The current "Rika" is the external ritual and cursed power of Yuta Otsutsuki after Rika was freed.

Through the ring, Yuta Otsutsuki can connect with Rika, and during this period, he can use the ritual to make Rika fully appear and obtain Rika's cursed power supply.

The limit time of connection is five minutes.

At this moment, looking at Yuta Otsutsuki's cursed power constantly surging, both Heiko Karusu and Ishiryu Ryu were surprised.

"Otsutsuki's cursed power has recovered, and the shikigami is now fully revealed. It seems that not only the reversed spell, but also the power was hidden when he saved people from Hei Mu Si before!!"

Otsutsuki Yuta ignored the surprise of the other two and looked at Rika beside him kindly.

"Yuta, which one do you want to use?"

Rika opened her body and pulled out many different kinds of cursed tools.

"Thank you, this one will do."

Otsutsuki Yuta pointed out one of the cursed tools that looked like a boxing glove and put it on his hand. At the same time, the next second, his eyes locked on the two.

"Maki, pay attention."

"Yeah, I understand."

After a brief reminder, Otsutsuki Yuta covered his mouth.

The next moment, Maki and Rika rushed out instantly, and Ishiryu Ryu and Karusu Hengzi were forced to start parrying with them.

At the same time, Otsutsuki Yuta, who was hiding behind the two, opened his mouth and revealed the familiar sign.

"Snake eyes and fangs?! It's a curse!"

Kurogi Heiko noticed the mark on Yuta Otsutsuko's mouth and immediately covered her ears.

But unfortunately, it was too late.

"【Don't move】"

The moment the curse was activated, Karushi Heiko's body instantly stiffened.

Yuta Otsutsuko jumped forward and sandwiched her with Rika, punching Karushi Heiko fiercely. At the same time, Shiliu Long on the other side was restrained by Maki.


Kurogi Heiko spit out a mouthful of blood and was knocked to the roof of another building.

"Too sweet! Both Otsutsuko and you, a little girl, are delicious high-end desserts!"

Shiliu Long used the cursed power to wrap himself and constantly resist the attack of Soul Devourer. Although it didn't work much, it increased his attack power.

"Smoothie, shock wave!!!"

It was another face-to-face launch at almost the field distance. This time Maki reacted instantly and Soul Devourer aimed at the beam and chopped it down!


The buildings on both sides behind Maki exploded, and the Soul Devourer cut the horrible bombardment in half.

On the other side, Karusu Hengzi looked at Yuta Otsutsuki with resentment. He always gave Karusu Hengzi a familiar feeling.

"I really don't understand why you fight us so hard. Can't we live in peace in this era?"

"Hehe, why should I live in peace with those weak guys? I don't even want to see their existence."

"If you are alone, there will be a limit. If a person lives only for himself, it will become very tiring. Sooner or later, he will reach the limit."

At this moment, Yuta Otsutsuki's figure overlapped with the Fujiwara family in Karusu Hengzi's memory.

"Asshole, are you a descendant of Fujiwara?! You guys, do you like to talk so much? What do you mean by "You should live for others, don't always think about getting ahead"! It's all bullshit! "

Kurogi Hiroko was instantly furious, and the space around her hands was twisted by her grasp.

"Umorara Dan!"

Otsutsuki Yuta's fist, which was close at hand, was pulled and twisted, and was about to be bounced out in the next moment.



Rika passed over Otsutsuki Yuta, and a heavy punch forced Karushi Hiroko to interrupt her technique, and the place where she was just now was also smashed and cracked.

"Continue! Rika!"


Under Otsutsuki Yuta's command, Rika attacked Karushi Hiroko again, but Karushi Hiroko certainly would not sit still and wait for death.

The technique was launched again, and Rika's body was pulled until it was bent.

"Get out of here! "

Using all her strength, Rika was thrown behind by Karusugawa Hengzi.

Just as she looked at Yuta Otsutsu, she felt something strange, and Karusugawa Hengzi had several wounds on her body for no reason.

"This is! Dobulu's technique!"

That's right, from the beginning until Rika was thrown out, all her movements became Yuta Otsutsu's domain, and Karusugawa Hengzi was in this domain and was easily injured.

