Igarashi Amano's sudden entrance attracted the attention of three freshmen.

He ignored the freshmen and walked straight to the podium, patted the two who were whispering and asked,"When will Mr. Yemo come?"

Gojo Satoru and Geto Summer Oil, who were immersed in the conversation, noticed Igarashi Amano and quickly pulled him over and said,"There are less than 20 minutes left, so hurry up and choose someone to start conquering."

Igarashi Amano realized the seriousness of the incident and quickly asked,"Have you two chosen someone?"

Gojo Satoru nodded and said,"I have already chosen someone. Geto is dumb, so choose the stupid panda. Then the spellcaster is for you, and I want the little girl from the Zenin family."

"Okay, let's start. The last one to be conquered will have a meal."

"One gram, whoosh!"


After the three of them finished discussing, they all turned around and pretended to cough twice at the three people below.

Igarashi Tenye took the lead and waved to Goumaki Satoru to come over.

Goumaki Satoru, who was standing aside with a little white hair and a collar covering his mouth, also ran over when he saw Igarashi Tenye calling him.

He knew the name of Igarashi Tenye. Although the top management still existed, the only one who could really give orders was the man in front of him, the European leader, the number one male model in the world of sorcery, the number one smoker in the high school of sorcery, the most cruel sorcerer, and the most evil sorcerer.

Igarashi Tenye looked at Goumaki Satoru, who was a little restrained in front of him, smiled and patted his shoulder, and said earnestly:"Xiaojuan, do you want to be my student? Don't worry, I won't scare you. The number one person in the world of sorcery is your teacher, and it will be prestigious if you tell others about it. What do you think?"

After hearing what Igarashi Tenha said, Gojumaki was a little confused. Are technical colleges so extravagant now? Special one-on-one tutoring. Maybe he was a rookie. He didn't know some of Igarashi Tenha's bad behavior towards students, so he agreed without thinking.

After all, Igarashi Tenha's name is too famous. There is no sorcerer or curser in the world who doesn't know him. He relied on his talent to suppress the six eyes that appeared once in a hundred years, and became the best sorcerer in the world.


Igarashi Tianye was stunned when he heard it, and then he remembered that the child couldn't speak normally because of the problem of the technique.

"Do you agree?"

Inujuan Ji nodded vigorously and said,"Frogfish, frogfish."

After hearing this, Igarashi Amano pulled him into his arms and shouted to Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru,"I'm the first again." After hearing this, the two looked at each other, their eyes immediately became firm, and their mouths spoke as fast as machine guns.

5 minutes later, the result was announced, and Geto Suguru was better. The reason for the victory was that the current panda had not yet understood the evil of human nature, and simply agreed to Geto Suguru.

But Zenin Maki was different. Her sharp eyes made Gojo Satoru feel a little unnatural when he lied. In the end, seeing that he had no choice, he reluctantly agreed to Gojo Satoru.


The door of the classroom was opened, and Ye Mo Zhengdao looked at the six people in pairs breathlessly. He felt a black screen in front of his eyes and his breathing became rapid.

It's over, they succeeded.

"So, you have already made your choice?" Ye Mo Zheng Dao sighed as if he accepted his fate.

The three looked at each other and nodded with a smile on their faces, which made Ye Mo Zheng Dao's heart tremble.

He seemed to have aged ten years in an instant. He looked at Gojumaki Stake, then looked at Igarashi Amanoha beside him, and sat on the stool and sighed.

"Hey, old Ye Moth, what do you mean by sighing? Igarashi Tianye looked at Ye Moth Zhengdao's targeting behavior and became unhappy.

"Tianye, you have taught Kinji to eat, drink, gamble and whore, and you have made even the freshmen of this class behave like this." Yega Masamichi pointed at Igarashi Tianye with a trembling finger and said. Yega Masamichi sighed heavily and said,

"I am relieved to leave the panda to Jie, and Wu also knows his limits. They are all fine. The main thing is that Goju is a curse master, so don't teach him those messy things. That's all I ask."

Xiayou Jie and Gojo Wu on the side kept shaking their shoulders, and their faces turned red. But Yega Masamichi was in such a bad mood now, they would not rush into the gun, and they had to hold back no matter how funny it was.

Speaking of Kinji, Igarashi Tianye's old face also blushed. He just taught him a little, but who knew that the boy was so stubborn and couldn't be pulled back in the end.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I will practice this account carefully and I won't make any mistakes.

Igarashi Tianye patted Yega Zhengdao's shoulder and promised with a serious expression.

"We agreed that you must not teach him any nonsense,"

"Got it, got it. Let's go eat first." Igarashi Amaya picked up Inuju and hurried out.

Gojo Satoru and the others also hurriedly followed Igarashi Amaya out, leaving the psychologically traumatized Yega Masamichi alone in the classroom to continue sighing.

Igarashi Amaya, who breathed in the fresh air, lit a cigarette and said in surprise:"It can be seen that Teacher Yega is getting old. The last time I fought with Kinci, he chased me and beat me for half a month, but this time it just ended like this."

Xiayou Jie shook his head and said,"He has no choice. Last time Kinci was deceived by you, but this time is different. You and Inujuan are willing, and he can't say anything. He can only ask you to teach him well."

"Never mind, let's go eat first, I'm starving." Gojo Satoru scratched his head and said nonchalantly

"Let's go, never mind"


The next day, in Tokyo Jujutsu High School.

On the playground, Zenin Maki, with green hair, was holding a naginata and testing the Curse Corpse Panda opposite her.

On a chair next to the playground, Igarashi Amano was wearing sunglasses and holding a cigarette in his mouth, examining everything in front of him.

""Little Juanzi, who do you think will win between the two of them?" Igarashi Tianye asked, rubbing the white hair of Gojuan Ji standing up beside him.

Gojuan Ji thought for a moment, then pointed at the panda and said:"Tuna"

"Tell me why"

"………..Papaya fish…."

Igarashi Tianye was stunned, rubbed Gojuan Ji's head and said,"It's really embarrassing for the child."

"If it's just a sparring match, Maki will win. Panda in this state still can't beat Maki. After all, he still has half of"Heaven and Curse Binding" and is not that weak."

Inujuan Ji nodded as if he had learned something."Frog Fish"

"It will be your turn to spar with Maki soon. This is for you. Don't rely too much on spells. Try to use physical skills to fight back. You can use spells to assist from time to time, and the effect will be good."

Igarashi Amaye took out a katana from somewhere and handed it to Goumaki Ji patiently.

He didn't want to do it either, mainly because the eyes of Yega Masamichi behind him were staring at him.

Goumaki Ji took a look at the katana in his hand, his eyes lit up, and he said to Igarashi Amaye:"Grow muscles."


There was a sound of a panda being knocked to the ground in the front.

Igarashi Amaye took a look at the sound, turned to Goumaki Ji and said:"Okay, it's your turn, go ahead"


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