"Not good, this person's curse power..."

Rime wiped the blood off her face, and was surprised by the curse power emanating from Yuta Otsutsukota on the opposite side.

"And this thing, is it a shikigami or something?"

Rime turned her head and looked, and the huge body and huge curse aura constituted the shikigami floating in the air.

That's right, it was Rika summoned by Yuta Otsutsukota who just knocked Rime away. After Yuta Otsutsukota eliminated the third anchor point of the barrier, he began to look for survivors.

Nue and Rime made a lot of noise and this route was specially directed to Nue by Shinichi, so Yuta Otsutsukota naturally found them.


Rika came to Yuta Otsutsukota, and the Nue finally couldn't hold on and turned into a black shadow.

[It seems that this Nue was not summoned by Fushiguro-san, considering Fushiguro-san's current state. ]

Yuta Otsutsukota suddenly became cheerful after thinking for a while.

"In that case, Shinichi must have broken through the seal of the prison gate!"

Yuta Otsutsukota smiled happily and then pulled out the knife behind him.

"Then, you are an accomplice of those guys."

Yuta Otsutsukota pointed his single knife at Rimei, and his aura became fierce. The smile on his face disappeared and was replaced by the same indifference as Gojo Satoru and Shinichi.

"【Ice Condensation Spell·Frost Nagi】"

Rime blew a cold airflow at Yuta Otsutsukota. In an instant, the temperature around him dropped suddenly, frost condensed on the sword, and Yuta Otsutsukota's hair was also blown messy.

"Let's go! Rika!"

Yuta Otsutsukota waved his hand violently, and the cold air was dispersed by the spell. Rika and Yuta Otsutsukota rushed towards Rimei at the same time.

"Not good!"

Rime felt something was wrong and immediately used the ice condensation spell to block Yuta Otsutsukota with two ice walls.

But this ice wall alone could not stop Yuta Otsutsuki's steps. The knife flashed, and the solid ice wall was cut in half. The other ice wall was also broken by Rika.

Rimei had no choice but to take the attacks from both sides. Blood splattered everywhere, and Rimei was knocked out again.

"This is..."

Yuta Otsutsuki looked at the sword in his hand, which was already covered with a thick layer of frost. Rika's hand attacking Rimei also slowly froze.

Rimei used her own ice condensation spell at the moment of being attacked just now and successfully froze the opponent. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been unable to move because of the cold at this time, but the opponents were Yuta Otsutsuki, who had huge curse power, and Rika, the curse queen.

Based on the huge curse power, Yuta Otsutsuki's body is also very strong and can cover his whole body with curse power, while Rika doesn't care about this kind of attack.

"Cough... don't underestimate me."

Rimei slowly stood up with the help of the wall. Although she coughed blood and her forehead was covered with cold sweat, she was not afraid at all.


Yuta Otsutsukota exhaled white gas, and the temperature around him had dropped a lot, even making him feel a little cold.


A huge explosion sounded in the distance, and both sides noticed the direction of the explosion at the same time.

"Who is that?!"

Yuta Otsutsukota carefully felt the curse power in the direction of the explosion, and a familiar breath mixed with a fierce and terrifying curse power expanded rapidly.

"It's Shinichi and Sukuna! Could it be that Yuji couldn't control his body?! Damn it!"

Yuta Otsutsukota was worried about Shinichi's condition. He knew how dangerous Sukuna was, and now Shinichi had just escaped from the prison gate and might not have recovered yet.

"【Ice Condensation Spell·Frozen Star】"

Rime took advantage of Yuta Otsutsukota's distraction and immediately launched a sneak attack. The huge ice core rushed towards Yuta Otsutsukota quickly.


Fortunately, Yuta Otsutsuki noticed and summoned Rika immediately. Once the frozen star fell, the area would be destroyed. By then, not to mention the survivors, even Megumi Fushiguro would not survive.

