Jun Jiuling

Chapter 287

Did Lu Yunqi raise a woman, or when he was about to marry his sister?

Not to mention this time... Lu Yunqi raised a woman?

He is not this kind of person.

In the past, with his status and status, many people wanted to curry favor with him and offer beauties. He either didn't want them, or gave them to others, and even sent these women to Beizhen Fusi in a wicked way, so that they could be trained as spies.

"How can this be."

The coachmen also lowered their voices and said.

"That's a princess."

It's just that the mother-in-law of my own family knows that she pays more attention to the widow in the neighborhood, so she still wants to make trouble.

Miss Jun sat down on the bench by the door.

Princesses, what kind of princesses are they actually?

"That's why I said that Lu Qianhu is amazing." The former coachman said, lowering his voice, "I didn't lie to you, many people now know that the woman is none other than the daughter of Lao Qiao's family in Mao'er Hutong."

As soon as this remark came out, the coachman present was even more surprised.

Maoer Hutong is a place where craftsmen gather, mostly poor families.

Miss Jun was also a little surprised.

"Old Qiao's? Old Qiao who sells tea soup?"

"His daughter?"

The coachmen asked one after another.

"That's right, it's Sanya from his family." The former coachman said proudly, "Old Qiao has reached the sky in one step. Lu Qianhu gave them a lot of money and bought a new house for their family. The whole family moved there to enjoy the blessings." .”

Houses and money are the lifelong dreams of these coachmen, and they are extremely envious when they hear it.

"How good is Sanya from Old Qiao's family?"

"Old Joe and his wife are so ugly..."

"It's not very good, I've seen it before, it's thin and small, nothing special."

"Maybe it suits Lu Qianhu's taste."

"What do you envy? It's still too late to have a daughter, and Lu Qianhu is only twenty-three."

"Give me your wife..."

A group of people started laughing and talking nonsense. Miss Jun turned her eyes away and turned to the street. She was still sitting on the bench, and laughed again after a moment of daze.

Now that he is dead, the emperor has secured his place in the world, and his reputation has been erected.

There are so many new things happening all the time, who still remembers those doubts about the succession of the throne? No one cares anymore.

The traffickers and pawns who have already passed on know it, so it can be seen that they are unscrupulous.

People no longer need to be coaxed, and there is no need to act in plays. You can do whatever you want, and you can be what kind of person you are.

"Will that princess be mad when she finds out?"

Low laughter came.

Miss Jun shook the hand in front of her.

My sister wouldn't, my sister would never, if she could be pissed to death, it would be enough to piss her off when the emperor asked her to marry Lu Yunqi.

That's the humiliation.

She wanted to go in, but she didn't want to move, so she just sat on the bench by the door and watched the people coming and going on the street.

On the street, Ning Yunzhao stopped his feet, as if he felt something was wrong.

It's a bit wrong, but it's already here, isn't it a bit late? Mainly what's the matter?

In fact, he just wanted to see if she had moved, but it was enough for the boy to come and see. If he came here like this, it would make her think too much.

Although they are from the same hometown, after all, the previous relationship was a bit embarrassing.

Ning Yunzhao felt a little embarrassed.

He is a person who thinks about it, and since he feels embarrassed, he immediately turns around and walks away.

When he turned his head, he saw the inn from the corner of his eye. There was a girl sitting at the door of the inn, and she was also looking at him.

Ning Yunzhao's body stiffened immediately, and at the same time, the soles of his feet felt numb. The noise on the street and the people around him all disappeared, leaving only the girl who looked over.

This, also, is too, a coincidence, right?

Only this sentence flashed through his mind.

Of course, there are many poems that can describe the feeling at this time, but Ning Yunzhao used such superficial and straightforward words. It’s not that he hates less when the book is used, but that when things happen, he really can’t remember anything.

Aren’t those poems written by the predecessors all written in remembrance, and it is estimated that they were the same at that time.

It seemed like a long time, but it was actually a blink of an eye. Ning Yunzhao came to his senses. Now that he saw it, he couldn't pretend he didn't see it. He strode towards the girl's gaze.

"Miss Jun." He said with a smile, "What a coincidence."

Miss Jun was brought back to her senses by the shout, and only then did she see Ning Yunzhao standing in front of her.

Such a coincidence?

She was momentarily at a loss.

"I just had dinner with my friends at Deyuelou, and I'm going to my uncle's house." Ning Yunzhao said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to sit here."

Miss Jun woke up and smiled and saluted.

"What a coincidence," she said.

Ning Yunzhao smiled.

"Why are you sitting here?" He asked, a little puzzled and a little nervous in his voice.

This puzzlement is understandable, why is the tension?

But hearing this question, Miss Jun felt a little sad when she thought about why she was sitting here.

"Just sit down casually." She said and lowered her gaze.

Just sit around, I really don't want to see if I can meet him, or wait for him to come here to see...


of course not.

What was he thinking about.

Ning Yunzhao instantly looked embarrassed.

No one spoke between the two and fell silent.

The silence was very strange, and people on both sides looked over curiously. Young men and women of this age, facing each other in such silence, has always been silent at this time, and everyone looked away with a somewhat understanding smile.

Ning Yunzhao keenly noticed the sight around him.

This silence is not good, he is a man after all, so naturally he can't embarrass this girl.

"That's really a coincidence." He said hastily.

Having said that, I was a little annoyed.

What is this called? It is not a pleasant conversation.

Therefore, think first before acting, and only when you have thought about what to say can you do it. The words of the saints are very reasonable.

Miss Jun smiled and completely woke up.

"Then come in and have a seat?" She asked with a smile.

Ning Yunzhao smiled and shook his head.

"No, next time," he said.

Miss Jun snorted and nodded with a smile.

Ning Yunzhao smiled, wanted to turn around but didn't.

"Oh, by the way, have you always lived here?" he said.

Miss Jun shook her head.

"I moved out the day after tomorrow, and the ticket number has been arranged." She said, "It's not far from here, so I bought a house there."

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and told him the exact location and which door.

Ning Yunzhao nodded.

"I see, the location over there is good." He said with a smile, "I'll give you a red envelope for the housewarming."

Miss Jun laughed.

"Forget about the housewarming," she said.

Forget it? Also.. not that familiar.

Ning Yunzhao smiled.

"However, you can give me a red envelope for the opening ceremony." Miss Jun said with a smile.


Ning Yunzhao was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized.

"Jiu Ling Tang?" he said.

It seems that Mr. Ning knows a lot about Yangcheng, and he also knows about Jiulingtang? Has Jiulingtang been advertised to Yangcheng? Or did people from Runan go to Yangcheng to look for her, so the news spread?

But these are not important, you have to ask and you will know.

Miss Jun nodded with a smile.

"Yes, I came to the capital to open Jiulingtang," she said.

I see.

Ning Yunzhao nodded with a smile on his face.

And as it should.

She has good medical skills and a chivalrous and benevolent heart, so she should come to the capital to make a name for herself.

"That would be great," he said. "When will it open?"

"June 28," Miss Jun said.

She answered very frankly, with a smile on her face, but I don't know if it was an illusion, Ning Yunzhao felt that she didn't have the slightest joy.

Probably because of the calmness in his eyes.

But no matter what, this is something to be happy about.

Ning Yunzhao sincerely congratulates.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" he asked again.

Today is June 23rd, and it is only a few days away from June 28th, isn't it a bit too hasty?

But since the clinic is going to be opened, it must have been prepared long ago, and it will not be a temporary idea.

However, it is also appropriate to ask, even an unfamiliar person will say the same when he hears it.

Just a polite word, there is no other meaning, and it won't make people think too much.

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