

The roar came from far away and finally stopped under a building in Shibuya. Mokorara was half-stuck in the wall, covered with scratches and wounds caused by slashes.


The crisp sound of the roulette wheel spinning sounded, but this sound was very clear in the chaotic battlefield.

Mokorara slowly stood up and looked at Shinichi and Sukuna who were constantly changing their positions in the air, and then jumped up.

In the air, Sukuna took Shinichi's fist, and the purple cursed power burned between the two and made Sukuna very excited.


The invisible slash shot out close to Shinichi's fist, and in an instant, dense knife marks appeared on Shinichi's arm.

Shinichi punched Sukuna's chest again without caring, and the cursed power exploded and pushed Sukuna away.

"Not bad, it can't be cut open."

Sukuna slowly walked out of the ruins, and the purple cursed power burning in his chest began to slowly dissipate.

"Same here, same here."

White smoke came out of Shinichi's arm, and the wound caused by the slash began to recover. With the protection of his own cursed power, he could only barely block the invincible solution with his strong body.

[It's really interesting. The little ghost's cursed power is indeed magical and his body is also unusual. What kind of special training did he do during the time he disappeared? It's really interesting. 】


Behind Shinichi, Makura lifted half of the lighthouse and threw it in Sukuna's direction. Thick smoke billowed, and Sukuna looked at the scene in front of him without any worry.

Pointing at the flying spire with one hand, a crisp sound rang out, and half of the spire broke into four pieces. Under the shadow, Sukuna's smile looked particularly ghostly.

"Come again!"

Sukuna's eyes widened, and his red pupils made people feel scared, but Mokorara would not be scared, and Shinichi would not be scared either. In a two-on-one situation, Mokorara's body should have been very bulky at this time.

But Shinichi could accurately predict the next move and let Mokorara exert his maximum power.

Mokorara's fist was already in front of him. Sukuna swung his hands and launched countless slashes. Mokorara was instantly unable to move. This scene also surprised Sukuna.

"Don't be distracted."

Shinichi's fist inserted from the gap and hit Sukuna's face heavily.


Sukuna was knocked out of the parking lot on the second floor, smoke lingered around him, and the next moment, countless cars flew towards him.


With Sukuna's light hum, the cars broke in half from the middle, sparks were generated from the fierce friction, the remaining oil in the car was ignited, and a huge explosion occurred over Shibuya.


The sound of breaking through the air was heard when moving. The smoke was dispersed by the rapid movement of the three. Sukuna passed through the water tower and launched a precise slash at the moment when Makkura passed by.

The water tower collapsed and knocked Makkura to the ground. Sukuna dismantled the entire tower and threw it directly down.

"【Kari Purification·Six Continuations】"

Six blood blades shot out and cut off the tower in the air. Makkura also escaped from it and came to Sukuna in an instant. He saw that Makkura's chest bulged and a lot of air was sucked into it.


The inhaled air was ejected, and the huge sound wave lifted Sukuna up, but he still launched a slash.


Unlike the ordinary slash——【Resolution】, 【Eight】 is a special slash that accurately controls the power according to the opponent's cursed power to achieve a one-hit kill. It is a well-deserved invincible attack.

A bloody crack appeared on Mokorra's head, but he lifted up his head that was about to fall with one hand and then repaired his body again. All this seemed very sudden.


The sound of the roulette wheel spinning sounded again, and this time Sukuna also heard the sound clearly.

[Since he first came into contact with my solution, the roulette wheel on this guy's head has sounded twice, and now the damage caused by Lianba can be quickly repaired. ]

Sukuna jumped onto the balcony of the building and looked at Mokorra thinking.

[And, this guy...]

Sukuna tentatively reached out again, and the solution was issued. The electric box behind Mokorra was cut into two pieces, but Mokorra was no longer in the original position.

"You dodged my attack before the slash came. You, can you see my technique!"

After resisting Mokorra's attack with one hand, Sukuna was surprised to express his understanding.

The two of them swung their hands faster and faster, even leaving afterimages, but in an instant, Moxu Luo was stunned by Sukuna's slash.

Then came countless ordinary slashes composed of [Resolution]. Surrounded by slashes that were invisible to the naked eye, Moxu Luo was actually pushed against the wall.

Under the continuous effect of the slashes, the entire floor except for the back of Moxu Luo was shattered.


The sound of steel bars breaking came fromFrom this floor, the whole building began to tilt, but Moxu Luo held up half of the building with one hand.

Sukuna came to him in an instant and put his hand on Moxu Luo's abdomen.


Moxu Luo's abdomen was cut off, and half of his body fell down directly, followed by the collapse of the whole building.

"Nothing more..."

Before he finished speaking, half of Moxu Luo jumped up with one hand and grabbed Sukuna's face with his big hand.

In another blink of an eye, Moxu Luo, who was only half of it just now, has restored his complete body.


Sukuna waved his hand, and Moxu Luo's arm was cut off. At this time, the two had come to the sky above the building at the last moment of the building's collapse.

"Get down."

Sukuna looked at Moxu Luo indifferently, and the next second, countless slashes were sent out, and the number this time was more than just now in the room. The surrounding buildings and Moxu Luo were all targets of the slash.


Under the continuous slashing, Makkuluo also began to fall faster, but the wounds caused by the slashing disappeared instantly with the sound of the third wheel rotation.

The building began to slowly collapse, and Shinichi was standing on the roof not far away, watching the scene happening in front of him.

"That is, Sukuna Slash——【Resolved】?"

The purple light in his eyes was showing Shinichi the core of Sukuna's technique. The invisible slash was cracked twice in just one day! ! !

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