The two of them were in a strange situation.

At this moment, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara were led by the swimmer Reimi to a strange building.

A man wearing clothes made of receipts was clapping his hands and looking at Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara.

"Are you Hiromi Hiromi?"

Fushiguro Megumi looked at him suspiciously.

"Hiromi Hiromi? No, you got the wrong person, I'm Reiji."

"Humph, it seems that I was deceived by this woman."

Kugizaki Nobara took out a hammer and looked at the other party cautiously, and also turned back and looked at Reimi with an angry smile.

"Well, what's wrong? Do you regret threatening me now? Don't blame me for not reminding you, Mr. Reiji is very strong."

Reimei's smug look made Kugisaki Nobara very angry and she wanted to rush over and hit her with a hammer the next second.

"Enough, what a waste of time."

The shadow under her feet began to surge, and Fushiguro Megumi saw this and immediately summoned Hun to her side without hesitation.

"Oh, it seems that your shikigami is very powerful, and it is indeed qualified to be our partner, but the girl is still under discussion."

Reimei looked at Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara with an admiring look.

"How about becoming our partner? It doesn't matter if the girl is not strong. As long as she helps us lead people here like Reimei, I can provide protection. This is a win-win situation."

Reimei looked confident. In his opinion, this is a chance for Fushiguro Megumi and his team.

"Sorry, I'm not very interested in your gang, but if you can tell me the information of a swimmer named "Angel", I can let you go. "

Megumi Fushiguro looked at Reiji Meixing sternly and handed her back to Kugisaki Nobara.

To be honest, the current situation is not favorable for them, with unknown terrain, unknown number of enemies and the danger of the opponent's technique.

"Why waste so much time talking to them, Fushiguro, just fight them."

Kugisaki Nobara took out the nail with her other hand and looked eager to try.

"That's right."

"It seems that the negotiation failed."

Reiji Meixing spread his hands helplessly and then showed a sneer. The next moment, a man suddenly rushed out from the corner of the corridor, and one hand had become as sharp as a claw.


"Leave it to me. "

The hammer in Kugisaki Nobara's hand smashed out instantly.

"Tsk, how powerful can a little girl swing a hammer like this..."

Before he finished speaking, the huge force directly smashed him out of the barrier wall in the corridor.


Just as the man was about to grab the edge and climb up, Nue suddenly appeared from the air and pressed him down heavily to the ground.

"Oh, you have some strength."

Fushiguro Megumi looked back and saw that two kitchen knives were already stuck in his mouth. After secretly sighing in his heart, Fushiguro Megumi instantly activated the spell and came behind the opponent through the shadow.

"What? !"

Rei Shimei was frightened by this unexpected attack, but at this time, Fushiguro Megumi had succeeded and instantly restrained the opponent.

"Cotinus! "

A bloody eyeball suddenly fell from outside, and the next moment, a violent explosion sounded.

Fushiguro Megumi saw that Nobara Kugisaki was in the explosion range, so she had to throw Reiji Star out of the corridor first, and then pulled Nobara Kugisaki into another room.

Reiji Star, who was thrown outside, did not panic. He tore off a receipt and burned it with magic power. A parachute appeared beside him and he landed safely.

"It's really dangerous."

Reiji Star smiled sinisterly as he looked at the corridor emitting thick black smoke.


The thick smoke was quickly broken, and Fushiguro Megumi was pulled down from the air by Nue. At the same time, Nobara Kugisaki and Reimi were also brought down, but Reimi had lost consciousness at this time.

"Did you escape?"

Reiji Star looked at Fushiguro Megumi, who was completely fine, with a hint of displeasure on his face.

"It seems that he jumped to the next room to escape the explosion just now. "

A man in suspenders appeared beside Ling Shiming. Although one of his eyes was still bleeding, he did not look worried at all.

"Did this guy do the explosion just now?"

Fushiguro Megumi looked at him cautiously. You know, the power of the explosion just now was not ordinary. It was simply a grenade with cursed power.

"Try it again."

"No problem."

Huang Luzhe broke off two teeth and threw them at Fushiguro Megumi. At the same time, Ling Shiming also tore off a few bills.

At the moment when the bills burned in the air, an unknown liquid came out of the receipts.

appeared, and at the same time, Huang Suzhe's teeth also exploded at this moment.

"This smell is gasoline!"

Fushiguro Megumi felt something was wrong. As expected, the moment the flame and liquid came into contact, a ball of fierce flame rushed straight towards the two.

"[Man Xiang]!"

The huge Man Xiang fell from the sky, and at the same time, a stream of water that was enough to compete with the flames spurted out of its nose.

"Not good!"

On the other side, Ling Shixing found something wrong. The flames on his side were no match for the water sprayed by the Man Xiang.

And the receipts on his body were the key to his technique, so Ling Shixing immediately tore off two receipts and burned them.

Two cars instantly appeared in front of the two and blocked the rushing water.

"Haha, I succeeded!"

On Fushiguro Megumi's side, the man who had been pretending to be dead since he fell just now launched a sneak attack again.

"Asshole! You dare to come!"

Kugizaki Nobara took out a small scarecrow and tied the hair she had pulled out during the fight to it and nailed the nails on it.

"【Clumsy Spirit Spell·Resonance】!"


The moment the spell was activated, the man fell to the ground with his hands on his heart.

"Well done, Kugisaki."

Although Fushiguro Megumi did not turn around, she still praised him.

"It's a small matter!"

On the other side, two cars successfully blocked the water attack of Manxiang, and Huang Luzhe and Ling Shi Mingxing also looked at Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara.

"Tsk, that rubbish was killed."

Ling Shi Mingxing cursed at his fallen companion.

"There's nothing I can do, but these two guys are really good."

Huang Luzhe waved his hand. Indeed, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara were the strongest magicians they had met in these days.

"I don't know what you are thinking, but my patience has run out."

Fushiguro Megumi looked at the two people with a cold look. From the beginning, they wanted to kill him for no reason, and they didn't hold back.


Suddenly, an inappropriate voice came into the battlefield.


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