The fisherman was so angry that he was lying on the ground.


A soldier was hung upstairs by a huge fishhook through his shoulder. He groaned in pain but no one could save him.

Below, several huge fish-shaped cursed spirits kept jumping around looking at the delicious "bait" in front of them. Finally, one of them bit the soldier.

Then, the cursed spirit fishing on the rooftop pulled the fishing rod and pulled up the cursed fish biting the bait below. Then, a group of small cursed spirits swarmed up and tore the fish and the soldier in the fish's belly and ate them.


Looking at the fish on the hook, the fishing cursed spirit was very happy and then took out another person from the pile of dying soldiers at his feet.

"I, I am a soldier, I have long been prepared to die..."

"I may fall under the bullets fired by terrorists at some point."

"I may also die at any time by stepping on a mine in the desert. Yes, I don't know when, I may die at any time..."

"But this is different!"

Looking at the huge inhuman creature in front of him, the soldier desperately kicked his legs to try to stop the curse spirit, but it was completely useless. Which fisherman would be afraid of the earthworm in his hand?

"I don't want to die like this! God, if you really exist, please save me!"

At the last moment, when the fishhook was about to be inserted into the shoulder, a dazzling light reflected in the soldier's eyes.

The body of the curse spirit disappeared instantly, and the soldier fell to the ground and looked at the holy man in front of him.

"God, is it your angel who came to guide me to heaven?"


"Hey, this side has been cleaned up."

Ling Shi Mingxing, Huang Luzhe and others dragged their tired bodies and returned to the base of the crowd with dust on their faces.

"Hard work."

Megumi Fushiguro used a red pen to mark a place on the map with a red cross and then put the map away.

"Next, only the side of Yuji is left."

That's right, in just half a day, the number of cursed spirits in Tokyo's first barrier has been reduced by more than half.

Fushiguro Megumi's shikigami searched and led the way, marking the location of the cursed spirits, and then two people worked in a group to exorcise the cursed spirits in the clear location.

There was only one reason why the magicians in the barrier did not clean up many times before, that is, they were afraid of being attacked by other swimmers. Tokyo's first barrier did not have a gang-like organization like Sakurajima Barrier.

Everyone is a small group or works alone. Once they are consumed too much by the cursed spirits, it may cause bad effects. If they are accidentally injured, it will be more troublesome. The medicine in the barrier is very rare.

Anyway, the cursed spirits basically only appear at night or in dark alleys. As long as you don't take the initiative to look for them, you won't encounter them. If you are really unlucky, just deal with them as soon as possible.

"However, although those cursed spirits are basically no match for us, those soldiers dared to enter the barrier without cursed tools. They really don't know what's good for them."

"I originally thought that they would bring some cursed weapons, but now it seems that those guys may not know how to deal with cursed spirits at all."

Zei Shixing sneered, and at the same time, a sinister and cunning figure appeared in his mind.

[That guy, he didn't hesitate to drag soldiers from other countries to die in order to complete the barrier in advance? It turned out to be a dangerous guy. 】

"It's meaningless to think about these things now. When Yuji comes back, we can prepare to leave."

Fushiguro Megumi said calmly.

"Oh, that's the best."

Zei Shixing said with a smile that in the modern sorcerer organization, as long as you actively cooperate, your life can be saved, especially when the opponent is guys like Fushiguro Megumi.


On the other side, Yuji Yuji was standing in front of a huge cursed spirit, which was basically half a building high.

Next to them were several destroyed armored transport vehicles and a group of soldiers who were firing regardless of whether they were useful or not.

"Is that guy also a sorcerer?!"

A soldier said while firing at Yuji Itadori who had entered the battlefield.

"You actually still care about this, think about how to deal with this thing in front of you first!"

Another soldier scolded his teammates next to him.

"Damn it, they didn't tell us how to deal with this kind of thing in advance! The vice admiral actually made such a joke!"

The black female soldier who first grabbed the propeller head looked at the cursed spirit in front of her anxiously and said in distress.