"Otsutsu's technique is not a curse

, but...”

Before Karusu Hiroko could finish her thought, Otsukotsu Yuta came to her and hit her continuously.

“Is this guy’s technique “imitation”? !”

After being hit several times in the face, Karusu Hiroko was finally forced to the rooftop where Ishiryu and Maki were fighting.

At this time, Ishiryu was immersed in the joy of fighting with Maki.

“There is no cursed power, but the movements and speed are impeccable! What a strong body!”


Facing the relentless Ishiryu, Maki still couldn’t completely perform movements and strength that almost completely ignored the laws of physics like Fushiguro Shier.

“Did you get hit here? !”

Noticing Ishiryu not far behind her, Karusu Hiroko felt very uncomfortable.

“Stop it, if you keep fighting, you will definitely lose.”

Otsukotsu Yuta’s words stimulated both Ishiryu and Karusu Hiroko.

“Shut up! ”

“It’s already this far, why are you still nagging me with this nonsense!”

Shi Liulong punched Maki away and looked at Yuta Otsutsuki and Heizi Karusu at the same time.

The three of them looked at each other and the next moment, they used their killing moves.

“【Domain expansion】! !”

“【Domain expansion】.”

“【Domain expansion】!!!

The domains expanded almost at the same time, like a collision of souls, and three different domains began to squeeze each other.

At the moment when multiple domains were expanded, the effects of the must-hit spells canceled each other out. At the same time, due to the previous attack, Rika was excluded and did not enter the domain.

And Maki was knocked away the moment before, so she did not enter the domain at the first time.

So now, Yuta Otsutsuki is isolated and helpless. As long as the opponent’s reinforcements arrive, the victory of this battle will be very obvious.

Rika can no longer exist without Yuta Otsutsuki, and Maki alone cannot fight against two top magicians who are not compatible with her.

"No, I have to go in and help!"

Maki stabilized her body after a few somersaults, but the domain was already constructed.

Due to her body of Tian and Jue Bind, Maki would not be rejected by the domain, but the battle in the domain had almost nothing to do with reality. If she rashly entered, she would most likely be seriously injured by the flying spells.

But at this moment, she could not continue to think. Just as she was about to act, a tide of black cockroaches surged from below.

Maki turned her head and saw that their target was Rika. At this time, Rika had already increased the level of her own curse power because she saw Yuta Otsutsukota being locked in the domain and wanted to rescue Yuta Otsutsukota.

This curse power awakened another cursed spirit who should have died long ago, Heimushi.

"I like it! The taste of iron!"

The new Heimushi appeared in the domain again! Heimusi, who has the ability of parthenogenesis, gave birth to her own child in advance. When the mother dies, the child will inherit the hatred and fear of cockroaches and wake up at a specific time.

As a swimmer, Heimusi is indeed dead, but as a cursed spirit, Heimusi still exists!

Due to the different characteristics of the three domains and the differences in time and environment, coupled with the intrusion of Heimusi.

The triple domain collapsed in a very short time.

"Really, an unexpected barrier."

At this time, the wounded people were attracted to Heimusi to the greatest extent, especially Wu Luhengzi, who had not had time to use the reversal technique to recover from the wound.

Otsutsuko Yuta, who was closest to Wu Luhengzi, did not miss this opportunity and kicked Wu Luhengzi in the sky in front of Heimusi.

"Damn it!"

Looking at Heimusi rushing towards him, Wu Luhengzi subconsciously prepared to use his own technique.

However, although the time was short, the technique fuse after the domain was released was inevitable!


The rotten sword swung down fiercely, and disgusting cursed insect eggs instantly grew on the shoulder of Wu Lu Hengzi.


Rika followed closely behind, and when she saw Wu Lu Hengzi was injured, she stepped forward and tore off her injured arm.

"My arm, you dare to do this to me."


Before Wu Lu Hengzi finished speaking, the cursed force shock wave hit her and Hei Mu Si beside her at the same time.

Wu Lu Hengzi was unconscious, and Hei Mu Si also lost half of his body.

"The chirping is so noisy."

Shi Liulong touched his head and looked at Yuta Otsutsuko with a smile.

"This guy can actually use the spell?!"

