushiguro Miki was resting. She had sat up and looked around in confusion.

Fushiguro Megumi beside her looked at her excitedly but did not make any other moves for a while. As for Kugisaki Nobara, she was sent back to the high school by the two to find someone to help. After all, it was a big deal for a special-grade sorcerer to be unconscious for no reason.

"Megumi......It's been a long time since we last met."

Fushiguro Miki looked at Fushiguro Megumi beside her and smiled, and Fushiguro Megumi finally relaxed, with a few crystal tears falling from her eyes.

"Ah, welcome back, Miki."

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