
A dull sound came from the sea of ​​blood. Yuji Itadori was knocked into the sea of ​​blood and fell several times before he gradually stopped.


Yuji Itadori slowly stood up, holding his knees. Everything that happened just now happened too fast. Although he could react, it was difficult for his body to keep up.

"15 fingers, kid, you have to know that I am different now than before. The cursed power added by the fingers directly acts on me, including the soul."

Sukuna slowly approached Yuji Itadori, but although he was proud, he did not mean to mock him.

As early as when Sukuna only had two fingers, Yuji Itadori and Sukuna had fought in the world of consciousness. Although he was finally cut open by Sukuna's technique, Yuji Itadori was not as embarrassed as he is now in a simple physical battle.

"Damn, this guy is more powerful than I thought."

Yuji Itadori wiped the corner of his mouth. He knew that although he would also gain a certain amount of cursed power after Sukuna obtained the finger, the benefits Sukuna would gain would always be far greater than his.

"But I won't give up like this."

Yuji Itadori gathered the cursed power with both hands. The rules said that he was not allowed to use the spell, so he just used the way he usually exorcised the cursed spirit to attack.


Sukuna closed his eyes and raised the corner of his mouth slightly as if he was laughing at Yuji Itadori's behavior.

"Take it!"

Yuji Itadori stepped forward in an instant, and the powerful cursed power made his punching speed and power become very large.

[Shinichi said that my growth speed has exceeded his expectations, so now, it's time to test the results! ]

Sukuna looked at the fist in front of him without any dodge, but stretched out his hand to block the punch.

[The attack of the little devil is quite powerful. If it is an ordinary cursed spirit, it will probably be annihilated. Even a cursed spirit above level one cannot be directly attacked. But for me, it is still not enough. ]


The black electric light flashed between the two people. Sukuna looked at the fist emitting black electric light in surprise. The next second, the place that touched Yuji Itadori's attack began to twist.

The Curse King——Ryomen Sukuna was knocked out by the black flash. This scene was exactly the same as when Yuji Itadori was knocked out at the beginning.


After turning several circles in a row, Sukuna stabilized his body and looked at Yuji Itadori excitedly.

"Hahahaha, good, very good, Yuji Itadori, I thought that you were only useful for this, but now you have successfully changed my mind."

"Let's talk about the flattery after we finish, I am full of confidence now."

Yuji Itadori also looked at Sukuna, the excitement brought to him by the black flash has not ended yet, now he really has the strength to fight Sukuna who does not use the spell.

"Then, let me see your confidence again."


"Finally back."

Shinichi threw himself on the big bed in the dormitory of the technical college. After dealing with his father and others, he finally had time to take a good bath and lie comfortably on his bed.

"You actually have a lazy side."

An unusual voice came from the room, and Shinichi stood up from the bed.

"Hey! Maki, this is the boys' dormitory, no, more importantly, this is my room, a private area!"

Shinichi's words did not make Maki feel uncomfortable. Instead, the other party smiled indifferently.


After a moment, Shinichi, who accepted the reality, sat up and looked at Maki, the uninvited guy.

"So, what's the matter with you coming to my room?"

After hearing Shinichi's question, Maki also became serious.

"You, didn't you find something different about me?"

After hearing Maki's words, Shinichi looked at the other party with a puzzled face, and stared at him straight.

As a result, the one who asked the question couldn't help it first.

"Hey, are you a pervert? Did I let you look at me like this?!"

Although Maki broke into Shinichi's room at night, she was not wearing conservative clothes. She was wearing the kind of sportswear that was easy to move during training, and the kind that exposed her waist.


After a slap on Shinichi's head, the other party curled up in pain on the bed. After a while, Shinichi covered his head and his expression became serious.

"Tell me the truth, does your figure look better?"

Hearing this, Maki's face was dark. Although the other party was right, she didn't come to him to ask such a question and risk being discovered.

"Tell me something else."

Maki gritted his teeth.

Seeing Maki's look, Shinichi also smirked. His purpose of teasing the other party was completely fulfilled.Midaichi has done it.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Shinichi stopped laughing and started talking seriously.

"Although it's just a guess, at that time, Shinichi should have said something to you."

Shinichi's words made Maki fall into the memory of the previous scene. At that time, she clearly heard Shinichi's request.


"Destroy everything in the Zenin family."

Seeing Maki say this herself, Shinichi finally confirmed his answer.

"Shinichi, she should have wanted to use her own technique to make a cursed tool for you, and then inject all the cursed power into it, and take away your remaining cursed power at the same time."

"What this means is..."

"That's right, Maki, you are already the same as Uncle Shinji."

Shinichi paused and then continued.

"However, because of my arrival, Mayi did not die, the cursed tools were not completed, and your cursed power was not fully understood. In short, you are now closer to a being without cursed power than before."

"So that's how it is..."

Maki thought thoughtfully. Although she was not a being without cursed power like Fushiguro Shiji, she was doing pretty well now.

"The lack of cursed power is made up by the body. This is what is called heaven and curse binding. But you, who had both cursed power and heaven and curse binding, could not achieve the ideal state."

"The reason is that you and Mayi were born in this world at the same time."

Shinichi's cold words hurt Maki's heart. She took away part of Mayi's cursed power, which made it impossible for both parties to go further. This is the cruel reality and the beginning of all misfortunes.

"If, if, I die, will Mayi be able to..."

Maki's murmur was not over yet, and Shinichi grabbed her shoulders.

"Although I was powerless before, I have a solution now."


Maki was confused by Shinichi's words. Although she believed in Shinichi's ability, her situation was indeed difficult to solve. No, it was very difficult to solve.

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