They were really deceived miserably,

As soon as they entered the barrier and caught the swimmer, they attracted the cursed spirit because of the loud noise. And because the noose did not tell them that modern weapons could not deal with the cursed spirit, they had no power to fight back.

"Well, while they don't want to care about me now, let's just get rid of the cursed spirit and leave."

Yuji Itadori squeezed his fist bones, and then the cursed power flowed out from his hands. The blue ink-colored cursed power stunned the soldiers beside him. Those who they had caught before could only use spells, but they couldn't operate the cursed power like this.

"Look at that guy!"

With the reminder of a soldier, other soldiers around gradually noticed Yuji Itadori, including the female soldier commander.

"Asshole! What are you doing..."

Before he finished his scolding, Yuji Itadori disappeared from the ground in an instant, and at the same time, the place where he had just stood was instantly shattered.


A huge sound came from the air, and Yuji Itadori punched the cursed spirit's head and then jumped upstairs.

"Ah, I thought this cursed spirit was at least level one, but it turns out to be the type that looks good but is useless."

Yuji Itadori muttered to himself as he looked at the cursed spirit that had fallen and began to dissipate, but he was indeed intimidated by its huge size so he used his greatest strength.

"Helicopter! Report the situation!"

The female soldier commander immediately shouted into the intercom.

"Report! The pink-haired boy punched the monster's head, and now he is standing on the roof of the building behind the monster."

The helicopter pilot replied with cold sweat.

After hearing the roar beside him, Yuji Itadori looked at the helicopter that was some distance away from him.

"Was he saved by that guy?"

The female soldier commander breathed a sigh of relief.

"Helicopter, get close to him and catch him!"

Another voice came from the commander of another squadron.

"What are you doing? That guy just saved us."

The female soldier commander immediately grabbed the collar of another commander and questioned.

"Don't forget our purpose. Although that guy saved us, our mission is to kidnap those sorcerers. It's the right choice to catch him now that he has no energy to deal with the monster."

After hearing this, the female soldier had to let go.


At the same time, the helicopter began to approach Yuji Itadori after receiving the order, and the machine gun under the wing was also aimed at him.

"Give up resistance, we are the army, come down now and accept our shelter!"

Poor Japanese came out from the helicopter. To be honest, Yuji Itadori saved them, and they shouldn't do this in terms of emotion and reason, but he had no choice because the commander had ordered it.

"Poor child, I hope you don't make the wrong choice."

The driver watched Yuji Itadori begin to sweat on his forehead, and his hand was holding the firing button and he didn't dare to relax.

However, in the blink of an eye, Yuji Itadori disappeared from his sight.

"What?! Disappeared?! What happened!"

The driver asked anxiously, he really just blinked just now.

"Idiot! That guy is under your plane!"

The voice of cursing came from the communication device on the helicopter. The driver looked out and saw that it was true.

Yuji Itadori was hanging on the landing gear of the helicopter and grabbed the machine gun under the wing at the same time.

"Hey! What are you doing! Are you going to die!"

Facing the driver's incompetent rage, Yuji Itadori instantly pulled the machine gun down, and then, he did a somersault and kicked the glass to break and jumped into the corridor of the building next door.

"What?! Is that guy a superman?!"

Looking at Yuji Itadori's coquettish operation, the squadron leader couldn't help but complain.

Dong dong dong dong dong...

The sound of hurried footsteps continued in the building, and suddenly, Yuji Itadori stopped.

"Facing the soldiers who came to arrest him, he could also stand up and exorcise the cursed spirits. Yuji Itadori, you are really a good person."

"Japanese car!"

Looking at the familiar person in front of him, Yuji Itadori said happily.

"You really weren't caught."

"Well, although my technique has no advantage against those soldiers, those cursed spirits did help me. With them blocking the army, they naturally couldn't find me."

Higurashi Hiromi said with a smile. He was also one of the first people to sense the surge in the number of people in the barrier. Then, after seeing the invasion of the army, he cleverly found the underground garage and hid under the cover of the cursed spirits until the night.

Because even if the other party can be sentenced to death for illegal trespassing, what can he confiscate if he doesn't even have the cursed power? As for the future, of course, all the cursed spirits will be exorcised and then come out to see the current situation.

