Speaking of the ability to resurrect, well... let's just call it resurrection.

After five years of constantly exorcising cursed spirits and capturing pieces, Igarashi Amaha's various extended spells have long been lifted. The main body of the spell"Dao Yuan Wuyou" is"Jiang", and the extended spells are unlocked by capturing pieces.

The unlocking order is five"pawns", two"horses", two"cannons", two"chariots", two"elephants", and the last fortress, two"soldiers"!

Five"pawns": known; two"horses": known, the advanced unlocking ability is to enhance the time and range on the basis of the previous advancement, from five miles, one second; to ten miles, two seconds, that is, within ten miles, as long as Igarashi Amaha does not show off, he is immortal.

No CD, moderate consumption of cursed power.

Double"cannon": The swear word"Si" comes from here. Through the cannon totem behind him, he condenses the positive and negative energy in the air, and finally forms a powerful cursed cannon.

There are two ways to release the double"cannon". The first is the"Si" before the advancement. After its advancement, it is a group attack method. In contrast, Igarashi Amaha still prefers to use a single powerful attack like"Si", so he rarely uses the other method.

No CD, the consumption of cursed force is large.

The ability of the double"chariot", which is the resurrection in Fushiguro Shiji's mouth, is simply the two clones of Igarashi Amaha. The clone has 90% of the combat ability of the original body, but does not have independent consciousness. It will obey the orders issued by the original body. When fighting together, the three people can share the ability of vision, and can also change positions at any time without using"horse".

As for why he doesn't have to fight even though he has such unreasonable vision sharing and position-changing abilities, the reason is simple. If he is damaged, the CD for recovery is long. The real ability of the"car" is that it can replace everything with the original body under any circumstances, including injuries, broken arms, and even U-turns. As long as Igarashi Amaha makes the exchange in the last second before his consciousness disappears, he can"abandon the car and save the captain"!

This is Igarashi Amaha's real trump card. As long as it is not fatal, he will not choose to exchange it, because there are only two chances. He will not use it easily before the second clone is recovered.

The CD is one natural year, no mana consumption, but it will consume a lot of physical strength.

After use, you need to consume an appropriate amount of protein as soon as possible, otherwise you will experience temporary mental confusion. (This is the first time I've used it, and I'm not aware of this side effect.)

The double"elephant" is very simple. It's a bottomless pit of cursed energy core, which provides Igarashi Amano with a huge amount of negative energy in his body.

As for advancement, it requires the understanding of the reversal technique. The advanced"elephant" can produce another core, but it no longer produces negative energy, but positive energy. When both cores are available at the same time, they can continuously provide Igarashi Amano with cursed energy at any time, as well as use positive energy, that is, the reversal technique to restore his body, forming a perpetual motion machine in the body. In a true sense, it means infinite cursed energy!

The double"Shi" known as the last barrier also needs to comprehend the reversal technique to advance.

It is currently the least commonly used extended technique of Igarashi Tenye.

Its ability is similar to Gojo Satoru's unlimited technique, but Gojo Satoru's will become slower the closer you get to him, while his is a simple defense.

Once it exceeds a certain specification, the"Shi" will also be broken.

However, according to Igarashi Tenye's speculation, there seem to be few attacks in this world that can reach that specification.

Gojo Satoru's"茈" is one of them.

No CD, more mana consumption.

Now the"Shi" needs to be actively deployed, and in the absence of the"Xiang", Igarashi Tenye does not want to waste mana while tiring his brain.

Even Fushiguro Shiji, who is known as the sorcerer killer, cannot stab him without him knowing. He really thinks there is no need to activate this thing.

He has mastered all the techniques extended from the basic technique"Dao Yuan Wuyou", and now only the reversal technique is missing.

Oh, and there is also the end of the sorcerer, the field expansion!

"Alas, I really have no idea, how should I comprehend it?" Igarashi Amano patted the dust on his palms, lit a cigarette, stood up from the tree roots, scratched his head and said helplessly.


At this time, a protest of hunger came from his stomach, and Igarashi Amano yawned listlessly again,"Really, I'm hungry and sleepy, it's all because of that dead monkey, wasting so much of my energy, it's already this time, I can only see if there is anything to eat in the high school."

After saying that, he disappeared on the spot, leaving behind this devastated land.

In the Jujutsu High School, the listless Igarashi Amano pushed open the door of the cafeteria, and began to search for food with the last bit of strength he had left.

In tattered clothes, covered in blood, staggering, searching for food, Igarashi Amano, like a tramp, didn't notice that the three pairs of eyes behind him were looking at him in disbelief

""Damn it, are Gojo Satoru, Geto Xiayu and the others pigs? Why did they eat them all?" Looking at the small pieces of raw meat with blood in the refrigerator, Igarashi Tianye cursed helplessly.

However, he didn't know that the pigs he was talking about were staring at him from behind.

Gojo Satoru, Geto Xiayu and Nishiko's eyes quickly conveyed information.

"Damn, who beat Tianye like this? Is he dead?"

"No, his physical condition is very good except for hunger."

"You are the doctor, you have the final say"

"Now what?"

"What should I do? Do you really want to kill Tian Ye? I won't let you kill Tian Ye before the truth is revealed!"

"Bullshit, no way, I was asking if we should prepare something for him to eat"

"I don't want to. Even if I don't kill him, don't expect me to prepare food for a murderer."

"Nitro, tell me a solution"

"What can I do? Can you two really beat him?"


Just when the three of them didn't know what to do, they saw an incredible scene.

Igarashi Tianye grabbed the piece of raw meat with blood in one hand and bit it directly, mumbling incoherently:"It's been a long time since I last ate it, and it still tastes so disgusting." A trace of blood flowed down his mouth.

"Damn, Tianye is crazy. You can't eat this even if you are hungry."

"Nitro, you need to think of a solution….."

Before Gojo Satoru could finish his words, Nozomi walked up and pulled the raw meat out of Igarashi Tenha's mouth.

"Damn, Glass is so powerful!"

""Nose is awesome!"

The dazed Igarashi Tenye suddenly felt that the meat beside his mouth was snatched away. He looked carefully, curled the corners of his mouth, and said carelessly:"Hey, where did this little girl come from? She is so young and still imitates others to smoke. Confiscate it."

After that, he pulled the candy out of Nozomi's mouth and stuffed it into his own mouth. Then, in the confused eyes of the three people, he took out the lighter in his pocket and lit it.

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