"What is that?!"

Shinichi, who was carrying Geto Suguru, saw the mark on the horizon and his face darkened instantly.


A huge noise came from behind him, but Shinichi didn't care. Although he didn't know the strength of the humanoid girl curse spirit, Moxu Luo would never lose to the curse spirit.

Cangkong, who was not far away, had been hammered into the building at this time, and the lights in the building kept flickering because of the impact.

Moxu Luo silently watched the smoke in the building. If you look closely, Moxu Luo has lost an arm at this time, but this still can't affect him.


The huge roulette made a mechanical sound, and the next moment, Moxu Luo's arm recovered again.


In the ruins, Cangkong stood up with her scarred body. Just now, she swallowed an arm in the chaos, which was her limit. Moxu Luo's positive energy attack was fatal to the curse spirit, so she didn't dare to make any excessive attacks.

"There's no way to swallow it completely. This thing is really a monster..."

Suddenly, Cangkong felt a sharp sight, which was a danger signal from Shinichi outside.


After a moment of silence, Cangkong silently used his own technique to leave this chaotic place.

"Are you leaving..."

After not being able to sense the other party's cursed power, Shinichi thought and then took back the huge Mokuro.

[It doesn't matter if she is ignored now. The most important thing is the safety of Brother Jie and the whereabouts of that guy Nozomi...]

Shinichi paused for a while and then opened his cursed power sensing range to the maximum. All the existences above the first level of the entire Shibuya cursed power reaction were captured by Shinichi.

"Over there are Hui, Yuji, the Nine Phases and... an unknown cursed power."




Looking at Yuji Yuji who was pierced by blood, Fushiguro Megumi shouted nervously.

"Is this the level of a high school magician? Where are my brothers?"

Zhu Xiang looked at Yuji Itadori and others with a gloomy face. The blood in their hands was still condensing.

"I'm fine. My internal organs and vital parts were not hit..."

Yuji Itadori said while holding his shoulder. Although he said so, the cold sweat on his forehead showed that the current situation was indeed not good.

"Damn it... Miss Mingming was sent away by another magician. Now we can only rely on me and Itadori."

Megumi Fushiguro thought so in her heart and began to pinch animal shapes with her hands.


The fierce Hun appeared beside Megumi Fushiguro. Megumi Fushiguro and Yuji Itadori exchanged glances and then quickly attacked Zhu Xiang in front of them.


Zhu Xiang looked at Yuji Itadori and Hun who were rushing towards him with contempt and then aimed at them.

"【Red Blood Manipulation Technique·Kar Purification】"

The blood blade shot out quickly, and Itadori dodged it quickly by turning sideways. The blood blade just happened to cut the rope on the hood of the sweater, and Hun directly climbed on the wall with his sharp claws.

"Super new..."

Zhu Xiang wanted to detonate the blood blade to attack Itadori Yujin, but suddenly found that his feet were caught.

"Sure enough, it's the same technique as Shinichi, but you are different from Shinichi. It won't be so easy to attack again!"

Megumi Fushiguro appeared from Zhu Xiang's shadow and grabbed his feet.

"Well done! Fushiguro!"


Itadori Yujin clenched his fist and quickly stepped forward. The blue ink-colored curse power burned on his fist, and the full force of the first-level magician hit Zhu Xiang.

Zhu Xiang was directly knocked out after being hit and fell into a store next to him and broke the glass.

"Wow, there's so much blood."

Yuji Itadori said as he looked at the blood flowing on the ground.

"Blood... not right!"

After hearing this, Fushiguro Megumi reacted quickly and pushed Yuji Itadori away.


A fast line of blood flew out of the broken store and hit Yuji Itadori's original position, and the wall behind him was directly shattered and pierced.


But Fushiguro Megumi was affected, and the arm that pushed Yuji Itadori away was pierced by blood.

"Fushiguro! Are you okay?"

Yuji Itadori asked anxiously.

"It's okay..."

Fushiguro Megumi pulled off his sleeve and then wrapped the wound tightly.

"What a pity..."

Zhang Xiang walked out of the store holding the wall. There were some red fragments falling from the place where Yuji Itadori had just hit him. Although he looked a little tired, the pattern on his face had changed.

"【Red Blood Manipulation Technique: Leap of the Scales】"

Seeing this, Fushiguro Megumi and Yuji Itadori attacked Shoso again, and Hun also began to harass him under the control of Fushiguro Megumi.

However, Shoso, who used Leap of the Scales, saw the movements of Yuji Itadori and Fushiguro Megumi.The action became extremely clear.

"【Blood Blade】"

Two blood blades appeared in Zhang Xiang's hands, and the red blade flashed, and a blood mark appeared on the chests of Fushiguro Megumi and Yuji Itadori.

The two quickly distanced themselves and prepared to use Fushiguro Megumi's Shikigami to consume it. Just when Hun was about to act, it suddenly turned into a pool of black liquid.


Fushguro Megumi fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood.


Yuji Itadori hurried to Fushiguro Megumi and protected him.

"Damn, what happened?!"

"My blood is poisonous. Although I don't know why you are still fine now, this guy must have died because of the attack just now."

Zhang Xiang held the two blood blades without any expression on his face, as if the other party was just a lamb to be slaughtered.

"I ask again, where are my brothers."


On the other side, ice and snow kept falling, and Mingming and Youyou felt cold since they were forced to separate from Yuji Itadori.

Now, Li Mei's spell has completely frozen the surroundings and even formed artificial snow.

"Humph, the magicians nowadays are quite capable."

"Same here."

Mingming swung his axe to destroy the icicles that attacked him one by one and responded to Li Mei's provocation without hesitation.

[With this level of spell power and this ice-freezing spell, who is this curse master...]

"[Ice Condensation Spell·Straight Falls]"

Before he could think, Li Mei's attack came again.

The icicles came like a waterfall, and Mingming felt something was wrong and then looked at Youyou on the side.


The pouring icicles tore everything in front of Li Mei and rushed directly into the shop across the street.


After not sensing Mingming's spell power reaction, Li Mei left the area immediately.

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