After seeing off Kamo Kenji, it was already dark.

After Kamo Kenji and Kamo Natsuki returned, they chatted with Shinichi for a few words and returned to their rooms. Of course, Shinichi did not reveal the secret of his eyes.

After returning to the room, Shinichi began to think and review his own technique, feeling the summer heat, and Shinichi suddenly thought of something.

"Summer of 2006!"

Unconsciously, the plot of the Huaiyu chapter is about to begin.

Shinichi immediately climbed out of bed. Now he urgently needs information, all the information about the Metropolitan Jutsu High School.

Shinichi ran to the intelligence library of the Kamo family, which was strictly forbidden for him to enter before he exposed the technique.

But now is different from the past. From the day when he used the technique, all the senior executives of the Kamo family changed their stereotypes of Kamo Shinichi in just one day.

"Master Shinichi? What are you doing here so late?"

The on-duty clan member at the intelligence base also showed respect when he saw Shinichi. Since he received the news from his immediate superior at noon, he has updated the list of important figures of the Kamo family.

Seeing this clan member so respectful, Shinichi did not shirk it. It was only a matter of time before the technique was exposed.

"Give me all the information about the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu High School!"

"Ah, yes!"

Seeing Shinichi so anxious, the on-duty clan member did not dare to neglect and immediately returned to the intelligence base to start searching.

Three minutes later, "It's all here, Master Shinichi."

The main bodies of the three great families are distributed in Kyoto and Tokyo, and the Kamo family is biased towards Kyoto.

Although he was puzzled by Shinichi's desire to see the information about the Tokyo Jujutsu High School, this clan member did not say anything. After all, the less he knew, the safer he was.

He wisely left Shinichi alone in the intelligence base and returned to the outside of the base.

Shinichi was relieved to see that he was not standing with him. After all, the fewer people who knew about this, the better. He then opened the information book.

"Sophomores of Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu High School in 2006: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, and Naoko Ieiri. Homeroom teacher: Masamichi Yagata. No others yet."

"It's June now, so it should be fine, but I have to go check it out."

A month later, a black sedan was driving on the asphalt road on a rainy street. In the car were a white-haired lady in a black suit and a black-haired girl in a shrine maiden costume.

"Originally, the owner of a company and his family lived here. They opened a barbecue restaurant locally, but because of the mad cow disease in July last year, they went bankrupt and were heavily in debt, so the whole family committed suicide. After that, this place became a famous supernatural place. Local and foreign high school students, college students, and even freelancers came here to play the game of courage."

"As a result, all of them are missing. Now the news is getting worse and worse, and the victims are getting more and more widespread."

The girl in the witch costume turned off the computer and said to the lady in the back seat.

"Supernatural events always spread quickly, especially recently because of the Internet, it spread at an incredible speed, causing the workload of us sorcerers to increase."

The lady in the back seat responded while pressing the flip phone.

"And recently three more elementary school students have gone missing. If the people looking for them get close to that mansion, they may also encounter accidents. We must find the source and solve it quickly."

"That's why the General Directorate has made this judgment and entrusted me to do it. They asked for a large appearance fee."

"Are you extorting money again, Miss Mingming?"

"Oh, that's really rude. Please call it [negotiation result]."

Mingming put away her phone, and the car also passed a sign warning people not to enter.

"You two, we're here."

Mingming and An Geji got out of the car with black umbrellas and walked through a muddy path to a gloomy mansion surrounded by messy trees.

"It seems to be here."

"I don't feel the smell of the curse. It's probably inside the building."

"Do you need to [put] a [tent]?"

As a second-level sorcerer, An Geji takes precedence over Mingming, a first-level sorcerer, in terms of actions.

"No, wait until we need to attack from the outside."

Rustle... There was a sound coming from the surrounding bushes.

"Who is it? Come out now."

Mingming immediately turned to face the bushes and questioned, and Angeji was also on high alert.

"Haha... Hello, sisters."

The one who came out of the bushes at this moment was none other than Shinichi who had sneaked out.


Shinichi was a little embarrassed at this time. He had been waiting at Kamo's house for a month, practicing the Red Blood Maneuver and checking the latest supernatural news, and finally he found the opening time.

So Shinichi sneaked out without stopping, relying on his handsome appearance to cheat food and drink along the way to get here in advance, but he forgot that it would rain so he was a little wet.

Worth a visitIt is mentioned that when Shinichi sneaked out, it was urgent, so he was still wearing the traditional Japanese kimono of Kamo's house.

If you ignore the purple eyes and don't look carefully, you might think he is Iori Utahi's younger brother.

"Ah, what a cute little brother."

Iori Utahi was instantly impressed by Shinichi's handsome appearance and approached him and held an umbrella for Shinichi.

Mingming didn't say anything but didn't stop him. She didn't see the curse on the boy in front of her, but.

"There is a cursed power, is it a child who awakened unexpectedly?"

"Little brother, why are you here, are you lost?"

At this moment, Iori Utahi thought he was a lost elementary school student, but a little boy wearing a white kimono was too foul.

"Hello, sister Miko, I saw a strange thing running here and followed it."

At this time, Shinichi also directly acted and pretended to be an ordinary child who accidentally saw a cursed spirit.

"It's dangerous here, little brother, I'll take you down the mountain first."

Mingming put his arm around Angeji's shoulder and said.

"Tsk, if I can't get in, won't I have to stay around for another two days? Let's not talk about what to eat in these two days. If we are caught by the Kamo family, the plan will be ruined."

Kamo Shinichi was very confused about what to say to let them take him in.

"This little brother has cursed power, he should be with the cursed power remnants or cursed spirits. Let's send him to the assistant supervisor at the foot of the mountain first."

At this time, the dark sky suddenly thundered.

While Mingming and Angeji were attracted, Shinichi ran into the mansion at lightning speed. Although the door was blocked, it was still able to open a crack.

"Eh? You can't go in there, little brother!"

Angeji shouted but it was useless, Shinichi had already entered.

"This is troublesome, we have to go in and save him."

Mingming nodded and signaled the two to forcefully break the door and enter.

Just as the three entered, the mansion began to change as if it was affected by something, and the door that was forcibly demolished also returned to its original shape.

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