On the second floor, Nobara Kugisaki found the most abnormal one among a bunch of dolls.

"Hey, are you still pretending?"

Hearing this, the doll model suddenly opened many eyes on its head, but the next moment a nail pierced its head.

"Really, I wasted my time visiting Tokyo for this kind of thing."

Nobara Kugisaki supported her forehead with the hand holding the hammer, and just as she was about to turn around and leave, a child's sobbing came into her ears.

"This is..."

Nobara Kugisaki looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a little boy sitting in the corner crying alone.

"Little boy? Did you walk here by accident? Come on, come to your sister."


The little boy did not respond and remained where he was.

"It seems that it is true that children don't get close to beautiful women..."

Nobara Kugisaki thought helplessly after seeing the child's reaction.

"Okay, just come to me."

After hearing the call from Kugisaki Nobara, the little boy trembled and stretched out his hand, but the next moment, an ugly hand grabbed the little boy and pointed its sharp nails at his neck.


The little boy made a weak sound, begging the girl opposite, and the cursed spirit showed a playful smile on its face. It was betting that if Kugisaki Nobara surrendered for the safety of the little boy's life, it would win.

[Tsk, actually threatening me with a hostage... This cursed spirit is only level 4 or at most level 3, and it actually used this method. The little boy is just an ordinary person. Should I sacrifice myself for him? Is it really the right choice to sacrifice a magician for an ordinary person...]

Kugisaki Nobara was struggling in her heart, and the scene in the abandoned building was also monitored by Shinichi outside.

The red blood beads were shining, and all the information recorded by it was transmitted to the blood screen set up by Shinichi outside.

"The cursed spirits in the city are much more cunning than those in the countryside. If Kugisaki can't even pass such a test, I will propose to her superiors to let her return for her safety."

Gojo Satoru said solemnly after seeing what happened inside. Although Tenriko felt something was wrong, she knew that this was the right choice.

"Don't worry, Kugisaki won't fall here."

Shinichi said confidently to Gojo Satoru.

"Are you so confident in her? It's just the first time we met."

Tenriko asked. As the guardian of Nobara Kugisaki in Tokyo, Shinichi's attitude towards Kugisaki made her very interested.

"You'll know if you keep watching. I'll take action in times of crisis."

The blood beads Shinichi left in the building can easily kill the insidious and cunning cursed spirit. Anyway, the little boy's life is absolutely guaranteed.

In the building, Nobara Kugisaki, who had been struggling for a long time, sighed and put down the hammer in her hand.

"I surrender, put that little boy down."

The cursed spirit on the opposite side couldn't control its inner joy when it saw the plan go smoothly and began to laugh. The sound was not only unpleasant but also obscure.


Just as Kugisaki Nobara cursed the cursed spirit for being insidious, the wall behind the cursed spirit was broken by a punch, and the cursed spirit was frightened by the broken wall.

Just as it was about to escape, Yuji Itadori, who broke through the wall, grabbed its feet, and the blue ink-colored cursed power in his hand brought pain to the cursed spirit.

"Take my move!"

The cursed power fist exploded instantly, and the smoke and dust dissipated, but only one leg was left. The cursed spirit abandoned the car to save the king, leaving one leg and fled to the window.

"Yuji! Give me that leg!"

Kugizaki Nobara shouted at Yuji Itadori, although he didn't know why, but he still threw the broken leg in his hand out.

"【Clumsy Spirit Spell·Resonance】!"

The broken leg was nailed to the little scarecrow carried by Kugizaki Nobara, and the nail was inserted and the cursed power was carried by the hammer.

The heart of the cursed spirit that escaped from the window began to ache instantly and lost all its vitality, and the body in the air began to dissipate.

"Huh... This little girl is really good."

Tenriko breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this scene. Kugizaki Nobara had just confirmed her ability and personality.

After a while, the two walked out of the abandoned building while arguing.

"Kugisaki's technique is so powerful that it can exorcise the cursed spirit even if it runs so far away, but it feels a bit vicious."

"Huh? You really don't know what's good for you. It was thanks to my technique that I exorcised the cursed spirit, okay? How dare you say I'm vicious."

Yuji Itadori, who was carrying the fainted little boy, was scolded by Kugisaki Nobara, but they were still glad that no one was injured in this incident.

"Since you have passed the test, then you are the full-time graduates of Tokyo Metropolitan Jutsu High School.You are all first-year students of the school. To celebrate, I will treat you to a meal. You can eat whatever you want." Gojo Satoru said generously, but he was not just talking nonsense. He really had the ability. "Anything? I want to eat conveyor belt sushi!" Yuji Itadori said loudly. "Stupid, since you can choose anything, of course you should go to a high-end restaurant. Steak and tuna, you wait, I will be here soon!" Kugisaki Nobara pointed at Yuji Itadori and scolded. "Eh~ It doesn't look very delicious. Fushiguro and Shinichi, conveyor belt sushi is better, delicious and interesting." Yuji Itadori was not to be outdone and began to seek help from Shinichi and Fushiguro Megumi. "I have no objection, but I have to explain in advance that Gojo teacher is very rich and you can eat whatever you want." "Well, Megumi and I have the same opinion. "

Megumi Fushiguro and Shinichi decisively chose to be free men, since they were spending Gojo Satoru's money anyway.

"I know a high-end restaurant. It has a special sushi area and the steak and tuna that Kugisaki wants, but the price is a little expensive."

After Tennen Riko finished speaking, everyone looked at Gojo Satoru who had just boasted.

"It's okay. As long as you can finish it, you can order whatever you want."

Gojo Satoru said proudly.


Led by Tennen Riko, everyone began to move towards the high-end restaurant in the center of Tokyo.

Half an hour later, everyone in the high school vehicle arrived in the city center. Of course, Tennen Riko was driving. Shinichi and the other four were not yet adults and naturally could not drive on the road, but Shinichi did know how to drive.

As for Gojo Satoru, of course no one expected him.

"Wow, so luxurious and dazzling! Is this a high-end restaurant in Tokyo? ! ”

Yuji Itadori said excitedly, his eyes sparkling.

“Stupid, don’t act like a country bumpkin.”

Nobara Kugisaki reminded him, but she was almost the same as Yuji Itadori at this time, but she didn’t show it.

“Kyoto Seiichi Shinya - Tokyo branch.”

Looking at the name of the restaurant in front of him, Shinichi always felt something was wrong but couldn’t say it.

“So it’s this one, then there’s no problem.”

Gojo Satoru walked into the restaurant first with his tall legs. The waiter who received him became nervous when he saw Gojo Satoru, as if he had seen some big shot.

But when Shinichi stepped in, he couldn’t stay any longer and ran inside immediately.

“Manager! Something bad has happened!”

“What’s wrong, are you so flustered? Didn’t I tell you to be reserved?”

The tall manager spoke in a normal tone, and you could tell at a glance that he was an experienced person.

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