Maki was very surprised to see Shi Liulong using the ice shock wave as usual after the domain was released.

But if you talk about it in detail, it's not difficult to understand. Shi Liulong's ice shock wave was originally just a move to shoot out the cursed force. It's just because his cursed force output is enough.

Only when the magic is big can such an effect be achieved.

His technique is simpler, "Exposing the Curse", so whether or not the technique is used, Shiliulong can launch the same attack.

"It may be a little difficult for that little girl to understand, but you should know it."

Shiliulong looked at Yuta Otsutsukota and smiled faintly.

"That's true, but this battle should be over." Yuta Otsutsukota slowly stepped forward and released positive energy at the half-crippled head of Heimushi.

In an instant, the reborn Heimushi died again, but this time there was no report from Xiao Jin.

"Come on!"

Facing Shiliulong, who had no technique fuse, Yuta Otsutsukota decided to release the Curse Cannon before him.

Because even the high-directional Curse Cannon released by Rika in the fully manifested state is still inferior to Shiliulong's maximum Curse output.

Originally, Yuta Otsutsukota should have done this, but.

However, after seeing the fiery eyes of Shiliu Long that had been longing for more than 400 years, Yuta Otsutsukota's mouth corners slightly lifted and revealed a smile.

That look was as if saying, both of you should go all out, Yuta Otsutsukota.

This look completely untied Yuta Otsutsukota's original knot of not being able to find a reason to fight even in the future!

"But only this time."

Both sides accumulated their cursed power to the highest level, and finally, the two people facing each other launched their attacks at the same time.


The collision of the two cursed cannons produced a huge roar.

As expected, Yuta Otsutsukota was the weaker party, and after being hit by the aftermath of the ice slush shock wave, the light of the cursed power shone again in the smoke.

"Yes, that's it! You are so sweeeeeeet!!!"

However, at the moment the cursed power shock wave was launched, Yuta Otsutsukota rushed out. It was wrong information that the opponent's cursed power shock wave needed two people to release it together.

But at this moment, due to this short moment of shock, Shi Liulong had no chance to accumulate cursed power to fight against Rika's cursed power shock wave.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Shi Liulong did not stop and directly blocked the incoming cursed power shock wave with his hand. Because the cursed power was insufficient at this moment and the accumulation time was not long, Shi Liulong only had smoke from the friction of his palm after receiving the attack.

At the same time, Yuta Otsutsuki had come in front of him, and the accumulated ice smoothie shock wave was also aimed at Yuta Otsutsuki.

"Ice smoothie, shock wave!"

Goodbye, Yuta Otsutsuki, even you can't take my ice smoothie shock wave at this consumption.

However, the reason why Yuta Otsutsuki rushed out was also known, that is, his technique fuse had been restored!

The ice smoothie shock wave that was close at hand was changed in trajectory and flew straight into the sky.

"It's Karasuru's technique! When did Otsutsuki copy it? Is his copying unconditional?!"

Shocked, Ishiryu recalled the scene when Rika tore off Karasuru Hiroko's arm.

"It was at that time!"

"Umora Bullet!"


Otsutsuki Yuta aimed at Ishiryu's abdomen and delivered this powerful blow, and Rika followed up with a blow to her head.


Just at this moment, the five-minute time limit was up, and Rika's body was no longer complete.

Although Ishiryu had already vomited blood, he still did not miss this opportunity, and turned around and responded to the huge Rika with a heavy punch.

And this attack, which was difficult to resist even in his prime, completely collapsed Rika, who was already close to her limit.

"Oh oh oh!!! Otsutsuki!!! I didn't know I could have such an experience after using all my strength!!! "

The fist-to-flesh fight made Shi Liulong feel extremely excited. The next moment, Yuta Otsutsukota instantly squatted down to avoid Shi Liulong's fist and dragged the opponent.

"That's it."

In the sky, a beam of light fell towards the two people. It was the ice shock wave that Yuta Otsutsukota had just changed its trajectory.


The ice shock wave hit Shi Liulong again, and the airplane head on his head fell off. His face was covered with scars and his eyes were about to turn white.

Finally, Shi Liulong lost all his strength, and he finally had enough in his life this time.

"......Thank you for the hospitality. I'm full!!!"

"You're welcome."


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