"I'm talking about you! What do you want?"

At this time, the 12-year-old Kamo Kengen immediately stood up. Because of his good development, Kamo Kengen's height has reached 1.6 meters.

Although the magician of the Zenin family is older than him, he had to shut up silently after seeing that Kamo Kengen was half a head taller than him.

"Hahaha, we are all noble talents of the three great families. Don't make such meaningless comparisons before the festival starts. It's not too late to compete when the competition starts."

A magician of the Gojo family tried to smooth things over.

"Hmph, you will see what will happen to you then."

The magician saw someone giving him a way out and didn't care about it anymore and left.


Kamo Kengen looked at the man's back with disdain.

"Is this Master Shinichi? Seeing is believing. I am the representative of the Gojo family, Gojozaka, and I am Master Wu's cousin."

Shinichi took the initiative to shake hands with Gojozaka when he heard what he said.

"Brother Wu's cousin, right? Please take care of him."

Shin observed Gojo Wu's cousin while he was talking. His curse power was pretty good, probably at the level of level 2, and the flow of curse power was also OK, which was considered the top level among his peers.

"I heard that Master Shinichi is already a special level 2 magician certified by the high-level. Is it true?"

Gojo Saka remembered what the family had said before and couldn't help asking. After all, he was only a level 2 magician at the age of 12. Could Master Shinichi, who was less than 10 years old, really do such a thing?

"Thank you. Rumors are not to be believed. Seeing is believing."

Shinichi said modestly. After all, after two years of training, he had probably confirmed his level 1 strength. Of course, he was lying to others if he said he was level 2.

"Oh, is that so? I was indeed rude."

Gojo Saka was relieved when he heard what Shinichi said. Of course, what he understood was that Shinichi's strength was not level 2, but was quasi-level 2 or level 3 like the others in the Gojo family.

"It's okay, let's go."

Shinichi said with a smile

So the two families, each with ten people, entered the barrier together.

The ten people of the Kamo family are Kamo Shinichi, Kamo Kenji, Kamo Kengen, Kamo Tadashi, Kamo Tsubo, etc. Among them, Kamo Tadashi is the grandson of the great elder Kamo Nobu, Kamo Tsubo is the representative of the family head faction, and the oldest is Kamo Tadashi, who is 14 years old and just stuck in the time limit.

The Gojo family is led by Gojo Saka, and there are two other people with good strength, Gojo Shoichi and Gojo Akira. Shinichi feels that the rest are too weak and there is no need to look at them.

But it is worth mentioning that the comprehensive strength of the Zenin family is the strongest. The leader is Zenin Toie, the grandson of the Zenin family elder. According to Shinichi's observation, his strength has reached the quasi-first level, and the other seven are probably at the second or quasi-second level.

But Shinichi saw two faces that he shouldn't have seen.

"Zenin Maki and Zenin Shinei?"

Shinichi was surprised by the appearance of the two. After all, the twins are very weak at this stage. Why would the Zenin family want them to participate?

What Shinichi didn't know was that when the other eight people in the Zenin family were all above the quasi-second-level strength, the Zenin family's top management decided to let the sisters participate in order to slap the faces of the Gojo family and the Kamo family.

Hey, it's not that my Zenin family doesn't have magicians, but I deliberately left two positions empty for these two trash. If you can't win, it will be really embarrassing.

Under the investigation of the Zenin family, except for Shinichi who concealed his strength, the strength of all other contestants was found out. The only second-level magicians were Gojozaka, Gojo Shoichi, Gojo Akira, Kamo Tsubo, Kamo Tadashi, and Kamo Kengen (Kamo Kenki's spell power is not enough for the time being, and his comprehensive strength is only at the quasi-second level. And Shinichi and him, including the Zenin sisters, are the four youngest participants).

This time, the Chanyuan family prepared one quasi-level one, five level twos and two quasi-level twos, and their strength directly crushed the two families. If they fought alone, the two families would not be opponents unless they joined forces. However, there was a rule that at most two families could fight at the same time and the third family could not intervene. The third family could intervene only after the battle was over.

