In the early morning, the mist was thick and the surrounding scenery was blurry. As the sun broke through the mist, thousands of rays of light poured down.

In the first-year classroom of Jujutsu High School, Yaga Masamichi was sharing some information about Igarashi Amano with two first-year students.

Nanami Kento and Huiyuan Yuu immediately felt overwhelmed after seeing it.

"It seems that we misunderstood him. If it were me, I would kill those guys too." Nanami Kento said as he looked at the information in his hand.

"Yes." Huiyuan Xiong was also like this, with a sad face and an awkward look:"What should I do?" Ye Mo Zhengdao also rubbed his head, feeling a little distressed. He didn't expect that he would make such a low-level mistake. He was really confused.

"What else can I do? Buy some gifts and apologize sincerely."After saying this, Nanami Kento left without looking back.

Haizono Yuu watched Nanami Kento leave and hurriedly followed him,"Wait for me, Nanami, take me with you."

Half an hour later, outside the door of Igarashi Amanoha's room in the student dormitory.

Nanami Kento and Haizono Yuu Masato were whispering with two packs of cigarettes in their hands.

"Are cigarettes really okay, Huiyuan? I always think it’s better to bring some tea."

"Of course you can. Everyone in the high school knows that Tianye Senior is a heavy smoker. Xiayou Senior also told me that if you want to trouble Tianye Senior, you only need to prepare cigarettes and you can definitely take him down."

"Yo, are you ready? I'm going to knock on the door."

""Open it, get ready!"

Just as the two were about to knock on the door, it was violently opened.

Igarashi Tianye, wearing a pair of shorts and holding a cigarette in his mouth, was standing at the door, staring at them unkindly.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Hui Yuanxiong was frightened and quickly raised the two cigarettes in his hand and shouted:"Something's wrong! Something's wrong!"

Igarashi Tianye also raised his eyebrows after seeing the cigarettes, and looked at Nanami Kento's hand,"Come in and talk."

The two entered the room with trepidation, but when they saw the environment inside, they were a little surprised.

""Good, so clean!" Hui Yuanxiong blurted out as he looked at the spotless room.

The room did not have the strong smell of cigarettes as he had imagined.

Instead, there was a faint smell of hyacinths in the air.

It was not filled with dessert packaging bags like Senior Gojo's room.

Instead, it was very neat.

Even people with obsessive-compulsive disorder would feel comfortable.

There was also a beautiful oil painting hanging on the wall of the room.

The painting showed a tranquil lake and mountains in the distance.

The bright colors of the oil painting added a touch of art to the room.

No matter how you looked at it, it did not look like a smoker's room.

"This painting is so beautiful." Nanami Kento stared at the painting on the wall for a long time and praised it sincerely.

Igarashi Amano lit another cigarette, glanced at the painting on the wall and said,"Do you like it? I'll give it to you."


"Haha, that's fake."

Nanami Kento staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"Igarashi Amaya sat on a chair by the window. The sunlight poured in and fell on his perfectly carved facial features. He looked extremely delicate. He had a kind of natural dignity. Coupled with his muscular body that was a work of art, even the two grown men were stunned for a moment.

It was just that the big shorts with the giraffe on them were a bit out of place.

Huiyuan Xiong took a photo in a lightning speed and posted it in the exclusive group of students from the two Jujutsu High Schools with the caption: Cigarette God!

After that, he and Nanami Kento looked at each other, then bowed together and said loudly:"I'm very sorry, Senior Amaya, we misunderstood you that day, please forgive me, this is a gift we brought to you, I hope you don't dislike it."Igarashi Amaya saw this and waved his hand quickly,"Okay, okay, I'm not that stingy, leave the cigarettes and go."

Kento Nanami and Yuizono were embarrassed,"Senior Ye, have you forgiven us for that day?"

"I wasn't angry in the first place, so why would I forgive you? Just do what you need to do." Igarashi Amano said

"Then we won't bother you, Senior Tianye." The two bowed again and walked out.

Just when Nanami Kento and Huiyuan Yu had reached the door, Igarashi Tianye stopped them,"Wait a minute." Igarashi Tianye put out the cigarette butt, stood up and took out a dagger from the bedside table, took down the oil painting on the wall and handed it to the two, saying:"It's a gift for you. I can't take your things for free, right?"

He ignored the touched expressions of the two, pushed them out and urged:"Okay, okay, go wherever you want, don't hang around here."


Closing the door tightly, Igarashi Tianye let out a long breath and said:"These people, why do they like to make these embarrassing things, can't we just pretend that nothing happened?"

Suddenly he remembered something, his face changed,"No way, could it be that Ye Mo Zhengdao will also do this later! ?"

The scene in his mind emerged, and he couldn't help but feel a chill.

But what is coming will eventually come. In the office, Igarashi Tianye looked at Ye Mo Zhengdao who was apologizing with a face of resistance, quickly forgave him, and then fled.

Today, the sincere apologies of these grown men made Igarashi Tianye's appetite much smaller. After lunch, the four second-year students lay on a lawn to rest.

Several people enjoyed the warmth of the sun and chatted from time to time. Only Igarashi Tianye stood by and didn't interrupt.

"Tianye, what are you thinking about? Why don't you speak?" Xiayou Jie asked, looking at Igarashi Tianye lying beside him.

"Nothing, I'm thinking about the field"

"Domain expansion!? You can do it!?"Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru sat up instantly, looking at Igarashi Amano in disbelief and asked.

He shook his head,"How is it possible? I was just wondering what my domain looks like."

Domain expansion is a standard for measuring the strength of sorcerers and cursed spirits.

Only top sorcerers and cursed spirits can perform this skill.

It requires a strong pool of cursed power and highly concentrated mental power.

By consuming a huge amount of cursed power, a living domain with spells applied to it is constructed around.

The caster in the domain can change the rules and phenomena of the space according to his own will and characteristics, so that his own spells and abilities can be highly increased.

At the end of the spell, the domain expands!..

Ask for everything, grateful!!

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