In the field, Gojo Satoru's grandfather looked at his jumping grandson without showing any displeasure. This grandson is the hope of the Gojo family and even the magic world. Because of this, he will not truly become calm and mature until he loses something.

"Special-level magician Gojo Satoru... please come here in the normal way next time. After all, this is also the place where the future of the magic world is decided."

The old man behind the screen said helplessly.


Gojo Satoru scratched his head and said, but I don’t know if he listened or not.

"Just in time, Kamo Shinichi and you two special magicians are here. There are some things you still need to know."

The direct neighbor of the Zen Yuan said that he knew the virtues of the people in his family. If he did not establish a good relationship with the three people in front of him, he would probably lose the Zen Yuan family when he retired.

"Kamo Shinichi, first of all, thank you for your contribution to the magic world so far. These decisions have helped the magic world retain the precious power of magicians and greatly improved the efficiency of exorcising curse spirits."

Of course what the old man was talking about was Shinichi's previous improvement plan to deal with the shortcomings of exorcising cursed spirits in the magic world. Of course, the more important reason was the "special magician protection policy" implemented for these high-level officials.

No matter what happens to the magic world and human society, as long as the life safety and interests of high-level officials can be protected, they will respect Shinichi.

What's more, Shinichi's decision is indeed beneficial to the magic world and human society, and the government has no reason to disturb them and even give them more benefits for protection.

Although ordinary people are not aware of the existence of curse spirits, high-level governments in human society are aware of it, and they are also aware of the consequences of missing a curse master.

"My decision is for the stability of society. As long as there are no too powerful curse spirits or curse masters in the future, the current living strength will be enough to maintain it."

Shinichi said objectively that for future peace, a stable human society is necessary.

Whether it is killing all non-magicians or turning all humans into magicians, it is a difficult task. Shinichi is not something that a god can't do, and it is even more ridiculous to make all humans lose the power of magic, unless a god is willing to set a restraint or something like that. of.

"Well, in view of the above performance and the reason for exorcising the special-level magic spirits and protecting other magicians this time, we officially appoint you as a special first-level magician. We hope that you can continue to contribute to the magic world and human society in the future."

The old man said politely, since Shinichi is here, wouldn't it be more effective to say it again instead of letting others convey it.

"Specially...a first-level magician."

Shinichi frowned after hearing this.

"What's wrong? Are you dissatisfied?"

The old man noticed and asked doubtfully. After all, the name of a special first-level magician is very precious. If Shinichi had not done so many things and showed the strength of a first-level magician in this incident, they would not have done it. Increase his sorcerer level.

"No, it's nothing, but I would like to know if the name of the special first-level magician can be changed?"

Shinichi said to everyone present.

"Change it?"

Everyone looked at Shinichi in confusion.

"Well, I want to study at the Tokyo Metropolitan Conjuring College in the future, so I want to ask if I can change it to a first-class magician associated with the college instead of a special first-class magician from my family."

Everyone was worried and happy after hearing this. First of all, Shinichi's situation must be regarded as a special case. Gojo Satoru also only obtained the level of magician after entering a high school.

However, if Shinichi enters a junior high school after obtaining the title of special first-level magician, it will definitely show that the magic junior college is very strong and increase the junior college's influence.

Of course, it’s useless even if you explain to others that you simply want to go. If others believe you, they will still feel that you lied to them.

This decision is undoubtedly beneficial to the high school, but it is not friendly to the top management of the conjuring world. What the top management hopes to see is the confrontation between the family magicians and the high school magicians. Only by balancing the two sides can we sit more firmly. .

The old man behind the screen fell into deep thought, and after a while he finally made a decision.

"Kamo Shinichi, I told you before you came that this time the three families can freely recommend magicians to the high school. If your family heads agree, it will be no problem. However, the grade change will have to wait until you officially enroll."

The old man didn't bother. He had no reason to interfere with Shinichi's choice, not to mention that the two special-level magicians Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie were still high school students before graduation. If he objected in person, they would probably remember them.

