"So those two really just came to visit the exchange venue in advance?"

Aoi Toudou asked, lying on the hospital bed. The fight between him and Yuta Otsutsuki was very intense, but the opponent did not use heavy hands, so he only needed two or three days to fully recover.

"Let's not talk about anything else, Toudou, fighting with a special-grade magician without permission, should I say you are brave or an idiot."

Mechanimaru said with his back against the wall and his hands crossed in front of his chest.

"Okay, Shinichi told me that he and Yuta Otsutsuki will not attack easily this time. We just need to quickly defeat all the other magicians of Tokyo School and our comprehensive strength will surpass them."

Kenji Kamo analyzed calmly that they would definitely not be able to win in a normal game, but it was a different kind of fairness that the two special-grade magicians did not attack.

"As far as I know, only the first and second grades of Tokyo School participated this time, but there should be only one first-grade magician."

Mechanimaru shared his information again.

"Kamo, Gojozaka, and Toudou, I will never be at a disadvantage in a one-on-one situation. As long as we work in pairs, we can guarantee victory."

"No need to be so troublesome."

Toudou Aoi interrupted Mechamaru.

"Leave the others to me alone. As long as we eliminate them all, Otsutsuki will take action. You just need to deal with Kinji Hyō. His technique is also quite troublesome."

Toudou Aoi is still thinking about fighting with Yuta Otsutsuki. The previous battle made him unable to stop.

"... It's up to you."

Looking at the bun gorilla in front of him, Mechamaru said helplessly. Although Toudou's plan was rough, it was indeed efficient.

The three magicians solved the opponent's strongest combat power, and then broke through all other magicians in one fell swoop.

"I'm so excited..."

Three days later, Shinkansen, Tokyo-Kyoto.

"Look, look, it's so beautiful."

Mimiko Kaba said excitedly to her sister while holding a doll and pointing at the scenery outside the window.

"Got it~Mimiko, Shinichi and everyone are still here, don't get too excited..."

"It's okay, it's normal to get excited when you see something you like."


"Take a good look, I'll take you to Mount Fuji after the exchange meeting."

Kaguya said with a smile.

Everyone talked to each other, and soon they arrived in Kyoto.

"Welcome everyone from the Tokyo school to the spell exchange meeting. I am the teacher of the Kyoto school, Utahime Iori."

"I am Atsuya Kusakabe, also a teacher."

Utahime Iori introduced herself to the man in a windbreaker next to her.

"Long time no see, Utahime."

Kaguya replied politely.

"Didn't Gojo come?"

Looking at Kaguya who was alone beside him, Utahime Iori couldn't help asking.

"Satoru has been called to perform a mission and will not come for the time being, but he may show up halfway."

Suguru Jie explained that an urgent mission was sent before departure, and Gojo Satoru was forced to set out immediately and let everyone set off first.

"Then let's go first."

An Utahime called everyone to the waiting area. At this time, in the audience, Yaga Masamichi was chatting with Rakuganji Yoshinobu.

"I don't know what Principal Yaga thinks of this exchange meeting. The two special-grade people here are just like Gojo Satoru and Suguru Jie back then. They are really unstoppable."

Rakuganji Yoshinobu smiled bitterly.

"The spell exchange meeting was originally to test the strength of students. If those two guys could solve it, I wouldn't let others come."

Yagama Masamichi explained.

"What do you mean?"

"They won't take action before the others are all killed."

Yagama Masamichi took a sip of tea and said calmly.

"In this way, it can be regarded as a way to test students."

Leganji Jiashen smiled.

"The 2017 Curse Exchange Conference is limited to one day. There are cursed spirits with strength ranging from level 3 to quasi-level 1 in the jungle. There is a level 1 cursed spirit left in the center. The final judgment will be based on the number and level of cursed spirits exorcised."

"Divide into four teams and enter the jungle from four directions. You can only exorcise low-level cursed spirits on the periphery or go directly into the depths."

"Of course, magicians can also attack each other. The winner can get all the cursed spirit exorcism records of the other party."

"Now, the exchange meeting begins."

After saying this, Angeji immediately signaled both sides to start the action. After receiving the broadcast information, the four teams immediately took action.


"This is the Mechanical Maru team. All the cursed spirits on the periphery have been exorcised and are now moving deeper."

Mechanical Maru reported to the other side with a green light flashing in his eyes. His team members include him, Miwa Kasumi, Kamo Kenki and Nishimiya Momo.

"This is the Gojozaka team, ToudouHe's gone. Mayi and I are still outside, but we'll be able to enter in a moment." Gojosaka said helplessly. Aoi Toudou had already rushed in at the beginning and didn't respond no matter how he tried to dissuade her. "...Thank you for your hard work. We're about to disperse. If there's any situation, we'll report it to you, the first-level magician, as soon as possible." "Received." Then, the Mechanical Maru team began to disperse and search for the traces of the Tokyo school. On the other side, Shinichi and Yuta Otsutsukoshi were strolling around. It was more like an outing than an exam. "Hmm? It seems there's movement over there, Yuta, let's go and take a look." Shinichi looked sharply in another direction. Sure enough, a huge noise broke out there as the two of them were walking. "This sound is the Mechanical Maru's big purification cannon. "

The rest of the people in Kyoto School couldn't help but look towards the place where the sound came from when they heard it.

