"The Hongxing Palace and the Jiku are in a hidden barrier so there are no guards, so it's easy to enter as long as you know where the door is."

"There are so many flies outside now, I guess the Jujutsu High School doesn't have time to take care of this place."

"How did you get in!"

Fuguro Shier looked at the angry Xiayou Jie in front of him and explained slowly.

"You can also feel that I am a transparent person without cursed power to you. Even if I come in and out casually, I won't be discovered, but the only problem is that when I use cursed tools, the cursed power of the cursed tools will attract your attention."

"So I raised a cursed spirit that can store cursed tools, and then let the cursed spirit store itself and compress its body and hide it in its abdomen. The inside of the transparent man is also transparent, right? In this way, I can carry cursed tools at will..."

"Enough, this is not what I want to hear!"

Xiayou Jie shouted angrily at Fuguro Shier who was explaining to him.

"You are [Heaven and Curse Binding], right? I know you can improve your strength by disclosing your spell information like a magician, but I just want to know how you found this place. We clearly didn't leave any cursed power residue!"

Suguru Geto no longer had time to think about Gojo Satoru's situation. Such a terrifying guy actually marched straight in.

And whether Fuguro Shier killed Gojo Satoru or not, the fact that he appeared here instead of Gojo Satoru has proved his strength.

"The traces left by humans are not just cursed power residues. Your footprints, smells, and various effects caused on the road have exposed your whereabouts."

"[Heaven and Curse Binding] also improves my five senses."

Fuguro Shier took out two pistols from the mouth of the cursed spirit and pointed them at Shinichi and Tennariko at the same time.

"So, Master Curse Master, who will you save?"

Looking at Suguru Geto in front of him, Fuguro Shier gave him a choice, whether to save the young master of the Kamo family or Tengen's astral plasma.

"Stop it!"

The space behind Geto Satsuyu was torn apart, and a dragon-shaped cursed spirit and a human-shaped cursed spirit were summoned.

Geto Satsuyu manipulated the Rainbow Dragon to rush towards Fuguro Shier, who dodged sideways and fired three shots at the Rainbow Dragon, but it had no effect.

"It looks pretty tough."

Fuguro Shier took out the Soul Eater to deal with the Rainbow Dragon rushing towards him, and the Rainbow Dragon also bit the Soul Eater and pushed Fuguro Shier to the top of the palace.

Geto Satsuyu below hurriedly entrusted Shinichi to Tenriko, "We can't stay here anymore, we must let them leave!"

Just as Geto Satsuyu was about to send the two to the tunnel entrance, Shier had already cut the body of the Rainbow Dragon along its mouth in the air.

"How is it possible? The Rainbow Dragon is the hardest among the cursed spirits I have, and it can even knock down a tank!"

Geto Satsuyu looked at the Rainbow Dragon that was cut in half in the sky and immediately reacted by firing the small cursed spirit as a bullet in an attempt to injure Fuguro Shier.

Fuguro Shiji in the air used the Rainbow Dragon's corpse to kick and attack, and used Soul Eater to clean up Geto's "bullets".

"Practice your aim again, sorcerer!"

Fuguro Shiji rushed towards Geto like a huge missile.

Boom --

With a loud bang, the ground was covered with cracks and the surrounding terrain was devastated.

"Riko! Shinichi!"

Geto immediately looked in the direction of the two, but the next scene made him feel sad.

"Mr.... Geto..."


Riko Tennen's heart was pierced by a dagger, and she kept spitting blood.

"Not safe enough, let's give it another blow..."

Just when Fuguro Shiji was about to give Riko Tennen's head another blow, his body could not move.

"Am I... Am I... Am I... Beautiful?"

Beside him, a cursed spirit holding a pair of scissors asked Fuguro Shiji.

"I see, imaginary vengeful spirit? Before answering her question, both parties are in a simple domain that cannot be violated by each other."

Fuguro Shier scratched his head and found that he was very troubled that he could not pull out the knife from Tennen Riko's chest.

"Alas, if I must say, you are not my type."


A sound of scissors cutting sounded in Fuguro Shier's ears, but the scissors only cut the hair beside Fuguro Shier's ears and cut a circle of blood on the ears and then there was no reaction.