"By the way, you should have heard the rule that swimmers can enter and exit the barrier freely."

"Well, yes, now the closed nature of the death and return swim to swimmers is gone,

Things will definitely get complicated next." Higurashi Hiromi said after thinking for a while.

"Actually, that was done by my senior." Yuji Itadori scratched his head embarrassedly.

"But he definitely did it because he had to do something, so we decided to return to the technical high school to gather after we almost exorcised the cursed spirits in the barrier." Yuji Itadori immediately defended Shinichi.

"I see..."

After hearing Yuji Itadori's explanation, Higurashi Hiromi gradually understood a little bit. After all, this rule was issued after the army entered. Then, the senior mentioned by Yuji Itadori must have noticed something and needed to leave the barrier immediately, so he made this rule.

"By the way, Higurashi, come with us."

"You guys?"

After hearing Yuji Itadori's words, Higurashi Hiromi asked in confusion.

"Yes, although I don't know what happened, the more combat power we have now, the better. If you come to the technical high school, you may be able to help. "

Yuji Itadori said sincerely. After all, someone was going to leave with them before he came, so there was nothing wrong with taking Hikari Hiromi with him.

"......If it can help solve the current situation, it's okay."

Hikari Hiromi, before becoming a swimmer, killed the judge and the prosecutor, and after becoming a swimmer, he killed 20 magicians.

Although it was just a decision made on unfair and unjust things, now he needs to help others to atone for his sins in order to make himself feel better.

"That's great! "

Yuji Itadori said excitedly, and then, under the leadership of Yuji Itadori, the two began to rush towards the place where the people of the high school were.


The moment he left the field, Shinichi changed his technique from [Ten Shadow Techniques] to [Unlimited Techniques].

He was going to use Cang to quickly return to the high school, which was why he did not choose to let Fushiguro Shier leave to go back for support. Sakurajima is at least 1,000 kilometers away from Tokyo.

Even if he took a plane back, it would take an hour, not to mention that he couldn't get a seat now. The plane.

"The coordinates of the technical high school, I remember it is..."

After a while of thinking, Shinichi finally determined the location of the technical high school's barrier. This is just a rough idea. After all, Cang's long-distance teleportation is probably achieved by releasing multiple Cangs.

This move is essentially a high-speed movement that compresses the space distance. Obstacles on the way will be knocked away, so Shinichi asked Gojo Satoru about the routes back to the technical high school.

However, the answer he got was very strange.

"Wouldn't you not have to consider the problem of obstacles if you fly up to the sky first and then release it from the air?"

Although it is simple and crude, it is true. Set the coordinates in the air and then release it from the air, so there will basically be no obstacles in the middle.

You ask about the plane? Gojo Satoru and Shinichi are not stupid. Why would they fly so high when they have nothing to do?

"Then, just treat it as practice. "

The next moment, Shinichi's eyes radiated a soft purple light.

"【Ritual Forward: Blue】"


Shinichi felt his feet lighten and then disappeared outside the Sakurajima barrier.


"Why, 12 years ago, you didn't choose to assimilate the astral plasma? Is there no other astral plasma besides Tennen Riko? Of course, don't include me."

Kujiu Yuki asked.

"There is indeed no one as talented as Tennen Riko..."

Tengen answered calmly.

"So there are indeed others?"

"Yes, but at that time I thought, since it has been stopped, then Tennen Riko is dead."

"Then, why don't you choose another astral plasma to assimilate? Do you still need a body with better talent?"

"Not really."

Tengen looked at Kujiu Yuki in front of him and continued.

"If you have to say it, I accept the reality, but it's still because of that person."

"That person? "

Kyuujiu Yuki frowned.

"Kamo Shinichi."

The person mentioned by Tengen made Kuujiu Yuki even more puzzled.


"Because of uncertainty."

Tengen's face was so calm that it didn't seem like he was chatting. Of course, it wasn't his body that was talking, so he didn't have to be treated as a normal person.

"From the first moment I saw him, I felt very confused. Everything he did seemed to be a result that had been expected long ago."

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