Kamo Kenji and the great elder Kamo Nobu slowly walked towards Shinichi.

Seeing this little Shinichi, Kamo Kenji was deeply moved.

Although Shinichi was not insulted as a low-level servant in his daily life because of the awakening of Kamo Kenki's technique.

But the Kamo family members who hated Shinichi never gave him a good face from beginning to end.

This led to Shinichi having no other friends except Kamo Kenki since he could remember, which was a big problem for ordinary children.

But fortunately, Shinichi never felt bored. Since he was reincarnated into this world, he has been studying the power of curse in a state of forgetting food and sleep.

Whether it is the flow of the power of the family members or the residual power of those weak cursed spirits, everything is clearly visible in his eyes.

Shinichi's learning ability is undoubtedly top-notch, whether in the previous life or now.

Under the gaze of those purple eyes, everything in the world is clearly visible and traceable.

As early as one month after Kamo Kenji awakened the [Red Blood Manipulation Technique], the sensitive Shinichi knew the operation process of the technique with his special observation ability.

The technique is a unique product engraved on the brain that everyone has when they are born. Originally, Shinichi did not have the hope of awakening the [Red Blood Manipulation Technique].

After all, in the huge Kamo family, only Kamo Kenji, a new generation, awakened this technique.

But the moment he interpreted the [Red Blood Manipulation Technique], he clearly felt the changes in his body.

This is a real and obvious change, just like a person who has no blurry vision immediately after myopia surgery, Shinichi also feels the same.

With his unique eyes and the understanding of [Red Blood Manipulation Technique] in his previous life, Shinichi completed the proficient use of [Red Blood Manipulation Technique] in just three months.

Long-range [Red Blood Manipulation·Hundred Gathering·Blood Piercing],

Medium-range [Red Blood Manipulation·Kar Purification],

Control skill [Red Blood Manipulation·Blood Binding],

Highly hard [Blood Star],

Close combat [Blood Blade],

And the previously used [Red Blood Manipulation·Supernova].

Even though Shinichi is still a child, it is no exaggeration to say that if he has sufficient blood supply...

His strength can reach quasi-second level.

(The author believes that the levels from low to high are fourth level, third level, quasi-second level, second level, quasi-first level, first level, special level)

"Shinichi, when did you awaken the Red Blood Manipulation?" Kamo Kenji asked.

"When? Well, about three months ago." Shinichi said indifferently.

"Three... three months ago!" Kamo Shin was shocked.

"Without any guidance, it took only three months to practice the Red Blood Manipulation to this level."

"Boy, awakening the Red Blood Manipulation is indeed a good thing, both for you and the Kamo family."

"But!" Kamo Shin changed the subject.

"You should not have done anything to steal the inheritance of the family's skills."

Faced with Kamo Gen's questioning, Shinichi was not afraid at all.

"What will happen if it is not, and what will happen if it is. Don't you have the final say on what you want to do?"

"Hmph, you slick kid, it doesn't matter even if you stole it, as long as you don't pass it on."

Kamo Shin didn't hold Shinichi, and left on his own after he finished speaking.

"Hmm? Strange elder, according to the setting, shouldn't he hold me tightly and shout 'I will never let you go'?"

Shinichi was wondering, Kamo Kenji sat down and explained to him

"In fact, as long as the clan members who have awakened [Red Blood Manipulation] can freely consult the secret book of the technique."

"So that's how it is, no wonder that old Deng didn't make things difficult for me." Shinichi thought.

"Let me ask you, Shinichi."


"Can your eyes see something special?"

Kamo Kenji asked Shinichi in a calm tone,

"If you are talking about the flow of cursed energy, it is true."

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Shinichi did not deliberately conceal it but told it all.

After all, this is his family, and the person in front of him is his father.

"As expected."

Kamo Kenji muttered to himself.

"Shinichi, maybe you don't know, but your eyes are actually inherited from your mother, Kamo Maya."

"My mother?"

"Yes, although my acquaintance with your mother was arranged by the family, I really fell in love with your mother after getting to know her."

"Family arrangement? What does that mean?"

Shinichi was a little angry at this time, "Is it a marriage between a big family? Or forced marriage or concubine."

"Your mother is the owner of the special eyes [Purple Eyes]."

"But, she doesn't have the spell, No, strictly speaking, it's not that there is no spell, but the spell is not cast on her. "

Seeing that Shinichi did not respond, Kamo Kenji looked into his eyes, the eyes known as the [Purple Eyes].

After thinking for a moment, he spoke again,

"Her spell, [Spirit Extension Technique] is used on her direct descendants."

In Kamo Kenji's opinion, a five-year-old child would not understand such a thing of combining for the sake of interests.

But he also knew that Shinichi was different from others. Shinichi would not cry and make a fuss like other children, nor would he resent others, at least on the surface.

Plus he saw Shinichi's [Red Blood Manipulation Technique] today, so he decided to tell Shinichi.

Shinichi did not reply for a long time, then stood up and performed a clan ceremony to him.

"Father, please allow me to call you that for the time being. "

Kamo Kenji was shocked. He had talked and met with Shinichi before.

However, Shinichi had never called him father and had always called him "Master of the Family".

"Okay, do you have any questions?"

Shinichi was relieved after getting a positive answer. After all, even if Kamo Kenji chose not to answer his question, he couldn't force him to agree.

"Then please tell me the conditions, methods, effects and... harms of using this [Spirit Enlightenment Technique]. "

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