The next day, Shinichi, who was well rested, came to the back mountain again, but this time he did not bring Kamo Kengen and Kamo Kenki with him.

This time, Shinji slightly increased the intensity of his training. Of course, due to the maintenance of the curse, Shinichi's body recovered quickly, so he could continue to receive high-intensity training.

While training on Shinichi's side was in full swing, Gojo Satoru from the Conjuration High School on the other side had adapted to the reversal technique and was studying how to achieve the continuous use of [Infinite].

But this is indeed a difficult part to overcome. Even if Gojo Satoru is extremely talented, he cannot learn this magical skill in a short time.


Gojo Satoru, who failed in the experimental technique, lay helplessly on the table, feeling confused again.

“It’s just as difficult as learning the [Inversion Technique] in the first place~”


Xia Youjie saw the decadent Gojo Satoru as soon as he opened the door.

"What's wrong? Satori."

"Oh, it's Jie, it's nothing, he's just studying new techniques."

"Really? By the way, someone from the Zenyuan family is here to find you. They are from the Zenyuan family, their head."

"Huh? That old man?"

Gojo Satoru also became energetic after hearing the news.

"Maybe it's because of that guy."

"I guess so."

The two of them immediately came to the conference room and saw Noctua Zhengdao talking with the people directly next to the Zen Yuan.

"Wu, Jie, you are finally here. This is the head of the Chanyuan family, Mr. Zenyuan Zhibiren. He is a special first-level magician certified by a high school."

Noctua Zhengdao introduced them after seeing the two of them.

"Oh! It's a pleasure to meet you, Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie, the newly promoted special-level magicians."

Seeing the two of them appear, the people directly adjacent to the monastery also greeted them warmly.

"Nice to meet you, Master of the Chanyuan Family, so why are you here today?"

Xia Youjie responded politely to the people directly next to the Zen Yuan.

"Well... I'm sorry for what happened a month ago. Although he is a bad guy, he is still my nephew after all. I come here today to apologize for him."

The person directly next to the Zen Yuan showed an embarrassed look after finishing speaking.

"Ah, um, it's okay. After all, I've beaten you to a pulp, but even if you apologize, I won't return that guy's spell tool. It's just compensation for me."


Noctua Masamichi looked at Gojo Satoru angrily.

"You kid, I told you several times that you need to be more educated!"

"Yes Yes…"

He promised, but Gojo Satoru clearly didn't care about Noctua's words.

"It's okay, I'm not here today about the magic tools."

The person directly next to the Zen Yuan said.

"Did he... tell you something?"

"Well... he told me that his child would be sold to the Chanyuan family, so he let me do with it as I pleased."

Gojo Satoru remembered Shinichi's request and said it truthfully.

"Then...what are you going to do?"

"In this regard, I think it depends on the child's opinion, right? But since I have agreed to him, I will not hand him over to you at will."

"So much the better…"

The Zen monks relaxed after listening to Gojo Satoru's words.

"Regardless of whether the child has awakened the technique or not, I hope he can freely choose where to go, so I leave this matter to you, Gojo Satoru."

"Well, leave it to me."

After finishing the explanation, the direct priest of the Zen Academy left the Curse College.

"I didn't expect that old man to be quite easy to talk to."

Gojo Satoru looked at the car going away and sighed to Xia Youjie.

"Well, it seems that the head of the Chanyuan family is not that vicious and evil person who regards human life as nothing."

The Zen Yuan clan members accompanying him in the car were puzzled.

"Master, why do you have to communicate with Gojo Satoru? Is it because of that traitor?"

"There are some things you don't have to worry about."


The Zen Yuan Zhibi people did not cut off contact with Fuhe Shi'er after he left the Zen Yuan family. It can be said that only the Zen Yuan Zhibi people in the entire Zen Yuan family could continue to talk to Fuhei Shi'er.

After Fushiguro Megumi's mother passed away, the only place Fushiguro Shir could think of for Fushiguro Megumi was the Zenyuan home.

Although he is a wanted criminal of the Chanyuan family, his son can stay in the Chanyuan family under the cover of the direct people of the Chanyuan family.

He knew that Fushiguro Megumi had the talent to become a conjurer. Although there was no concrete evidence, his five senses that were naturally different from ordinary people told him that this was an absolute thing.

In the Curse High School, Gojo Satoru decided to find something to do after another failed attempt.

"That old man just reminded me, so it's okay if I pick up Fushiguro Megumi in advance, right?"