This rule was to reflect the spirit of fairness and also train the potential awareness and crisis awareness of the contestants of each family. After all, fighting without knowing whether there was a third party peeking would only allow the other party to reap the benefits.

So in the past, any two of the three parties would not fight directly when they met, but this time it was different. The Chanyuan family could completely crush them in a one-on-one situation.

This was also the reason why the Chanyuan family made such a ridiculous move. Anyway, they would win, so wouldn't it be a good thing to take on two trash and embarrass the two families?

Of course, the father of the Chanyuan sisters, Chanyuan Shan, disagreed at first. He felt that these two daughters usually embarrassed him.That's enough. If he goes on stage again, he will lose face in front of the three families.

But the other elders of the Zenin family advised him so. Anyway, they didn't need to take action. Doing so would make the other two families lose face, and then the possibility of you becoming the next head of the family would increase again.

When he heard that he could increase the possibility of becoming the head of the family, Zenin Shan immediately agreed. In the eyes of this guy who only complained about others, becoming the head of the family was his ultimate goal in this life, so he agreed to this decision directly regardless of whether his daughter would be injured or not.

Looking at the Zenin sisters trembling in the corner, Shinichi shook his head helplessly. How could he, who was familiar with the plot, not think that these two people were the victims of this game, and he might lose his life.

If he hadn't done these things, the Gojo family and the Kamo family wouldn't be so close, and the Zenin family wouldn't take the opportunity to let them participate to show the strength of the Zenin family.

"Huh... You should be more careful. They are both pitiful people."

Thinking of the burnt Maki in the original world and Mayi who died voluntarily to make Maki a perfect body, Shinichi couldn't help but frown.

At this time, the heads of the three families were standing on the podium of the high school. The head of the Zenin family was Naohito Zenin, the head of the Kamo family was Kenji Kamo, but the head of the Gojo family was an old man Shinichi had never seen.

According to Gojo Saka's explanation, this was Gojo Satoru's grandfather. Gojo Satoru didn't want to deal with such a thing, so he called out his grandfather.

"Well, it's Brother Satoru's personality."

After explaining the origin and significance of the festival, the three officially announced the start of the festival. There are two main parts: one is the group exorcism of cursed spirits, and the other is the individual curse competition.

Of course, the cursed spirits in the exorcism competition are limited, and you can also do things like snatching cursed spirits, but be careful of being killed.

The three teams will have two hours of rest and discussion time next.

The Zenin family was very united. The strongest Zenin Tomie was the captain. They directly chose to abandon Zenin Shinei and Zenin Maki, and the eight of them moved forward together.

Although the Gojo family had some disputes, there was generally no problem. In the end, Gojo Saka was selected as the captain.

As for the Kamo family...

"Why should you, Kamo Tadashi, be the captain?!"

Kamo Kengen yelled at Kamo Tadashi. The two were roughly the same size, so Kamo Kengen did not lose his momentum because he was two years younger than him.

"Because I am the oldest and a second-level magician, Kamo Kengen, I know you and Kamo Tsubo are also second-level magicians, but you became second-level magicians two years later than me. Now only I, who is close to the quasi-first level, can fight that Kamo Tomie. Do you understand!"

Kamo Tadashi said seriously.

"Master Shinichi is definitely taller than you..."

Just when Kamo Kengen was about to refute, he was held down by Shinichi. Although Shinichi was only 1.4 meters tall at this time, he had a huge momentum.

"Xianyuan, if someone else is the captain, don't fight for it, understand?"


Kamo Xianyuan heard Shinichi's tone and compromised immediately.

"Thank you for your understanding, Master Shinichi, I will definitely lead us to the greatest victory."

Kamo Tadashi expressed his gratitude to Shinichi. Shinichi's status in the Kamo family is not ordinary now, and he must be grateful that he is willing to let him be the captain.

Kamo Ping and Kamo Xianji on the side did not continue to resist after hearing what Shinichi said.

"Well, I hope you can do your best."

Shinichi squinted and smiled. Although he was fine, if his brother and his friends split before the war, they might lose their lives. So he just gave it to Kamo Tadashi.

So the captain of the Kamo family was determined to be Kamo Tadashi.

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