"You, finally came."

Yixingji pretended to be weak, he bandaged his whole body and soaked the missing part in water to confuse the noose in front of him.

"Of course, we have made a bondage. Although the real person is gone, the promise should still be fulfilled."

The noose slowly approached and took out a talisman from his hand. The moment it approached Xingji, the talisman began to emit a faint light.

"This is..."

Feeling the same feeling as when Shinichi treated him last time, Xingji fell into confusion.

[Hasn't the real person been exorcised by Kamo Shinichi? ! What exactly is this talisman...]

The light dissipated, and Xingji cooperated to loosen the bandages on his body, and the boy's face appeared in front of everyone again.

"It seems to be effective."

Although he was puzzled that the magic power in the talisman was only lost a little, Nose thought about it and thought that if it was only cast on one person, it would not consume anything, right?

"What's inside that spell?" He Xingji asked seriously. Although he had passed the message to Shinichi the moment the other party came to his specific perception range, the other party might have encountered an emergency if he didn't come now. He should also figure out what the spell with the same effect as Wuwei Transformation is, and by the way, he can try to delay time until Shinichi arrives. "Well... Although I have fulfilled the content of the bondage, it's not impossible to talk about this." The content of the bondage that Noso and Shinichi and Noso and Xingji set was to use Wuwei Transformation to restore the other party's body. Although the real person died, the effect of the bondage was still there, partly because of the spell in his hand. "This spell stores the real person's technique, which is to cure your Wuwei Transformation." The moment Noso said this, He Xingji felt a chill. He knew the real person's technique, which changed the shape of the other party's soul and affected the other party's body at the same time. He also chose to cooperate with the other party after seeing the actual situation. He knew that this was the only way to restore his body that was destroyed by the sky and the curse. "You still have his spell? Isn't it just to complete the binding?"

Yixingji asked again, and the correct answer was to get as much information as possible before the other party realized it.

"This is not something you should worry about. I naturally have my own way, but..."

Noso looked at Xingji with evil charm.

"The binding has been lifted. From now on, we are no longer allies."

The words were full of danger. In an instant, Xingji's hair stood on end. He also realized that the other party was preparing to kill him.

"Don't think about it!"

With Xingji's call, dense mechanical balls appeared all around.

"Roar? It seems that you have expected it a long time ago."

Noso looked at the army of mechanical balls in front of him and walked slowly to the side of the black shadow.

"Leave it to you."

The black shadow paused and then the momentum of the whole body began to dissipate, and the power of the curse also expanded three times.

Feeling the momentum of the black shadow, Xingji also realized that the opponent was not an ordinary special-grade curse spirit.

"Mechanimaru! Big Purification Cannon!"

After receiving the command, the surrounding Mechanimaru's eyes began to emit green light and began to gather a lot of energy in their hands.


From the outside, a huge gap was blown open in the dam. The smoke and dust dissipated, and the black shadow stood in front of Xingji in a strange posture, while Nose had already escaped to the distant hillside.

"It's okay! How is it possible!"

Feeling the steady power of the cursed spirit on the opposite side, Xingji's face was full of disbelief.

A shadow flashed by, and the Mechanimaru in the front row was dismembered in an instant, while the Mechanimaru in the back avoided the attack under Xingji's control.

"【Blade Source Release·Sword and Shield】!"

The pitch-black sword and shield appeared in the hands of the remaining Mechanimaru, but the black shadow flashed again, and the heads of two Mechanimaru were removed in just one encounter.

Feeling the unpredictable speed of the opponent, Xingji took a risk to lure it in front of him.

Just as the shadow was about to cut off Xingji's head, the broken mechanical pills beside him grabbed him, and the next moment the remaining mechanical pills rushed forward to surround the shadow.

He quickly distanced himself from Xingji and launched the mechanical pills' final attack.

"【Energy Release】!"

The mechanical pills began to break apart, and the next moment, the dazzling light illuminated the entire dam and stirred up a lot of smoke and dust, which made the noose on the top of the mountain praise him.

"I underestimated him. Such an explosion requires a lot of magic power."

Suddenly, black tentacles quickly stretched out from the thick smoke and moved away the rubble and other things that hit the shadow.Although the breath was a little weak, the black shadow was still fine.

The black shadow paused for a while, and suddenly thrust into the water. Several hands stretched into the water and stirred up a lot of water splashes, but the next second, even bigger waves were set off, and the giant mechanical hand grabbed the black tentacles.

The giant mechanical pill floated out of the water holding the tentacles, and sat in the center of the giant mechanical pill's head with Xingji, watching the black shadow on the ground and began to prepare for a counterattack.

"I was originally going to wait for you to leave before coming out, but now, I have to go all out!"

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