August 15, 2000, early morning.

The morning light was brilliant, the mountaintops shone with golden light, and the sunset glow dyed the lush forests gorgeously, like clusters of silhouettes, with distinct light and dark, dazzling the eyes.

The mornings in the village are always so beautiful. A bird humming a beautiful tune landed beside an iron gate, happily drinking dew.

But the next second, this peaceful scene was broken.


The iron gate was blasted open by the purple flame with a bang, and scattered sparks splashed everywhere. The miserable bird was unfortunately stained with a drop of it, and instantly turned into ashes and disappeared from the world. The huge roar was particularly eye-catching in the quiet village. After only a few minutes, many villagers came one after another.

"what happened!"

"what happened!"

"Look, it's that guy."

"It's the"unknown person" from the Ishii family, right?"

"Yes, that bastard. I still have a wound on my shoulder from that guy."

"How did this guy get out?"

"Go and inform the village chief!"

""Everyone, get your weapons, quickly!"

At this time, a fat man ran over with a group of strong men holding farm tools.

Igarashi Tianye looked up, and after seeing who was coming, he smiled meaningfully.

The village chief came forward and looked around. When he saw the person in Igarashi Tianye's arms and the broken iron gate, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart: This kid... I'm afraid I can't afford to offend him. I must notify them as soon as possible.

He rolled his eyes and immediately shouted to the villagers around him:"Everyone, catch him quickly. If we let him run away, none of us will have a good ending. Go! Catch him! Whoever catches him first, I will reward him with a woman on behalf of the village!"

The words of the village chief were like a stimulant, making the blood of these men boil, and they rushed forward one by one as if they were risking their lives.

"It's so sad."Igarashi Amano looked at the people rushing over, slowly put Aoki on the ground, simply moved his limbs, and then rushed forward.


Igarashi Amano caught the oncoming fist, bent his body slightly downward, used his palm as a sword, and stabbed the man's heart fiercely.


The man's chest was pierced instantly, and hot blood splashed, staining the faces of the people around him. Igarashi Amano raised his arm and swung it back.


The man who died with his eyes open was thrown out like garbage and fell at the feet of a group of people.

This made the confused people come back to their senses. They usually only helped the village chief to beat people, and they had never come into contact with such things as killing people. Now their neighbor was killed by a 10-year-old child, and it was in front of them, which made them panic.

"Dead...dead!! ? ?"

"You bastard!!"

"What should I do? I don't want to die. I don't want to die yet. My son just learned to call me dad."

"I don't want to die either. I promised my son that I would take him hunting in the mountains today."

""Where is the village chief? Where did the village chief go!?"

At this time, everyone had already discovered that the village chief had disappeared.

In the face of their pleas for mercy, Igarashi Tianye scratched his ears irritably and shouted impatiently:"Next."

His words made everyone's heart tremble, and they stepped back without thinking, and did not dare to look at Igarashi Tianye.

""Oh, interesting, you're not coming, right? Then I'm coming." As soon as the voice fell, Igarashi Amaha took a step forward.


He took a step and instantly appeared next to a man. Igarashi Amaha's arm gently rested on his shoulder.

This suddenness made the man freeze in place instantly. The blood in his body froze. His teeth trembled and he begged in a crying voice:"Please, please, let me go. I just promised my child before I came.…."

Puff!!! Before he could finish his words, the man's head instantly turned into a pool of blood, splashing on the ground.

Igarashi Tianye casually shook off the blood on his hands and said nonchalantly:"You promised it, not me, it has nothing to do with me."


After a few seconds of stiffness, the headless body fell to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

Igarashi Tianye turned his head, raised his childish face splashed with a few drops of blood, and grinned at the others:"It's your turn"


"Ahhh, run, he is a demon!"




Everyone dispersed, running back without looking back.

Seeing this, Igarashi Tianye put his hands in his pockets, a hint of mockery appeared in his eyes, but he was not in a hurry, and even cheered them up,"Run faster, work harder, work harder (work harder, work harder)"

"That's right, haha."


Igarashi Tianye flashed and appeared above a strong man who was trying to escape. He stepped on the strong man's shoulders.

But the strong man seemed not to notice, and continued to run with red eyes, and big drops of sweat hit the ground.

"Hey, don't run away."

Hearing this, the strong man stopped where he was, not daring to move.


His shoulder felt light, and there was a sound of footsteps behind him. The strong man's heart tightened, and he quickly knelt on the ground and closed his eyes,"Please, please, let me go, I was not there when you were arrested, let me go, please"

……..No one paid any attention to him, and he didn't care, he continued to kowtow and beg for mercy.

After a while, there was still no footsteps, he made up his mind, swallowed his saliva, forced himself to suppress the fear in his heart, turned his head stiffly and opened his eyes.

"Huh, let's go...have we left? Huh, I'm alive." Seeing that there was no one behind him, he let out a long sigh, and his heart finally settled down. Thinking back to what had just happened, he couldn't bear it anymore, and tears flowed down his face.

He turned around and wiped his tears vigorously. He made up his mind to take his wife and children away as soon as he returned and escape from this place of trouble, but unfortunately, things did not go as he wished.

The blurred vision gradually became clear, and a face and a hand appeared in the field of vision.

Igarashi Amano was seen with his left hand in his pocket, and his right hand was pressed against his forehead with the gesture of a gun.

Igarashi Amano smiled warmly and slowly uttered a word:"Bang."

The strong man's pupils shrank suddenly:"No….."


"Don't worry, your family will come to find you soon, don't worry."

After saying that, he raised his footsteps and stepped on the man's body and walked away.

I'm grateful for everything.

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