Igarashi Tianji put the fried meatball in his hand opposite Fushiguro Shier, sat down, rubbed his neck, and said with dead eyes:"It's too noisy, come out and have a meal"

"I really envy you, the big chaebol." Fushiguro Jiner propped his head with his hands and looked at Igarashi Amane with envy.

"I'll give you 100 yen, and you can go get me a cup of tea and help you get your money back, how about that?"Igarashi Amaha said, frowning at the TV announcing the results. Fushiguro

Shirō smiled,"I think it would be better to buy some painkillers. After all, it hurts a lot to have a hole in the chest."

Igarashi Amaha picked up a meatball and stuffed it into his mouth, saying vaguely,"It seems that your"Heaven and Curse Binding" did not forget to strengthen your mouth."

After that, he leaned back, leaned back on the chair, raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said mysteriously,"I hope your body is as hard as your mouth"

"What do you mean?" Fukuguro raised his eyebrows.

"Well, who knows, having a hole is better than losing half of your body, hehe." Igarashi Amaru said, then he stood up and walked towards the tea receiving area. Fushiguro Shigeru frowned, and said as he stood up:"Are you cursing me?"

"How could it be?"

Two tall figures stood up and walked towards the tea-serving area.


Fushiguro Shier's attention was completely focused on what Igarashi Tianye had just said, which made him knock down a middle-aged man holding a bowl of noodles while walking.

"Hey you……"Just as he was about to say something, Fushiguro Shigeu squatted down in front of him and glanced at him. The huge sense of oppression instantly frightened him, and he held back all the words he wanted to say. Igarashi Amano, who had just returned from pouring tea, smiled faintly and said,"What's this? Is the Monkey King bullying the little monkey?"

""Heh." Fushiguro Shiji glanced at Igarashi Amanoha, who was teasing him, and walked straight to the tea-serving area without saying anything.

The two returned to their seats one after the other, eating and chatting casually. A few minutes later, when they were full, Igarashi Amanoha stood up and stretched, lit a cigarette, and said to Fushiguro Shiji meaningfully:"What do you think of the name Igarashi Megumi?"

Fushiguro Shiji frowned again."……Who?

Why does this guy always say weird things?

"It's pretty good, I think so too."After saying that, Igarashi Amaha disappeared in the same place.

"What's going on? Why does this kid always say something incomprehensible? And who is Hui...?"

"Whatever, it's time to go check it out over there." Fukuguro Shier, who was somewhat confused, tapped his head, stood up and walked out.

"Sir, the person who just accompanied you has not paid yet, please help him pay."

A man stopped Fukuro Shier and said

""Huh?" Fuguro asked with a question mark on his face,"Are you sure?"

The man shuddered,"Yes, sure, he didn't pay, and told me that whoever leaves last will pay."

"This bastard." Fushiguro Shier cursed inwardly, took out a few crumpled bills from his pocket and handed them to the boss, then put his hands in his pockets and walked out angrily.

At noon, the sun was shining brightly. Igarashi Amano stood on a building, staring at Gojo Satoru and his group from a distance of dozens of miles.

At this time, they had just run out of school, and a masked man with the"clone technique" was acting as an NPC to help Gojo Satoru gain experience.

"Is the fun finally about to begin, Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Shinobu, reversal technique,"茈" and... I am the only one in the world... I am really Kakui~ Hehe."

Igarashi Amano withdrew his gaze from Gojo Satoru, stretched out his finger and drew a straight horizontal bar in the air

"The world is balanced."

Then he lit a small flame on the left side of the horizontal bar. At this moment, the flame seemed to generate gravity, pressing the horizontal bar to start tilting, like a weight.

"Gojo Satoru, breaking the balance of the scales, causing the rules to change, and curses to appear."

He then lit a brighter flame on the higher side, and the originally tilted horizontal line was instantly pulled back, and even the

"Two-faced Sukuna, the strongest one a thousand years ago, the strongest on the opposing side, but too powerful, causing the scale to tilt again."

Looking at the slightly tilted horizontal bar in front of him, Igarashi Amaha's mouth curled up an imperceptible smile, and then he pulled the horizontal bar in another direction, revealing the back, and then he ignited a spark in the air. The next second, the original horizontal bar seemed to be restrained, and two lines extended from the end grids on both sides, connecting to the flame that just appeared. From this, a flat triangle appeared in front of Igarashi Amaha.

"Brain Flower Rope, conspiracy theory of the world of force, the initiator of everything, an important part of the plot,"flesh replacement and reburial" and"art extraction" are really incredible."

The horizontal bar, which was originally just a little uneven, began to tremble wildly when it came into contact with the third ball of flame, as if it would collapse at any time, extremely unstable

"Libra, balance, structure, collapse, what if I say that I can make you more three-dimensional."

I saw Igarashi Tianye ignite a flame again just above the triangle, and the originally trembling flat triangle instantly quieted down.


The flame at the top flickered, and three rays of light were derived, extending to the three corners below, connecting, blending, and stabilizing.

A three-dimensional triangle just floated calmly in the air, without any ripples, and the mountains stopped and the rivers flowed.

Igarashi Tianye pulled the three-dimensional triangle to his side and pushed it to turn a few times, but no matter how it turned, it would eventually return to its original appearance, with the last flame always at the top, driving the three sides below.

"What is this, a god from the new world?"Igarashi Tianye smiled awkwardly, then his face became playful, and he stretched his hand to the top of the three-dimensional triangle. Two fingers firmly grasped the flame, and then he pulled it slightly, and the next second.


The three-dimensional triangle collapsed instantly and turned into a piece of glass. Igarashi Tianye looked at the remaining flames in the air and said,"But it's a pity. I don't like your plot very much. I'm sorry. This is my true nature. I have no constraints. Joining you is a bit tiring to be honest. I do whatever I want. It depends on who has better luck among you, hehe."..

Ask for everything, grateful

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