At the explosion site, Panda had already turned into an ape. Parts of his body had turned black, and the mechanical pill on the opposite side was also a little damaged.

"To resist the double big purification cannon and the move just now... Panda, this is not the strength of a quasi-second level."

Mechanical pill frowned. Although he had no eyebrows in the mechanical state, the shock palm just now caused a lot of damage to his mechanical body. If it was hit a few more times, it might fall apart.


Panda was panting at this time. Although his attack power in the ape form was indeed very strong, his defense was not as good as in the panda state.

"The cursed force cannon just now was very dangerous. If it hits me a few more times, my ape form may not be able to hold on, but the opponent should be the same."

Although Panda looks silly at ordinary times, he is not stupid when it comes to using his brain.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, three icicles shot out instantly and rushed straight to Panda's position.

"Not good! ”

This attack was very sudden. Panda was about to take it when a voice sounded.


The ice in the air gradually disintegrated and turned into a pool of cold water.



Panda was overjoyed to see the appearance of Inugami Spine. Now he didn’t have to worry about his core being destroyed.

“Oh? The Inugami family’s art [Spell]. I didn’t know it was so magical until I saw it today.”

Gojozaka walked out slowly and stood beside Mechamaru.

“Gojozaka… First-level magician…”

Panda was desperate again. Mechamaru was enough for him to drink a pot, and now there was another first-level magician.


“What? Do you mean you met other people on the way?”


Hearing the words of Inugami Spine beside him, Panda felt a little relieved.

“Is it Maki? Or Nanako and the others?”


“Then there’s nothing to worry about! "

Panda was greatly encouraged. What Inumaki Ji said meant that the team of Kyō Kinji and Hoshikiro was coming.

"It seems that their reinforcements are coming. Let's prepare for a quick battle."

Mechanimaru reminded.

"How many times can your body use the Great Purification Cannon?"

"If we ignore the future condition of this body, three times."

Although Mechanical Maru's body is very strong, it can't last long after being damaged inside by Panda. Forcibly filling the cursed power to launch the Great Purification Cannon will accelerate the damage and paralyze it.

After all, this is just a small mass-produced mechanical body. The advantage is that many can be made, but controlling too many at the same time will be ineffective.

"Enough, I will make a feint, and you find the right opportunity to use the Great Purification Cannon to counterattack."

Gojo Saka made a move instantly, and many ice spikes appeared around him, and the ground under his feet was also frozen. It was more like skating than running.

"Here it comes! "

Panda immediately prepared to smash the flying ice spikes one by one and then tried to grab Gojozaka in front of him, but missed.



Inumaki Spine immediately understood and cast a spell.

"【Don't move】"

Gojozaka's movements immediately froze but shattered in the next second.


When skating just now, Gojozaka's real body hid behind the ice clone and took the opportunity to use the broken ice spikes and the refracted light from the sun to hide himself when Panda smashed the ice cones.

"【Super Large Purification Cannon】"

Machinemaru suddenly attacked and combined his hands to perform a move that was twice as powerful as the large purification cannon.

"Not good!"

The expected attack did not hit the two but returned to the original position. The aftermath shattered the body of the machinemaru. When his consciousness disappeared, he saw a special mark on his body.

"What is this? ! ”

“【Interstellar Flight】”

Xing Qiluo Luo and Cheng Jinci arrived. Xing Qiluo Luo had just placed a [1] mark next to the mechanical pill.Then he set the panda to [3].

To attack the panda, you must pass through the mark point [2] he set. If you don't pass through [2], you will return to your original position.

"It's four against one now."

The panda laughed.

"That's not necessarily true."

Gojo Saka smiled like an old fox.

"Panda, that guy is here too."

Kiyoshi Kinji pointed to the vibration on the other side, which was a sign that Todou Aoi was coming.

"【Blood Piercing】"

The red blood line passed through the woods and bounced off just before it touched the panda and hit the place where the mechanical pill was before.

"This technique is a bit tricky."

Kenji Kamo walked out slowly. He had already activated [Red Scale Leap], so he saw clearly what happened just now.

"It should be that we need to go through a special path to touch the opponent."

Gojo Saka explained.

"Kinji Hyō! Don't run, I see you, hurry up and continue."

Aoi Todou also joined the battle. On the other side, the sisters of Kagami Kōba encountered Kasumi Miwa and Momo Nishimiya, and the sisters of Zenin also met each other and started fighting.

"It's not good. Although the body of Jikenmaru is destroyed, there are two level one plus one quasi level one. I think we should prepare to appear."

Shinichi hid in the dark and watched silently, while Yuta Otsutsukotsu was also observing attentively.

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