Gojo Satoru left the high school alone and went to find Fushiguro Megumi.

In the evening, Zhen finished training again. When he looked at Fuhei Shier, he found that this strong man who was nearly two meters tall was standing in front of him.Looking at the sunset, I don't know what I'm thinking.

"You are, little brother Fushiguro Megumi, right?"

In the alley, Fushiguro Megumi finished school today and was about to go home when someone called him.

"Who are you? By the way, what's that expression on your face?"

Fushguro Megumi turned around and saw Gojo Satoru with a strange expression on his face.

"Nothing, I just think they look like the same mold."

Looking at Fushiguro Megumi, who looks very similar to Fushiguro, Gojo Satoru felt a little cold.



"So, your father was born in a famous family of sorcerers called Zenin."

"But he turned out to be a rogue who even I am inferior to. He ran away from home and gave birth to you."

Gojo Satoru pointed to the fly head beside him and continued after seeing the reaction that Fushiguro Megumi could see.

"You can see the curse, which means you also have magical power. To be honest, you should have noticed your own spell, right?"

"Let me tell you, the people of the Zenin family love to study spells the most. Normally, spells can be awakened at the age of 4-6, so now is the best time to sell you to them. Your father thinks so too."

"Ah, are you angry? Although he has been given to me..."


Just when Gojo Satoru was chattering, Fushiguro Megumi interrupted him.

"I'm not interested in knowing where he is now or what he is doing. I haven't seen him for a long time and even forgot what he looks like."

Fushguro Megumi lowered his head and said silently.

"However, from what you just said, I also roughly understood that guy has abandoned us."

"Are you really an elementary school student?"

Gojo Satoru was shocked by Fushiguro Megumi's precocity.

"Why are you the same type as Shinichi? You are so young but you think so deeply."

Gojo Satoru ended his inner whispering.

"Well, come and ask me when you want to know about your father. So, back to the point, are you going to the Zenin family?"

"If I go to the Zenin family, what will happen to Kimitsu? Can she be happy?"

"No, this is the only thing I can be sure of, 100% not, the Zenin family hates people without rituals."

"Tsk, then I won't go."

The disgusted expression of Fushiguro Megumi is exactly the same as Fushiguro Shiori.


Gojo Satoru smiled at Fushiguro Megumi's expression and then put his hand on his head and rubbed it.

"Leave it to me, but you will be a little wronged, come on."

Gojo Satoru left after saying this.

"Then, the first batch of fresh blood will start with this kid, but this kid's hair is a bit prickly, not like Shinichi's, which is more comfortable to rub."

Gojo Satoru compared it in his mind.

At this time, Shinichi of the Kamo family had finished washing up and recalled his exercise today.

"Ah, what a hard day."

Just as he was about to go to bed, he received a call from Gojo Satoru.

"Hey, Shinichi, long time no see."

Gojo Satoru on the other end of the phone greeted with a smile.

"Satoru? What's up?"

"You're so cold~"

Gojo Satoru teased.

"Well, as for why I came to you, I went to see that guy's son today so I wanted to talk to you."

"Did you go to see Hui? How was it? Did you see his spell?"

"I didn't see the specific spell, but I'm sure he does have the potential to become a sorcerer."

"That's good."

"By the way, Zenin Naohito came to see me."

"The head of the Zenin family? What is he doing here?"

Shinichi was puzzled as to why Zenin Naohito went to see Gojo Satoru.

"For Hui's matter, that guy had made an agreement with the old man before, so he came to me to confirm whether he left any last words."

"So, how about the negotiation?"

"That old man is reasonable, he said that it's up to Hui to like it, and if he doesn't want to go to Zenin's house, he won't force him, so what should Shinichi do next?"

"Well... You can take him to Jujutsu High School, it will be good for him to get in touch with the world of Jujutsu earlier."

"Really? Then let's do it."

"By the way, how is Sister Riko recently?"

Shinichi remembered that when she said goodbye to him, Riko couldn't help asking.

"Ah, that guy, although he is not old enough, he is studying very hard. Recently, he seems to have some talent for learning the reversal technique with Glass."

"Really? Then, say hello to everyone for me and see you later."


After speaking, Gojo Satoru hung up the phone.


Shinichi fell into a brief contemplation.

"The next thing is easy to solve, as long as we catch upSaving Nanako and Mimiko before Geto Suguru and preventing the death of Haibara Yu would perfectly avoid Geto Suguru's dark turn. ”

With such thoughts, Shinichi slowly fell into a deep sleep.

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