And now that the power of the family magicians is getting stronger and stronger, if Kamo Shinichi enters a high school, maybe it can make the balance a little more stable.

"That's good."

Shinichi breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought that the old man would find reasons to disagree. He couldn't control his father's side even if he wanted to.

"As for the fiveGojo Satoru and Geto Suguru, two special-grade magicians, have done a great job in protecting everyone and driving away the invaders. Your salary can be increased. "

The old man's words were just verbal encouragement. As for the salary, Geto Suguru might need a little more, but for Gojo Satoru, it was really like showing off one's sword in front of Guan Gong - it was not worth mentioning. He himself didn't know how rich the Gojo family was.

"Okay, I think there is nothing for us here, so we'll leave first."

Gojo Satoru grabbed Shinichi and then put his hand on Geto Suguru's shoulder to start the magic. The three were teleported away by [Ao] again, but this time there was no big noise.

"My little ghost is impolite, please forgive me."

Gojo Satoru's grandfather helplessly explained Gojo Satoru's behavior, but no one dared to forgive Gojo Satoru.

The three of them returned to the corridor in an instant and then walked towards the accommodation area.

"By the way, Sister Riko should be a first-year student at Jujutsu High School. "

Shinichi asked, standing between the two of them.

"Well, if Shinichi comes to school, she will be your senior."

Gojo Satoru said with a smile. He was very happy that Shinichi decided to study at Jujutsu High School. At least they could meet at any time in the future.

"Sister Riko should have woken up. Let's go find her together."

Suguru Geto also said on the side.

"Wait! Are we going into the girls' dormitory?!"

Shinichi was shocked when he heard it.

"Of course not, just call her outside, but if Shinichi goes to her room, she probably won't react. "

Suguru Geto remembered that Gojo Satoru once broke into Riko Tennant's room and was scolded and cold-blooded for a week, and couldn't help laughing. Seeing Gojo Satoru looking at him stupidly, he couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong with you? Jie, are you so excited to hear that Shinichi is coming here?"

Gojo Satoru asked with his head tilted.

"It's okay, I just remembered something. Let's not talk about it. Let's go. "

The three of them quickly came to the dormitory. After shouting a few times without any response, Gojo Satoru and Geto decided to send Shinichi upstairs to find out what was going on.

"No! I will never do such a thing as casually entering a girl's room again in my life."

Shinichi said to the two of them seriously. After all, he could never forget the incident of accidentally walking into the room of the sisters in the shackle field.


Gojo Satoru and Geto noticed this word.

"...Nothing, I won't go anyway."

Shinichi explained hurriedly.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it."

Gojo Satoru said helplessly. Anyway, he could take the opportunity to laugh at Tennariko.

Shinichi thought about it and decided to go see how his brother was doing first, so he suggested to the two of them to go to Ieori Shoko to see the patient. The two of them readily agreed and then headed towards the infirmary.

"By the way, Shinichi, how do you feel in the field? "

Gojo Satoru, who was trying to solve the key problem of the domain, asked. After hearing this, Geto Xiayou, who was standing by, also moved closer. After all, he would also learn domains in the future.


Shinichi recalled the cursed spirit that he had exorcised.

"I think the key should be the use and filling of the spell. Although the spell of the cursed spirit was simple, it was used very skillfully, so it was easy to build the domain. As long as you continue to master your own spells and build your own domain space and fill it with your own spells, it should be fine."

Shinichi said to Gojo Satoru seriously.

"However, Brother Satoru's spells are very strong and complicated, so it should take more time to build. "

"Doesn't that mean that Satoru's domain will be a very strong type after it is completed?"

Geto Xiayou asked curiously.

"Not really. Although the strength of the domain is related to the strength of the spell, it is not absolute. When two domains compete, the one with stronger strength and proper use will win. "

When it comes to fighting, Gojo Satoru's IQ goes up.


Suguru Jie also fell into thinking, and the three of them chatted until they came to the medical room of the high school.

The room below here is also where the bodies of magicians are stored, but it is rarely used now.

"Glass! We are here."

