The spell exchange ended with Tokyo School's complete victory, and everyone returned to their normal lives.

In the technical high school, Geto Xiayou was explaining the weaknesses and coping strategies of the cursed spirits to everyone.

"First of all, the appearance of the cursed spirit basically determines his ability. We can be wary of them by connecting with similar creatures in real life."

"Teacher, why do the cursed spirits we usually see look so messy?"

Nanako raised her hand and asked.

"Most of these cursed spirits are caused by human negative emotions, such as someone hates something or someone is in a bad mood. In short, there are many causes of cursed spirits. Stabilizing people's hearts and maintaining society are important governance measures."

Geto Xiayou smiled and answered Nanako's question, but turned around and saw Shinichi who was in a trance.

"Really, why are you in a daze again, hey, Shinichi."

Geto Xiayou walked up to Shinichi and tapped the table lightly.

"Huh? Oh, teacher, what's wrong."

Shinichi came back to his senses and looked at Geto Xiayou who suddenly walked in front of him and asked guiltily.


At this time, the bell for the end of get out of class rang.

"Take a break. Nanako and Mimiko, remember to go to the training ground and train with the people in Class 1 in the afternoon."

Xiayou Jie waved to the two sisters to indicate that they could leave.

After the two left, Xiayou Jie pulled a chair and sat in front of Shinichi. The two were more like friends than teachers and students.

"What's on your mind recently? It seems that you are not in good shape."

Xiayou Jie asked.

"… Last time, when I faced the cursed spirit with Brother Jie, although I combined the black flash and the sword technique to severely injure him and I became stronger, but…"

"But it's not enough, far from enough."

Shinichi answered firmly. Although he ranked in the top five in the known human field, such strength is far from enough for Sukuna.

"Shinichi, what are you preparing for?"

Xiayou Jie put away his narrowed eyes and said seriously. Unlike Gojo Satoru, the careful Xiayou Jie discovered what Shinichi was preparing for a long time ago.

No one would be so mature and stable and so eager for power at an age that is not suitable for them. Even he and Gojo Satoru gradually became mature after graduation.


Shinichi was silent. It was too tiring to do this alone. He needed his companions to become stronger. Even the "strongest" Gojo Satoru needed help.


Shinichi spoke slowly. Xiayou Jie on the opposite side frowned when he heard the name. After all, he and Gojo Satoru couldn't even destroy Sukuna's finger.

"Why? Although he is the legendary curse king, he has died a long time ago, right?"

"This finger, you have an impression, right?"

Shinichi took out a finger tightly wrapped in a talisman. He found it by accident when he was handling a task, but he didn't give it to the high school for safekeeping.

We have to make sure that Sukuna doesn't get all the power of the finger. Out of curiosity, Shinichi once used his own eyes to see this thousand-year-old finger.

"What?! Sukuna's finger, you didn't hand it in?"

Suguru Geto was surprised when he saw Sukuna's finger.

"Well, my eyes, too, know that although they are not as hard as Satoru's six eyes, they are clearer than six eyes in some other places."

Shinichi played with his finger, with a faint purple light in his eyes.

"This finger contains a huge amount of cursed power. If it is really only one twentieth of Sukuna's cursed power, he himself is needless to say how powerful he is, but this finger contains more than just cursed power."

Shinichi put the finger in front of Suguru Geto and said seriously.

"It's alive. Strictly speaking, it's one-twentieth of a living body, but it's still sleeping."

"I know that. Sukuna's finger is a special cursed object. Although the possibility is small, it is indeed possible to be reborn with the help of a flesh body."

Suguru Jie stroked his chin and thought.

"No, it's not possible. The cursed king will definitely be resurrected, although I can't tell you why."

It's still too comfortable. Without the tense environment to stimulate the sorcerer, they can't transform. Shinichi once again thought of the scene he saw at that time.

On the throne made of corpses, a person whose face could not be seen clearly sat in it. He only peeked at the other party and noticed something.

[It's been almost a thousand years. It's really interesting that someone can see me here. ]

Sukuna laughed, but then there was no response. Although Shinichi couldn't talk to him, he didn't stop to observe.

If the other party can really attack without being reborn, it's too against the sky.

[Although I don't know who is looking at me, this rude behavior is reallyIt makes me a little unhappy. If you are still alive after I wake up, I will punish you a little.

Shinichi couldn't help laughing when he heard this and then stopped observing.

[If Sukuna-sama can do it, just give it a try. ]


Suguro Kei said seriously. This is not a trivial matter. Although the high school may not believe it, he must be cautious.

"Well, at most one year, that guy will definitely appear."

After Shinichi finished speaking, he left the classroom and left Suguro Kei alone to think. He could only tell Suguro Kei about this kind of thing. Others would think he was a fool.

But Shinichi, who was about to go back to rest, met an unexpected person.

"Shinichi senior?"

Fushikuro Megumi took the initiative to greet Shinichi after seeing him. He is now a preparatory student of the high school, so he can come and go freely.

"Hey, Megumi, how are you recently?"

Shinichi also became energetic after seeing Fushiguro Megumi. Speaking of which, his father is still staying at home.

Although occasionally Fushiguro Shiji would go out to do civilian tasks or kill some stubborn middle and high-level people in the world of curse according to Shinichi's instructions.

Thanks to him, those guys now dare not do bad things blatantly. They know that someone is targeting people who do such things, but they can't find anything when they send them out to investigate, not even the remnants of cursed power.

"I came to practice the technique. I didn't come when I heard that you were preparing for the exchange meeting."

Fushiguro Megumi answered truthfully. Thanks to his years of studying in the Jujutsu High School, he is now the school bully in that area of ​​the school.

"Oh? Then why not practice with me."

Shinichi pulled his hands out of his pockets and showed a serious expression.

"With Shinichi?"

Fushiguro Megumi was surprised. He also knew that Shinichi was now a special-grade magician, but he thought about it and agreed without any harm.

Then the two came to a separate training ground.

"It's very quiet here. Their physical training is in the afternoon, so we can make as much noise as we want."

Shinichi stretched his arms and legs, leaving the sword with Maki. Although she didn't have the cursed power to activate the technique, it was a good choice for training.

"Come on."

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