Fuguro Shier took out the Tensaki Bokoro at the moment when the cursed spirit moved and forcibly lifted this simple domain with its characteristics, and then immediately pulled out the knife from Tennen Riko's chest.

"In this case, the bleeding cannot be stopped."

In any case, killing the astral plasma is his primary goal, but when he was about to make a few more cuts, Geto Suguru had already touched behind him.

With the activation of [Cursed Spirit Manipulation Technique], ChuThe cursed spirit "Ugly Treasure" with weapons was slowly sucked over.

"[Cursed Spirit Control] can forcibly control cursed spirits that are two levels lower than oneself. Sure enough, although this cursed spirit has special abilities, its own strength is not strong. If we rob his arsenal and suppress him with a large number of cursed spirits, we can..."


Fuguro Shier waved the Tensei Hoko in his hand, and [Cursed Spirit Control] was directly interrupted.

"What, it was bounced back!"

Shier did not give him a chance to take out the Soul Devouring Slash double swords and waved them to solve the cursed spirit in an instant and added a cross-shaped scar to Xiayou Jie, and then kicked him again.

In less than ten minutes, all three of them were lying on the ground.

"I controlled the strength, and the magician will not die."

Fuguro Shier looked at Xiayou Jie who was knocked down by him and kicked him lightly in the face.

"If you were a shikigami user, you would be dead now, but I didn't expect it to be [Curse Spirit Manipulation Technique]. I really don't know what will happen to those curse spirits if you die in my hands. It's better not to make trouble."

Looking at the people lying on the ground, Fushiguro Shiro smiled.

"You are really blessed by your parents."

"But you guys who are blessed by God still lost to me, a wild monkey who can't even use curses. It's ridiculous."

"If you want to live a hundred years, don't forget what happened today."

Fushiguro Shiro took back the curse tool and looked at the unconscious Geto Suguru, and suddenly remembered something.

"Ah, Hui, yes, I gave this name and almost forgot..."

"Remember it? Uncle."

Fushiguro Shiro looked to the side and found that it was Shinichi who relaxed after speaking.

"Oh? You're still alive. It's because the [Red Blood Manipulation Technique] is very convenient for stopping bleeding."

"Ah, yes, uncle, how about a deal."

Shinichi crawled to Tennen Riko's side with difficulty and used the technique to stop the bleeding of her wound.

"Even if you stop her bleeding now, it's useless. In this case, she will definitely die, not to mention I'm still here."

Seeing that Shinichi didn't respond, Fushiguro Shier became interested.

"So, what kind of deal do you want to make, a kid with nothing."

"It's very simple, use your life in exchange for the lives of the three of us."


Fushiguro Shier once again questioned Shinichi's words.

"You said the same strange words at the entrance just now, didn't you? What do you mean?"

"It's very simple, you're going to die. If you leave our lives, I can save your life. You, don't you still have a son?"

Shinichi said with difficulty while lying next to Tennen Riko. The serious physical injury made it difficult for him to move.

"Death? How ridiculous! Who can kill me? If there is anyone, it's Gojo Satoru in his perfect state, but he's dead now."

"Really? You're a professional killer."

"It's inexplicable, but..."

The image of Fushiguro Megumi flashed through Fushiguro Shi'er's mind.

"If what you said is true, I can agree. After all, I promised someone something, hahahaha."

"Then, Gojo-sama, I'll ask you to beat him up first."

Shinichi said to Fushiguro Shi with eyes emitting purple light.

"Kid, what are you talking about...!"


The space behind Fushiguro Shi'er collapsed and a loud noise broke out.

The smoke dissipated, and Gojo Satoru appeared in front of everyone with Ieiri Naoko.

"Hey, long time no see."

"Is this true?"

"Really, it's really true!"

Noko, who was standing by, was very nervous when she saw the three people collapsed on the ground.

"Gojo, they must be treated immediately!"

"Ah, well, go ahead."

Gojo Satoru looked at Fushiguro Shirō in front of him and said to Ieiri Shoko without turning his head.

"Don't even think about it..."

Just when Fushiguro Shirō was about to stop the two, Gojo Satoru instantly moved behind him and put his arm around his shoulders.

"Hey, we didn't have enough fun last time, let's continue."

As soon as the words fell, the two disappeared directly in the Kuriboshi Palace.

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