Led by Gojo Satoru, the three of them entered the office of Ieiri Glass.

"Gojo, I have said several times, don't make loud noises here."

Ieiri Glass said wearing a mask, she is still very responsible when she is working seriously.

"Yes, I just brought Shinichi to see his brother, how is it? Is the situation okay."

Gojo Satoru embarrassedly pushed Shinichi forward.

"Is Shinichi rested well?"

"Well, thanks to the treatment of Sister Glass and Sister Riko, I feel very good now. "

Facing the familyShinichi responded enthusiastically to Iori Naoko's concern.

"Well, that's good."

Although Iori Naoko was wearing a mask, Shinichi could still feel that she was very happy.

"Your brother has almost recovered. It's great that he can hold on to this level in front of the special-grade cursed spirit. In addition, Gojo, the boys in your family are fine. The main thing is..."

Iori Naoko explained seriously but suddenly paused.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Shinichi looked at the paused Iori Naoko and asked in confusion.

"The people from your two families are fine. Except for those who died on the spot, they were all rescued. However, the situation of the two girls from the Zenin family is not optimistic. Physical injuries are easy to heal, but I can't do anything about psychological injuries."

Iori Naoko took off her mask and took the three people to her lounge. Tennen Riko was also here, but she closed her eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep while sitting.

"Riko is here, no wonder I can't find her."

Gojo Satoru said to the two of them in a low voice, covering his mouth, and the two of them nodded gently in response.

"Thanks to Riko's help, most of the people this time are fine. As for the two little girls, they can only rely on themselves."

Ieiri Naoko said tiredly while sitting on a chair. She was almost exhausted from being busy since yesterday.

"It's okay, leave it to me."

Shinichi looked at the tired Ieiri Naoko and said with a smile.


Ieiri Naoko showed a skeptical expression.

"Well, I saved them once and we are of the same age. They should still listen to what I say."

Shinichi patted his chest and said confidently.

"Really? That's the best. I'll leave it to you, Shinichi."

Ieiri Naoko felt relieved and then collapsed on the chair, looking drowsy.

"By the way, Gojo, don't run around. If you disturb other patients, I'll be in trouble."

Ieiri Naoko closed her eyes and fell asleep after saying this.


There was no other way. Since there was nothing to do outside, Gojo Satoru had to stay here. And Geto was also dragged down by Gojo Satoru to chat and relieve his boredom.

Shinichi looked at Gojo Satoru with a sympathetic expression, and then went to find the two sisters, Zenin Maki and Zenin Shinei, according to the bed list.

Finally, Shinichi found them in the most remote ward. The two sisters were also important members of the future curse world, so Shinichi decided to comfort them.

Speaking of which, the two sisters were also very miserable. Not only were they not valued by the Zenin family since they were young, but later Shinei was thrown into the Jiku full of curse spirits by her own father. Maki, who came to rescue Shinei, was also injured by the beast Zenin Fan.

In the end, it was Shinei who sacrificed herself to make Maki become a complete body of heaven and curse like Jiner, which made Zenin Fan and the entire Zenin family pay the price.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

Out of politeness, Shinichi knocked on the door gently.

"Well, please come in."

After hearing the response from inside, Shinichi entered the room with confidence.

As soon as he entered the room, Shinichi saw Zenin Shinyi curled up in the quilt and Zenin Maki standing beside her.

"Who are you?!"

Zenin Maki had a bandage on her head and immediately became respectful after seeing Shinichi.

"Thank you for saving my life and my sister's life. My name is Maki, and this is my sister Shinyi."

Zenin Maki wiped the tears from her eyes and said.

"Don't worry, I'm Kamo Shinichi."

Shinichi immediately introduced himself when he saw this.

"What happened to her?"

Shinichi looked aside and asked.

"Shinyi, she was finally injured by the attack of another special-grade cursed spirit. Although she was cured by that lady, she was still very scared..."

Zenin Maki silently stood by Zenin Shinyi. Although she didn't say anything, her expression had already shown her concern for her sister.

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