The cursed cannon began to gather. After a few seconds, huge energy gushed out and shattered the frozen star. Ice fragments scattered from the air, but it also made Yuta Otsutsuki's body warm up.

"No, he escaped."

When he came to his senses, Rimei had disappeared, and Yuta Otsutsuki had to walk to Megumi Fushiguro and help him up.

"Wait a moment, Fushiguro-san."

Yuta Otsutsuki put his hand on Megumi Fushiguro's chest, and gentle cursed power began to emerge, and Megumi Fushiguro's tightly frowned brows relaxed.


Megumi Fushiguro slowly got up and touched the wound on his chest, which was now fully recovered.

"Thank you, Otsutsuki-senpai."

"It's okay."

After a brief greeting, Fushiguro Megumi regained her usual calmness.

"How did you faint, Fushiguro? And what happened to Yuji?"

Seeing that Fushiguro Megumi had no questions, Otsutsuki YutaI was confused and asked him what happened just now.

"Yuji and I met a strange enemy. The other party should be the lost Nine Phases Diagram and he can also use the Red Blood Manipulation Technique proficiently. But in the end, I seemed to be poisoned and fainted."

Fushiguru Megumi thought for a while and continued.

"Before I fainted, Yuji was still fighting with him. He is tolerant to poison, so he is fine for the time being, but now he can't hold on. We have to help him quickly!"

"I'm afraid it's too late now."

Otsutsuki Yuta interrupted Fushiguro Megumi's speech.

"Just now there was a huge explosion in the direction you came from and a strong curse smell came from it. I'm afraid Yuji is now occupied by Sukuna."


Fushiguru Megumi was shocked by Yuta Otsutsuki's words. What happened after he fainted? !

"But I also felt Shinichi's curse power..."

Before Yuta Otsutsuki finished speaking, a black barrier began to form. The barrier of the field was very obvious and could be seen as long as you were a little higher in Shibuya.

"Domain! Has Shinichi and Sukuna started the duel of the domain?!"

Fushiguro Megumi said in horror, he looked at Yuta Otsutsuki beside him, but Yuta Otsutsuki looked solemn at this time.

"It's too late. Since the domain has been opened, the winner will be decided immediately. We must go there before the domain ends."

After Yuta Otsutsuki grabbed Fushiguro Megumi, and the two rode on Rika's back and quickly rushed towards Shinichi and Sukuna.


"I didn't expect that the magician, Yuta Otsutsuki, had such strength."

Rime covered her injured shoulder and gasped heavily. The next moment, white smoke came out of the wound. Although her clothes were stained with blood, the wound had been completely repaired.

"Lord Sukuna, I will continue to wait for you until the last moment..."

"It's a bit embarrassing."

An untimely voice came, and Rime looked back. It turned out that Nozomi was leaning against him with Yumon Jiang.

"Hmph... you're just sitting back and enjoying the fruits of others' labor."

"Don't say that. I also escaped death. I didn't expect that Shinichi Kamo could fight Sukuna with fifteen fingers to that extent. It was beyond my expectation."

Noso walked to Rimei and said.

"What did you say? That magician could actually fight with Lord Sukuna?!"

Rime was shocked. In his eyes, Sukuna was the strongest existence who could do everything, so Shinichi naturally couldn't let him mess with him.

"Strictly speaking, he didn't lose. Yuji Itadori still had some strength left, so Sukuna's ability to play was also affected. In addition to that shikigami, I really can't think of anyone who can defeat him except Sukuna and Gojo Satoru in their complete state."

Noso showed a helpless expression. There was no way. How could he give up sealing Gojo Satoru for Shinichi Kamo? Compared with these two people, the sealing of Gojo Satoru was more important.

"So, did you get your job done?"

Rime asked unhappily.

"Of course, the strongest Gojo Satoru is in my hands now."

Noso took out the prison gate hidden in his arms. It suddenly became heavy and he spent a lot of effort.

"But you have to hold on tight, Tianyuan has a backup plan."

Noso's expression suddenly became gloomy.

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